a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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One fact is wrong in the post below, posting it without sleep, thus thought Alleria also started the thread in another post (which is not true), for this i appologize.
I realized after replying to another post, which now i realized that it was the same person writing as will be in the chat "Alleria" (THIS IS NOT TRUE), that there is no clear line in discord what is acceptable. I agree that I am a griefer, never denied it, but believe this was reaction was over the top, that is, saying I should kill myself and that I would be gassed in 1940s should be banable (not to mention talking about genocide later, but that you can check yourself on discord).
This chat might not make more sense if not explaining a few things:
1. No "Good players online" (people who built the settlement, including "Alleria", while he states he was online in the forum post - want to make sure you know already that he changes facts at will (THIS IS NOT TRUE, I MADE A MISTAKE, ALSO IN THE PICTURE))
2. Plebs - average players.
3. Genocide - killing "plebs" a.k.a. new players, although later on (me not including, can check the discord) the thematic changed to real genocides and when they are acceptable.
4. When I say "all player building towns are Griefers" is from discussion before (day before) - mostly about doing "genocides"
5. Some Advertisement to the forum post about coordinates:coordinates post. It also shows my point of view of people going back to same towns and building them (I do not grief in random settlements, although I did before, have to confess).
I know it is long conversation, I emitted other people replying (Again it is on discord you can look into if interested, but it does not change much), but the main points are pointed out in red:. Maybe the picture size to big, here is the link:
Last edited by Balzabukas (2018-04-29 07:23:52)
So you grief and even post it on discord, to brag about it and then you get upset when people insult you?
lol, what did you expect will happen?
So you grief and even post it on discord, to brag about it and then you get upset when people insult you?
lol, what did you expect will happen?
Another person building was unlucky lucy (I could be mistaken), and that was his only reply.
"Subhuman faggot" and "You're barely even human" are the worst in my opinion.
I don't think they should have said these things (especially the slur, like come on, we've talked about avoiding it in discord before). Then again, bragging about ruining someone's gaming experience is never going to attract positive responses, you should know that.
I don't think you can get them banned for that, but you can expose them and block them.
ign: summerstorm, they/them
"Subhuman faggot" and "You're barely even human" are the worst in my opinion.
I don't think they should have said these things (especially the slur, like come on, we've talked about avoiding it in discord before). Then again, bragging about ruining someone's gaming experience is never going to attract positive responses, you should know that.
I don't think you can get them banned for that, but you can expose them and block them.
I agree, I went over-the-top with the insults. We've both apologised, and I'm assuming that's that. I meant no offence to other people, but frankly, the onus is on yourself if you were offended.
"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"
How people get offended by words, they don't really harm you, you know. But are ok with destroying progress and hard work.
Its just WORDS, the best way to vent. He started, and no harm was done to him, the same can't be said about the original griefer
Last edited by nofaz (2018-04-29 09:12:32)
With blood and Honor
Dat irony doh...
Cry bully is fucking pathetic mind you.. You can do better... no need to be such a WIMP when people bring the heat back..
COME ON... grow a pair
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
Was it bad for Alleria to say those things? Yes.
Was Alleria provoked? Yes.
Was being provoked justification for saying those things? No.
Is provoking someone also a bad thing to do? Yes.
Is it as bad as saying those things? Possibly - both are extremely upsetting and it's difficult to weigh who is more justified in being upset than who.
Should the OP have been aware that announcing in a public place that they have been griefing would upset people and possibly provoke them to say things like this? Yes.
Did the OP deserve to have such things said to them? I do believe you were asking for it, whether or not it was right for someone to give it to you.
First off all let me say that this escalated way to far.
Like Alleria admitted he went to far in saying what he said and from what I understand he already appologized for it, Jason doesn't believe in heavy moderation and believes that humans are capable of figuring out how to deal with each other on their own. Joriom has quoted this to you before me but I will quote it again.
Directly from the discord rules made by jason.
"And remember, every individual member her has the power to block other members at will.
Most of the time, that power is all that is needed to deal with annoying or disruptive people.
Only the most egregious case transcend to the point where banning should be considered."
You were sharing your controversial opinion / Talking about how you destroyed someones hours of work, This as you might expect cause people to share their own opinions on what you have done. I WILL STATE AGAIN: yes Alleria went to far and he admitted it.
