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#1 2022-05-28 19:06:38

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Hi All,
"THE WINTER IS COMMING will you survive?"

jinbaili83 wrote:

Get recent version of OHOL , launch it , open settings page, check use custom server and enter IP:  address Port: 8005 (DEFAULT).

(quote changed little bit adding IP)

- There is now a new community discord server called Open Life Reborn:
- Right now the server is quite stable so building some villages is possible

- Surviving winter is hard, bad temperature can and will kill you / make damage
- Animals make double damage in winter so take care!
- Your max food pipes are now also your hitpoints
- Having less hitpoints then 20 lowers your speed having more increases it
- The more you eat same food the less food value it provides (to at least halve)
- Eating YUM / Cravings in between can restore YUM boni from other food
- Eating YUM gives one coin / you can give coins with GIVE X with x=IIX for example 12 and x=IXX = 21
- The YUM chain boni displayed (corner left) is now your health / general fitness score. It wont give food boni
- The more health / fitness you have the more hitpoints you have and the less you age
- Eating YUM / Cravings increases your health / fitness eating MEH reduces it
- Your relatives eating Eating YUM / Cravings increases your score / fitness
- Relatives wont never reduce your score / fitness except you attack them (so kids are always net positive)
- You have a higher chance to be incarnated close to your grave with a grave stone
- You are displayed as cursed if close to your not diged in bones
- Being cursed means you get more damage and have little bit less speed (so others can kill you more easily)
- There are now light wounds which make you damage over time and slows you little bit down but allow you to still work
For example snake bits make often a long lasting light wound and kill you over time so wear boots to protect or try catch them with your hands if you have the courage...

Commands: (may be deactivated or work only on low population later or cost more coins)
- !JH jumps you to a random human player
- !JAI jumps you to an random AI
- !TP teleports you to main village on server
- !TG teleports you to a random grave of you with a gravestone

- ?SEASON or SEASON? displays the current season and how strong it is
- FOLLOW let the AI follow you
- STOP let the AI stop and wait for some secs and also stops following
- DROP let AI drop held object
- HOME lets the AI set closest oven as their new home
- MAKE XX with X = ID or name / part of the name of object to craft

thx to a lot help from PX, Tea and many more there is now a new OHOL server fully written new from scratch.

The server is not 100% complete yet and is in ALPHA BETA, so expect bugs.

Would very much welcome your feedback / bug hunting.

But remember it is still a alpha early BETA test server and especially new features might need some fine tuning.

Here a short summary:

Since it uses for now vanilla graphics you can use the vanilla OHOL client. Just put in the ip in OHOL client settings, that's it:

OpenLife - Winter is coming (BETA)
IP: Port: 8005 (DEFAULT)
* Hard core server written from scratch with the help of PX
* (Round) Map with rivers, bridges. mountains and oceans
* No family iron, family wells, biome locking but with some biome boni
* New craving / yum / score system
* New combat system (with different weapon damage / hitpoints usw) also for animals
* Different seasons (winter is coming) that affect temperature and plant growth
* Skin Color according to which biome you are born to (so all colors can come from one Eve)
* In game currency for eating yum that gives some boni: "I GIVE YOU XX" with XX: I=1 V=5 X=10" like IIV for 7
* Basic (nursing, hunter gatherer) AI around the server surviving (or not) and doing tasks
* AI takes over until you reconnect
* Early BETA with lots of changes being made to optimize the experience.
* AND extra for Spoon super fast server restart and player data saved / restored, so families wont die with server restart
* plus another extra hidden gem for Spoon

Here is a list of all changes to vanilla plus a list what is still missing: … er/TODO.MD

If you have questions / suggestions or find a bug, just post here if possible in a short way smile

Have fun und much thanks to PX and all the others for all the help!


Last edited by Arcurus (2022-11-13 12:03:52)


#2 2022-05-28 19:07:38

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

- I did not test it yet with other clients. There are expected to be problems with them like (Hetuw Modded Client).
- If you find out what breaks the client server side feel free to report it here, but debugging other clients then vanilla is for now out of my limits. (normally the clients have a debug out the server has send. This might help to find out what got "wrong").

