a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I would love it if the language skill was not based on which family you were in, but a recipe similar to tattoos.
- make a desk for students
- a child age 3-10 places a paper someone from a different family has written on on the desk
- the child now understands the language (for the rest of their lives)
- the desk cannot be used by others until the child reaches age 20
In large towns there could be schools with several desks. Instead of a paper, a book consisting of papers from several languages could be placed on the desk.
This would take a trait away from the white family. Suggestions to make up for it:
- Merge ginger and white and let them all be the ice biome family, or
- Let the white family be the "Mountain biome" family who can open more iron mines (for example one extra mine north and south), and be iron traders.
- (Or give them a speciality biome, but I recognize that it requires a lot of work.)
A final suggestion: I don't think it would hurt to place some tar spots in the desert. Although it is good to have old towns on the server (great for teaching and practicing advanced skills), the ginger families seem to often end up thousands of tiles away from the other families, I assume because they are not dependent on anyone else late game. Desert tar spots could be more rare, but a way for earlier tech families to get oil without having to make the long journey to the old ginger town.
Language is learnable. You just have to have someone of a different language talk to kids under 6 years old for them to learn the language over time. It's multi-generational. So you have the person speak to a kid, then the kid grows up and has her own kid and passes down her learnt language to the kid, then you speak to that kid to have them learn more, and so on and so on until both fams know each others language and can speak with each other.
afaik its untill the baby grows up (3 year old) i once managed to get the kids to understand me mostly in one life, when i was blabbing to about 3 generation of kids
im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!
well apparantly im mistaken it is untill their 6th year
im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!
Language is learnable. You just have to have someone of a different language talk to kids under 6 years old for them to learn the language over time. It's multi-generational.
Yes, and I do like that feature. But it does take a long time, which is why people usually use paper, radio, or the language family for trading, while the natural learning is more used when two families merge. I feel the game would be richer without a dedicated family that naturally speaks all languages. It would also be nice to have one more purpose for a room or building. It would give mothers one more aspiration for their babies besides giving them clothes, and also encourage more paper making early game, which is a fun task.
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