However at any point you could've de-escalated the situation by either ignoring Alleria or blocking him. You did not do this and instead kept going egging him on and kept trying to provoke him more and more. After some more provocation you gathered all your screenshots and instead of taking them to a Mod, Jason or the Discord help channel you decide to air the dirty laundry on the forums to escalate the situation even further.
After you made this post you do go into the discord help channel and get help from 2 mods, UncleGus and Joriom. Both of them talked to Alleria and got the same appology from Alleria saying he went to far. At this point Joriom quotes the rules and asks you guys to either shake hands and make up or to just block each other to avoid this in the future. That is when you decide to insult Joriom by telling him "If it did not come from you personally I would agree".
And ending it by saying "Discord is closed group" Joriom decides not to escalate and tells you that you can always ask one of the other mods, So here I am.
Now where does this leave us / TLDR
Alleria was wrong and he admitted , You were wrong for further provoking the situation and escalating it even further.
End result everyone is still alive, breathing and hopefully healthy and jason has an extra Email to read that couldve easily been resolved before this issue ever reached him.
How people get offended by words, they don't really harm you, you know. But are ok with destroying progress and hard work.
Its just WORDS, the best way to vent. He started, and no harm was done to him, the same can't be said about the original griefer
Last time somebody threaten me IRL I broke his nose and teeths, by mistake I guess but insults trigger people.
The main concern in this problem is mostly that the griefer that is bragging about it, feeling sad not of his shits but for being seen as a ...rard and then whine on the general forum that people didn't like him because of his cheety exploits and personality.
I am griefing too but I wasn't bragging about destroying the only village there is for the moment. "You were talking about an advanced village, so I went there and destroyed everything"... it is like the kid that steal your appel while you pee and tell everyone he did it... Then he fall with the bad argument " Im improving the game" we heard thousand times in this game.
How can anybody not being aggressive toward this guy ? It is like a kiddo breaking stuff and crying because people told him he was wrong. Everybody wanted to slap this kind of kid. Just grow some balls.
Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-04-29 12:13:21)
First off all let me say that this escalated way to far.
Like Alleria admitted he went to far in saying what he said and from what I understand he already appologized for it, Jason doesn't believe in heavy moderation and believes that humans are capable of figuring out how to deal with each other on their own. Joriom has quoted this to you before me but I will quote it again.
Directly from the discord rules made by jason.
"And remember, every individual member her has the power to block other members at will.
Most of the time, that power is all that is needed to deal with annoying or disruptive people.
Only the most egregious case transcend to the point where banning should be considered."You were sharing your controversial opinion / Talking about how you destroyed someones hours of work, This as you might expect cause people to share their own opinions on what you have done. I WILL STATE AGAIN: yes Alleria went to far and he admitted it.
However at any point you could've de-escalated the situation by either ignoring Alleria or blocking him. You did not do this and instead kept going egging him on and kept trying to provoke him more and more. After some more provocation you gathered all your screenshots and instead of taking them to a Mod, Jason or the Discord help channel you decide to air the dirty laundry on the forums to escalate the situation even further.
After you made this post you do go into the discord help channel and get help from 2 mods, UncleGus and Joriom. Both of them talked to Alleria and got the same appology from Alleria saying he went to far. At this point Joriom quotes the rules and asks you guys to either shake hands and make up or to just block each other to avoid this in the future. That is when you decide to insult Joriom by telling him "If it did not come from you personally I would agree".
And ending it by saying "Discord is closed group" Joriom decides not to escalate and tells you that you can always ask one of the other mods, So here I am.Now where does this leave us / TLDR
Alleria was wrong and he admitted , You were wrong for further provoking the situation and escalating it even further.
End result everyone is still alive, breathing and hopefully healthy and jason has an extra Email to read that couldve easily been resolved before this issue ever reached him.
Thank you for your reply, was waiting for another mod. I will try to put the whole story here.