- While debug commands are enabled you can use !JHUMAN to jump to other humans if there are or !JAI to jump to Ai
- You can give Ais make commands with "make xxx" it might or might not work yet mainly depending if the stuff it needs is close enough...

Could need some testing:
- if you encounter a lag, it would be nice to know what you did. does it repeat every 10 / 20 seconds? does it repeat doing something special? Is there a constant lag?

Known issues:
- staked baskets allow to contain items (does anyone know how vanilla OHOL handles stacked containers?)
- need a server restart message, so players are informed...
- wounds of snakes drop to ground??? have to check since currently if you miss a player or animal the arrow goes on the the ground as "bloody" arrow. since i cannot do yet client changes the name is wrong but not the mechanics. For sure snake bits should not drop to the ground... Will give a hint when you miss, so that you know what is a bug and what is not...

Known minor issues that will not be fixed until there is a custom client:
- death / aging music is not aligned with age yet. (is because of custom aging with health)
- items in Swamp are just displayed as Swamp.
> This is currently because Swamp is a special biome, so would need a client fix
- bloody arrows stuck in the ground are called wounds even if they are not. You can simply pull them out of the ground...
- If you did not manage to kill an animal or player or did not manage to make a wound to a player or if the player had already a wound the. arrow / blood might be dropped to the ground. This is as expected, but is called wrongly as wound in the client and may make a wrong sound... This is expected for now. An snake wound on the ground is not excepted and is a bug...

Known annoying stuff that needs some more thoughts:
- stuff may despawn too fast
- Confusing stuff, mainly plants appearing out of no where: Mainly this should happen for regrowing plants in the spring...
i it just something to get used to? Should i make the seasons longer that its less often happening? Should i give some hint that something is growing there, if so what? (currently i can only use what exists already in vanilla).  Should it only regrow if no player is close (would be strange or? or maybe logic, since players hinder wild nature)? I could maybe use snow biome in winter to indicate the plant disappearing / covering and remove snow in spring when plant apreas? But what about biomes where there is never snow like jungle...

- fixed the green biome, so map resets should now be hopefully less common.
- reduced decay by X0.5 and decay of permanent stuff by further X0.1 so stuff should be there much longer
> Still i think i will make a bigger rework of the decay, so that we can exactly time how much decays in a given day
- checked the ponds they should after a while give another feather. Reduced the timing from 30 sec to 20 sec

- server generates now just iron vein instead of muddy ones
- close food is now only displayed if starving or if holding food that is worse
- deadly animals are only displayed if player is already injured
- item to store size should now be checked the right way before allowing to store it
> still its possible to store stuff in stacked baskets, have to check what to do with them)
- fertile age is now 14. This should solve that you are not old enough to pickup your child
> seems like client checks for pickup age, so fertile age should not go below vanilla OHOL)
- say length for younger age is now increased / hope that its now lager then in vanilla OHOL
- rabbits and so on eating use change is again 100%, instead gained food pipes is slightly increased
- cannot store stuff anymore in a murder grave
- hungry work food cost for plowing is decreased to 3
- added a small milkweed fix to let it regrow faster where original milkweed was on the map

@thx at all the testers! Your feedback is very helpful!

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-31 13:20:54)


#3 2022-05-28 19:28:08

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 77

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

wow sounds amazing, must have been a lot of work!


#4 2022-05-28 19:36:06

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

selalov734 wrote:

wow sounds amazing, must have been a lot of work!

Yea it was / is, but as said is not 100% finished yet...

PX tricked me into it by saying hey i have a new written server where you can try out your map created from a picture you just need to finish the serer "little" bit...

@Spoon by the way there is a surprise for you! Lets see if you find out...

