One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2024-05-24 05:10:18

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

In keeping with this quote from jason in the trust update:

"This doesn't allow you to track specific players across lives, but rather shows you the growing group of players that you generally trust."

Unfortunately, the public data available including curse/leaderboard names (as well as phex) in fact DOES allow people to track specific players across lives. This has led to many players on the discord, as well as phex groups, to track and harass players across the entire game space, as well as encourage others to curse them in an attempt to perma force them into donkeytown.

This is demonstrated clearly on this site

The leaderboard tag, in combination with family information, allows a person to track where other players are. By combining the curse AND leaderboard tags, a player can track down a cursed player directly to their current life (where they will see the curse name above their head).

In the aforementioned trust update, Jason goes on to state...

"The curse system is great, insofar as it allows you to say, "I don't want to play near this person anymore," and have your wishes respected. Each person gets to decide what counts as "unacceptable" on their own, without needed consensus from others. Maybe one person doesn't like swearing, and another person doesn't like berry munching, and a third person really hates bossy players. Some people might like the drama of a murder or theft, while others might hate it. Curses allow us to avoid defining global behavior rules that must satisfy everyone."

I will repeat, " avoid defining global behavior rules that must satisfy everyone "

This is, of course, not at ALL what is happening, instead we have a clique of older, abusive players exploiting the various holes in the curse system (and public data) to try and enforce THEIR set of rules, which are really tantamount to "we don't like you".

They are then running around, tracking players down like a mob of thugs, harassing and mass cursing them, and encouraging others to do likewise.

What's more, most of player base is probably TOTALLY UNWARE this is happening, just as I was unaware prior to joining the discord -- and that was after multiple years of playing the game.

I think it's fair to assume that, if prospective customers KNEW about this cyberstalking/bullying behavior (and the mechanics that enable it) PRIOR to buying the game, they wouldn't even bother.

Last edited by forman (2024-05-24 05:43:25)


#2 2024-05-24 07:35:10

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

Nobody can force anyone to curse someone. It's their own curse and their own account and choices.

If you're acting like a jerk to someone and they tell their friends you're a jerk it's still the friends choice to curse you.
Reputation matters in this game and if you're griefing or being a jerk people will remember. You WERE griefing, support it and spoke about it publicly. People do not want to play near you anymore for it.

The leaderboard stuff is 99% for keeping track of people you've cursed. Curse names have repeats because the list is only 100 words. SO many people share the same curse name it's not a good way to remember why you have someone cursed. People also post the leaderboards of people who are bad people so when you curse someone it's easy to see "Okay yeah they are consistently doing stuff like this to others" instead of maybe they just had a bad day or were framed for something. While tracking people is possible to an extent (You can only tell what family they are in after like 20 mins of them being alive) it's really only used to track people that are notorious town killers. Absolutely no one is watching random ass people. What is the point?

The curse system works. Your actions have consequences and those consequences are a high curse score. Take it as an opportunity to grow and self reflect instead of being bitter.

(I will not be replying to this thread after this message)

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#3 2024-05-24 10:22:26

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

to curse you

You're immediately making this personal when it isn't.
It's true several people have cursed me recently but if that was something I cared about, I would just buy another key, for what, 10 dollars?

I wrote this post to bring awareness to both Jason, and the greater community at large, as to the mechanics and the way in which they are
being exploited, with the hope that it will be fixed in the future.

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

People do not want to play near you anymore for it.

And by "people" you mean like at MOST 10 people from discord/phex in a game of well over 100 players.

These "people" are a minority and by now, I have already personally witnessed a greater number of players complaining about the account
tracking your "people" have been doing, as well as the heavy handedness of the curse system which empowers them.

What I am describing here is a handful of bad actors who are (through exploits) spoiling the game for a greater number of players.


Last edited by forman (2024-05-24 10:26:56)


#4 2024-05-24 12:08:56

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 65

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

I can quote Jason too.

" And finally, there's a new, more detailed food consumption log, which will allow third-party statistics services to compute some interesting things. The log gets populated on a 24-hour delay, but data will eventually start posting here:

This was partly inspired by DopiePanda's amazing work on this new leaderboard and stats site: " -- Jason

That was fun.

You are Pepsi


#5 2024-05-24 21:55:44

Registered: 2022-06-16
Posts: 66

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

forman wrote:

The leaderboard tag, in combination with family information, allows a person to track where other players are. By combining the curse AND leaderboard tags, a player can track down a cursed player directly to their current life (where they will see the curse name above their head).

I thought public logs were delayed a day. How do you find someone in game?