Tried to provoke him more and more on discord? By answering his questions, insults, without no negative words? Where did I lead the conversation? Except maybe "you are mad not because of this"
I did grief, but that kind of responses were not acceptable, as he admitted only AFTER this post and me going to the mods. Now did I start the forum war? Even in the get-help-channel I prove I was not the first... But this was Alleria at 05:55:34 (https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=1382 ). A side note: I was stupid and sleepy enough to think that he also started the thread thus then "my proof on the forums" started (therefore you can see me saying everywhere and apologizing to him both forums, and discord that I thought it was him starting the thread). But this is his reply in a thread :
"Hey big-brained, big boi, Vaidisss.
I was the "triggered" individual, and the mods are just as likely to look into you. Please note, I wasn't triggered at what you did, I was triggered that people like you exist. The town is still going, just with a big griefed structure in the middle, ruining a lot of people (nobody who you intendeds) experience.
"You really should see a psychologist if you think it's an achievement to wipe out three towns. You're just a scumbag for doing so.
Also, I believe a random added the locks to the doors because he was upset people kept using the door and letting the sheep out (lol what a shitty sheep pen). A noob added the wells to the walls, as I said, not everyone in the town were "pros". Everyone who had a part in building the city over Discord were done with it when this big-brained manchild came along and griefed it before bragging about it (and his other griefs) on Discord.
This kid's not on some moral crusade, he was just hit with a heavy dose of autism and antisocial personality disorder."
Now the wiping out three cities was his words in the picture of this thread as you can see. Thus he even called me scumbag from something I called him doing. We had no arguments for hour or two on discord till his insults started on forums, so was it me or him escalating it to the forums? Once again, due to my own stupidity, I though he also started that thread, and that extra reply was more provocation to me than needed (to start escalating the escalated forum discussion?).
One hour later I make this post: 07:00:17. You can tell that it should not take more than an hour to collect all the information I did.
That screenshot is taken a bit out of context about Joriom, in the discussion above (actually one line before you cut the picture) I mention that I was checking if Joriom was not the one included in the chat in question, and he was:
That is why I took it as biased. Was it insult, or simply I did not want the judge to be someone related to the crime (and kind of supporting the other side)? Well you say it is insult, very well. I had private chat with Joriom afterwards, thus there is nothing to discuss about it, and he had different intention with that post, but he was still part of it (and found nothing wrong about the comment of Alleria at that point in time), but still do not like the term "insult" you used.
On the same picture you have you see Alleria saying he apologized (in the picture you provide: https://imgur.com/a/rAVkpw2 ), this is how it went (do not mind the time, it is based on computer it is actually 7:xx on forums):
From I still think you should die and be gassed, to knowing that I really escalated it and mod will look into it, and apologize in 19 min (after I did for another reason). Is this an apology? No it is knowing that someone might care, and then trying to get the easy way out. No one had time to check it, and they believed that it is resolved between us.
Now UncleGus response to close the topic is because he thought that we resolved it ourselves, as let to believe by Alleria (it was not direct statement, cannot blame him for that), also UncleGus was just putting children to sleep, thus I guess it was either late or he had no time to look into it:
Now where I admit I was first to escalate things? Griefing - yes. Leave this only to Joriom streams to make it public? Well I want a piece of that cake. And most importantly, after my power nap I went to get-help-page and they found it is resolved (we apologized, etc., where did I accept the apology, and was it really an apologize?). Now the real inner kid me went out and I said that is nonsense. Due to that state, I did not realize no one was willing to go into details what actually happened and how the apologies were done - my stupidity again.
But you just "dirty laundry" me with that quote that I accept another mod. Although, it seems due to me being griefing, and Alleria being soo nice in the get-help-chat literally minutes after still going with the idea i need to die, the facts got skewed, I do accept it. I even ended it there with Joriom.
Last edited by Balzabukas (2018-04-29 13:56:06)
LOL grow up morons.
I got huge ballz.
If Balzabukas wants to see a ban so badly, he should receive one
Now after my long reply above, I understand that this will lead to nowhere, and the question I was asking:
What gets you banned in discord? Is "Telling to kill yourself" enough?
Thus if Telling to kill yourself and mentioning nazi war crimes and even suggesting you would be one of the victims, is not enough, then what is the most egregious cases? Did egregious became synonym with overflowing spam, rather than something "Shocking"? That is what I am asking from the beginning (clearly 10 lines of game related content and 100 non is acceptable currently in general chat, with any substantial game related help coming from other channels).