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-28 20:55:03)


#5 2022-05-28 20:51:56

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Ah yea, for sure you can build also bridges and for now cars act as boats (until custom clients are made):


Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-28 21:01:07)


#6 2022-05-28 22:24:11

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Im happy You managed to get this far .
How big is the map ? It looks like all milkweed is gone.


#7 2022-05-28 23:54:51

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

thx for the feedback, it helps a lot!

jinbaili83 wrote:

Im happy You managed to get this far .
How big is the map ? It looks like all milkweed is gone.

Oh yea just saw it....
Since i did not reset the map for  one month, the Ai used up all the milkweed it seems. And the milkweed grows mainly back where other milkweed is, so all milkweed was in one far away corner...

The map is now resetted so hopefully milkweeed should be everywhere again (if the Ai did not  take it yet again...).

Also i put in a small fix to let milkweed regrow more fast where it is originally, this should help too...

For now In theory the server can regrow all except iron / oil, its just a setting how fast it regrows...

One problem could be that it only regrows stuff if there is not yet too many, so since milkweed spawns most often where "living" milkweed is already with time it may become too much on one spot until some one uses it up there...

For sure room for balancing...

The map currently is quite super small 500 x 500, so that i could restart the server very very fast (few few seconds) for development rapidly. I plan to make it at least 4X size for Beta version. The map is handdrawn so i could need some help putting in the rivers and stuff in a bigger map (just by drawing a picture) or i need to program finally some map creation tools...

Saw also that green biome looks some how very very empty, will look into it tomorrow why...

thx again,

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-29 00:00:12)


#8 2022-05-29 00:02:19

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

Im happy You managed to get this far.

lol yea, i super duper underestimated the work it is to implement and test all the details, otherwise i would most likely not started it smile


#9 2022-05-29 01:15:31

Registered: 2022-05-29
Posts: 4

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I did play one life and need to say that i enjoyed it, altough many bugs exist it is just an alpha and i see a lot of future potential!

Bugs I found and remember are:
-anything can go into Baskets even other Baskets, using this you can turn any item into a new Basket
-wounds are dropped if you are holding something and you aren't hurt
-the text box allows you to type something bigger then what you can say because of the changed aging
-you can't follow yourself or unfollow the leader

that are all bugs i can remember but there are also some personal suggestions i would like to add to this:
-make animals don't cross biomes as fast as they do for easier finding, i found a rabbit colony in the middle of a grassland between a desert and a swamp, i needed rabbits to make bellows but the savanna had no rabbits while the the previously mentioned grassland had many
-make the bots less helpfull, i didnt have the need to eat all for the longest part of my life, this may be because i was the only player in the area or considered new, but expecting to get big familys on the server should probably not be done, who knows if this server might be stuck with like 10 players max for a year
-make all the danger "!" and food "yum" don't happen as much, it is a nice feature to have some control in the chaotic world, but it happens too much at all times just adding to the chaos

i really like the breath of fresh air this brings into the ohol-like games world and am excited to see how this will turn out in the future!


#10 2022-05-29 01:56:18

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

@Dragon thx for the long feedback!
added the basked and stuff in above known bugs.

--wounds are dropped if you are holding something and you aren't hurt
>> if you arnt hurt or have already a wound the wound should currently 'drop' on the ground as bloody arrow or just blood... Of course the client displays 'wound' but actually it is not... This naming would need a client change which is out of reach for now. Of course alternatively i could just drop the arrow on the ground, but i thought for a more hardcore version little bit more blood would not be too bad... of course while the naming is wrong i could give a short hint that you missed the player / animal...

There might be also other true bugs with wounds like snake bits dropping to the ground, since its a complicated topic to test it all im happy if people can help to find these. Currently there are light wounds, "normal" wounds and just bloody stuff on the ground that is for now wrongly called wounds and need a client change...

A light wound is a wound healed little bit, it still slows you down, but you can interact again. Normal wounds needs some time or a healing to get light wounds. Of course an arrow first needs to be pulled out...
Will look into giving better hints for "wounds" on the ground until the naming is fixed, so that you know what is a bug and what is just some bloody stuff...