#6 2024-05-24 22:25:14

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

Marquis wrote:
forman wrote:

The leaderboard tag, in combination with family information, allows a person to track where other players are. By combining the curse AND leaderboard tags, a player can track down a cursed player directly to their current life (where they will see the curse name above their head).

I thought public logs were delayed a day. How do you find someone in game?

You can look up somebody's leaderboard name with their curse name or vice versa.

Then you can pull them up on the leaderboard and see their (live?) relative life data which tells you which family they are in.
At this point, it's not a complicated process of elimination to narrow it down, but if you DO have them cursed, you can see the curse tag on their head.

The Phex comm system (embedded in yumlife mod) is a hell of a lot worse, although you can turn it off (assuming there are no backdoors).

I'm pretty sure the base phex config shares your coords, it also obviously tags you with by ID and their admin have no qualms about sharing
that ID info (over discord for example)

Last edited by forman (2024-05-24 22:28:48)


#7 2024-05-24 22:52:21

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 65

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

You don't need to be phex administrator to see someone's chat hash. You are way too paranoid lol

You are Pepsi


#8 2024-05-25 02:07:28

Registered: 2022-06-16
Posts: 66

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

Ah, the leaderboard isn’t delayed. (Edit: and presuming the play right after their last leaderboard life, lived to 60, and haven’t /died to another fam.) Would delaying the leaderboard solve it?

What are the “various holes in the curse system”?

And how many people are they targeting?

How are their harassing actions, specifically?

Last edited by Marquis (2024-05-25 02:09:47)


#9 2024-05-25 18:47:58

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

Half the fun of OHOL is stocking peopole.

I'm in your walls right now Forman!


#10 2024-06-16 17:59:00

Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 70

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

>Unfortunately, the public data available including curse/leaderboard names (as well as phex) in fact DOES allow people to track specific players across lives

Good, people should be held accountable for their actions.

>The leaderboard tag, in combination with family information, allows a person to track where other players are.

Good, people should be held accountable for their actions.

>we have a clique of older, abusive players exploiting the various holes in the curse system

People who are too stupid to play nice get rightfully targeted when they deliberately try to harass members of the community or disrupt the server as a whole.
This is good, as people should be held accountable for their actions.

>They are then running around, tracking players down like a mob of thugs, harassing and mass cursing them, and encouraging others to do likewise

The only people I ever see get hunted down are jackasses who more than deserve it.
This is good, as people should be held accountable for their actions.


The cold, hard reality that everyone is trying in different ways to make you realize is that actions have consequences.

If you're gonna throw a temper tantrum and hissy fit, then the community is gonna treat you like a toddler and put you in timeout, because that's where temper tantrums belong.

Last edited by SoloAceMouse (2024-06-16 18:02:33)


#11 2024-07-24 15:33:28

Registered: 2022-06-14
Posts: 8

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

i got cyberbullyin in game all i did is curse back so i didnt need to have them born near me.they mocked me even said 'ugly teeth' its xnfect and fifi.They was friend to me but they broke my trust.we used to quadruplet together with fifi xnfect blu and me.But only blu in the normal side and fifi and xnfect turn darkside,And fifi and xnfect impersonator me by changin phex name to tifacloc and tifac and that is not me.I got mass curse because i got framed because fifi and xnfect griefin in my name,Fifi and Xnfect even harrass me in my tiktok.They are too much. I already had to deal many of different other cyberbullied.My phex name is 3 by 3 account Tiffy/tifaclocxii/tifa .And fyi i gonna buy new alt soon.


#12 2024-09-23 18:48:52

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Public Data Allows In-Game Cyberstalking/Bullying

>Good, people should be held accountable for their actions.

Except it's not accountability -- it's mob rule. People are not held accountable for their accounting.

>People who are too stupid to play nice get rightfully targeted when they deliberately try to harass members of the community or disrupt the server as a whole.

Except people get targeted arbitrarily or by mob rule.

>The only people I ever see get hunted down are jackasses who more than deserve it.

Then you are not paying attention

>The cold, hard reality that everyone is trying in different ways to make you realize is that actions have consequences.

Wrong. People curse others often for no reason at all and start vendettas for their own selfish motivations.

>If you're gonna throw a temper tantrum and hissy fit, then the community is gonna treat you like a toddler and put you in timeout, because that's where temper tantrums belong.

Firstly, by "community" you mean basically 10 psychotic players that have no lives. Secondly, the real "temper tantrum" here is someone following another player around across lives trying to curse them/ruin their gameplay -- that is like mental illness.

Also, these "timeouts" last like 5 years. Jason is selling a game and then allowing mobs of ohol phex losers to brick other people's games simply because they can.

It is amazing steam hasn't removed OHOL for bad business practices.

Last edited by forman (2024-09-23 18:52:49)


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