I think most will have skipped the part in my first post "i realized there is no clear line in discord what is acceptable", because I am a griefer. But that is still what I am asking. Glad to see more people in the post, yea, it is all hate filled towards my griefing and being sissy, but it did bring the discussion what is acceptable on discord.
A big note nowhere did I say ban him, all I said is this enough (except in help-me discord page with being outrageous that no measures were taken at all)?
Last edited by Balzabukas (2018-04-29 14:18:28)
Vaidisss, you've been trying to grief me and the people in the Discord for over 48 hours now. Also, you've taken a lot of things out of context to make me look worse in your edits. You've made it so criticisms of you look like they're criticisms of me - now that just shows ill intent. You took a quote of me saying something about "wiping out" 3 villages (from a week ago that I'd completely forgotten about). If you looked at it in context, those villages were having a famine, and I took a basket of carrots, and ironically said I was a griefer (it was all the rage at the time). Nobody honestly thinks I grief people. There is a lot more to this story than anyone is willing to trawl through, but if anyone cares to read 4+ hours of messages between us, it shows you're of low moral character - hence my comments.
The "gas" comment was meant somewhat ironically, especially when linked to me calling you a degenerate - it had a little nuance (that I doubt many will get). Also, the comment when read in context about "killing yourself" is literally about you leaving the community and taking your toxicity with you (both IRL and IG - behaviours in games often are expressed IRL). If you take everything out of context, it makes it look a lot worse.
Also, my comment was made in reply to you out of nowhere disparaging me and calling me liar (about being online while you griefed the city I founded - which btw, nobody who you intended to grief cared). You've been harassing me for over 24 hours about how I sometimes exclude people when I play. Do you expect someone to play nice when you do that? Really... stop trolling. From my perspective it looks like you just want attention, or else you would have resolved this privately with moderators.
Edit: Also, all your annotations are bullshit. I apologised after you apologised because I thought you were genuine, and what I said was over-the-top no matter the context. I did so at that specific time because Gigglesdede made a comment (quickly edited, can't remember what it was about) and it notified me (I think just regular unread on page). At that time I hadn't seen you ask for a mod on the other tab (not that it really matters anyway lol).
Last edited by Alleria (2018-04-29 14:38:59)
"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"
Vaidisss, you've been trying to grief me and the people in the Discord for over 48 hours now. Also, you've taken a lot of things out of context to make me look worse in your edits. You've made it so criticisms of you look like they're criticisms of me - now that just shows ill intent. You took a quote of me saying something about "wiping out" 3 villages. If you looked at it in context, those villages were having a famine, and I took a basket of carrots, and ironically said I was a griefer (it was all the rage at the time). Nobody honestly thinks I grief people. There is a lot more to this story than anyone is willing to trawl through, but if anyone cares to read 4+ hours of messages between us, it shows you're of low moral character - hence my comments.
The "gas" comment was meant somewhat ironically, especially when linked to me calling you a degenerate - it had a little nuance (that I doubt many will get). Also, the comment when read in context about "killing yourself" is literally about you leaving the community and taking your toxicity with you (both IRL and IG - behaviours in games often are expressed IRL). If you take everything out of context, it makes it look a lot worse.
Also, my comment was made in reply to you out of nowhere disparaging me and calling me liar. Do you expect someone to play nice when you do that? Really... stop trolling. From my perspective it looks like you just want attention, or else you would have resolved this privately with moderators.
Everyone is egocentric and wants attention, I guess so do I, got me there - I am simple average person.
Now the toxicity was too much in your discord chat, thus it is not only attention.
Also maybe finally someone will look into discord more carefully.
Did I get offended by you - yes. Publicity is the best way of providing point of view, even if you get negative reviews, I will live by that thought (so did you in the forums before me).
I think bans are only required if a person doesnt change his/her destructive behaviour after it being brought up a lot of times by other members of the community.
If there is no hope that a person can ever live peacefully together with the rest of the community.
Balzabukas pls dont get offended so much by random words from random people.
You can decide how much power the words of others have, but you cant decide what other people will tell you.
Why does your happiness depend on what some random guy thinks from you?