-the text box allows you to type something bigger then what you can say because of the changed aging
> for now i could just increase the server text limit, so that is not that an issue until there is a custom client...

-you can't follow yourself or unfollow the leader
will look into it. /unfollow should work, i think you tried to say: "i unfollow" or something. Not sure if this is a true command, but for sure i can add it... Leadership stuff could need in general lot more testing tried mainly to figure it out with some bots...

-make animals don't cross biomes as fast as they do for easier finding, i found a rabbit colony in the middle of a grassland between a desert and a swamp, i needed rabbits to make bellows but the savanna had no rabbits while the the previously mentioned grassland had many

>will check the rabbits. That might be since moving rabbits dont have yet an assigned biome so they just "wander"...
with the other animals i did not yet recognize it much, but good to observe it. Wolfs are general more plenty, they spawn also in more biomes then vanilla. There is also a known bug on server restart animals might loose their home biome if they happen to be outside during server restart.

> -make the bots less helpfull, i didnt have the need to eat all for the longest part of my life, this may be because i was the only player in the area or considered new...

> lol, the AI was always feeding you never me, even if standing close to you smile
> Sure making them less helpful is always easy, but i think they fed you quite well, since you where born noble and they might have been close relatives to you (even your kids?).
> Currently i designed the AI to take care especially for nobles, so at best that nobles dont have to eat anything themsef. They are actually nobles. Being born noble is currently limited to 1/5 of the current playing playerbase with humans having an 'birth' advantage over Ai...

> but expecting to get big familys on the server should probably not be done, who knows if this server might be stuck with like 10 players max for a year

yea for sure lot more balancing is needed if playerbase grows... also if food runs low Ai might not find stuff to feed you...

-make all the danger "!" and food "yum" don't happen as much, it is a nice feature to have some control in the chaotic world, but it happens too much at all times just adding to the chaos
> yea will look into it

Thx for the long feedback!

Dragon wrote:

I did play one life and need to say that i enjoyed it, altough many bugs exist it is just an alpha and i see a lot of future potential!

Bugs I found and remember are:
-anything can go into Baskets even other Baskets, using this you can turn any item into a new Basket
-wounds are dropped if you are holding something and you aren't hurt
-the text box allows you to type something bigger then what you can say because of the changed aging
-you can't follow yourself or unfollow the leader

that are all bugs i can remember but there are also some personal suggestions i would like to add to this:
-make animals don't cross biomes as fast as they do for easier finding, i found a rabbit colony in the middle of a grassland between a desert and a swamp, i needed rabbits to make bellows but the savanna had no rabbits while the the previously mentioned grassland had many
-make the bots less helpfull, i didnt have the need to eat all for the longest part of my life, this may be because i was the only player in the area or considered new, but expecting to get big familys on the server should probably not be done, who knows if this server might be stuck with like 10 players max for a year
-make all the danger "!" and food "yum" don't happen as much, it is a nice feature to have some control in the chaotic world, but it happens too much at all times just adding to the chaos

i really like the breath of fresh air this brings into the ohol-like games world and am excited to see how this will turn out in the future!

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-29 01:58:35)


#11 2022-05-29 04:10:10

Registered: 2022-04-13
Posts: 61

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Looks cool

What's the AI like?

Also is the "extra gem for spoon" fathers?

Okay nvm, I tried it and it sucks at the moment

Last edited by Wood (2022-05-29 06:20:59)

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.


#12 2022-05-29 09:26:05

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Wood wrote:

Looks cool
What's the AI like?

Currently it can eat, feed, nurse, hunt, gather basic stuff. You can try out say: "make xx" to try if it manages to make the stuff.

Wood wrote:

Also is the "extra gem for spoon" fathers?

Who knows...

Wood wrote:

Okay nvm, I tried it and it sucks at the moment

lol, the point ist to describe little but what sucks, so that it may be changed...
Of course if its one of the known issues no need to tell..


#13 2022-05-29 10:57:02

Registered: 2022-04-13
Posts: 61

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Arcurus wrote:
Wood wrote:

Looks cool
What's the AI like?