Getting banned isn't so much brought on by doing something bad - we all make mistakes, that's why we give warnings and such - it's more brought on by repeat offences. Repeated spam messages, constantly provoking arguments, repeatedly going off topic to the detriment of the running conversation etc.
Another thing that might get someone in trouble is constantly arguing with mods and throwing massive public tantrums about their decision.
Getting banned isn't so much brought on by doing something bad - we all make mistakes, that's why we give warnings and such - it's more brought on by repeat offences. Repeated spam messages, constantly provoking arguments, repeatedly going off topic to the detriment of the running conversation etc.
Another thing that might get someone in trouble is constantly arguing with mods and throwing massive public tantrums about their decision.
Thank you for the answer. Not sure where that quote came from, or you now mean that is quotable. Given that explicitly I can understand providing defense with evidence to jord1990 reply is a tantrum, I feel like it is more of Status quo way of keeping things and not allowing to express everything publicly, a.k.a. freedom of speech.
Once again, thank you for the answer - pushing some buttons really made everything clear to me. I never saw getting off-topic every twenty min in general chat being even controlled, thus the first statement is something also I do not see happening.
Overall, this your reply will make a game a better place - one griefer gone, cannot accept the second "quote" you provided in any way comprehensible. I guess griefing was already sign of boredom, now this. Thus thank you for the fun in the game everyone, and good luck in the future.
Last edited by Balzabukas (2018-04-30 00:18:58)
Not sure what you mean when you say "quote". That there is an all original Uncle Gus statement. If you're talking about the italics, I added that for emphasis. If I was going to quote someone, I would use a quote block, like what you have at the start of your post there, where you quoted me. As far as people going off topic, two things:
1) Mods have lives, so we don't sit and watch the chat ready to pounce on people causing problems. That's why things need to be reportd to us if they are a problem.
2) I said, and I quote
repeatedly going off topic to the detriment of the running conversation
(italics added for emphasis)
We're not going to pull people up for talking about non-OHOL related stuff if there's no problem with it. Pretty much the only time we'll tell people to go to off-topic is if there are competing conversations going on, or if a conversation is getting heated and generally making the channel unpleasant to read, or if someone is trying to plug something unrelated to OHOL.
Everyone is egocentric and wants attention, I guess so do I, got me there - I am simple average person.
Now the toxicity was too much in your discord chat, thus it is not only attention.
Also maybe finally someone will look into discord more carefully.
Did I get offended by you - yes. Publicity is the best way of providing point of view, even if you get negative reviews, I will live by that thought (so did you in the forums before me).
Does a bunch of stuff specifically to undo effort put in by other people, then get's all upset when they respond the way any person who's been wronged in person might. If you walked onto a construction site and started messing with their work there's obviously gonna be consequences. Getting all twisted up about it because it happened? The hypocrisy is hilarious; Getting upset when another person acts negatively to you, and they were acting negatively at you solely because you were acting negatively towards them.
TL;DR: You offended them by destroying their stuff (instigation). They offended you in response. They were entitled that response due to your instigation. Quit being a child.
TL;DR: You offended them by destroying their stuff (instigation). They offended you in response. They were entitled that response due to your instigation. Quit being a child.
I don't think you can equate ruining somebody's game with telling somebody to kill themself.
Last edited by Go! Bwah! (2018-04-30 01:35:34)
I like to go by "Eve Scripps" and name my kids after medications
Balzabukas wrote:Everyone is egocentric and wants attention, I guess so do I, got me there - I am simple average person.
Now the toxicity was too much in your discord chat, thus it is not only attention.
Also maybe finally someone will look into discord more carefully.
Did I get offended by you - yes. Publicity is the best way of providing point of view, even if you get negative reviews, I will live by that thought (so did you in the forums before me).
Does a bunch of stuff specifically to undo effort put in by other people, then get's all upset when they respond the way any person who's been wronged in person might. If you walked onto a construction site and started messing with their work there's obviously gonna be consequences. Getting all twisted up about it because it happened? The hypocrisy is hilarious; Getting upset when another person acts negatively to you, and they were acting negatively at you solely because you were acting negatively towards them.
TL;DR: You offended them by destroying their stuff (instigation). They offended you in response. They were entitled that response due to your instigation. Quit being a child.
You make me wake up with the smile, brain dead people makes no sense and they still try hard.