Currently it can eat, feed, nurse, hunt, gather basic stuff. You can try out say: "make xx" to try if it manages to make the stuff.

Wood wrote:

Also is the "extra gem for spoon" fathers?

Who knows...

Wood wrote:

Okay nvm, I tried it and it sucks at the moment

lol, the point ist to describe little but what sucks, so that it may be changed...
Of course if its one of the known issues no need to tell..

Eh, I didn't really like the AI, it's pretty cool but they got old fast. Most of the time they just eat, sometimes making bows. The end result is just them just using resources poorly. I never spawned as Eve so I had to spend 3 mins chasing my AI mother around which was kinda irritating, even worse when they are babies cause they are relentless at following you. Kind of annoying to get so many AI babies that you know are useless, i spent the whole time hoping for a real person.

Personally I'd start as an eve in a fresh world with resources I can use to actually build a town. I am interested if the AI can do more stuff once you have a town. If they did stuff stuff like keeping fires going, raising babies close to fires and farming that'd be cool. It has potential but it sucks.

A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.


#14 2022-05-29 12:20:40

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Wood wrote:

Eh, I didn't really like the AI, it's pretty cool but they got old fast. Most of the time they just eat, sometimes making bows. The end result is just them just using resources poorly. I never spawned as Eve so I had to spend 3 mins chasing my AI mother around which was kinda irritating, even worse when they are babies cause they are relentless at following you. Kind of annoying to get so many AI babies that you know are useless, i spent the whole time hoping for a real person.

Personally I'd start as an eve in a fresh world with resources I can use to actually build a town. I am interested if the AI can do more stuff once you have a town. If they did stuff stuff like keeping fires going, raising babies close to fires and farming that'd be cool. It has potential but it sucks.

Lol yea all beginning sucks smile
Nevertheless thx for more detailed feedback.

The Ai currently gets faster old if is a child of a human and less then age 3, so that humans wont need to feed it long.
Same for humans, if they are born to an Ai they age super fast until 3.
Humans are much more likely born to humans and Ai to Ai. But yea a human child would require actually a second human joining. I guess for that to happen more likely you need to ask around in discord if some one joins. Alternative would be you play fully alone as Eve.

Need to check your experiences, but actually the Ai should be able to nurse you quite well as baby and the other way round should follow you as child quite well. The time you / the needs to become 3 should not be that long as said as above.

If you know what the Ai was chasing after without nursing you proberly i can look into it. I saw the Ai acutally nursing two kids while making a bow and hunting down wolfs without much eford.

I teached the Ai how to make a fire, but currently the stuff for a fire is quite rare, so i need little bit more optimization that the ai knows where to get the stuff if too far away.

Keeping a fire alive and staying on it is one of the next planned steps, but nursing the the Ai should actually right now be quite cabable, maybe not in all situations yet.

Yea implementing some basic farming should not be that hard so that Ai gets more usefull.


#15 2022-05-29 14:38:13

Registered: 2022-05-29
Posts: 4

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

I have played some more and made some notes while playing this time so i am just gonna leave them here

-you can get babys before being able to carry and feed them
-well lines exist, but springs aren't dependant on it so they seem useless
-if you /die a connection lost message comes and reconnects you
-items in the swamp are just shown as "swamp"
-old bones cursing you is annyoing if you are the only real player in the family so no one can burry you
-there is a big lack of branches and trees producing branches
-after disconnecting as a baby i came back as the mother who was an AI (intendet?)
-you can't take items of your own grave, could stay as an feature so bad people can't get their weapon back but is annoying if you are setting up a village alone
-when i named myself i changed the whole family name even of people who died before my birth
-geese seem to give only one feather (intendet?)
-shot wolf makes wolf shooting sound each move
-Brown peoples extra banana perk is extremly strong especially with regrowing bananas
-need a better way to always see the season instead of only seeing it once in a while when it changes, this probably requires a client change
-shooting a boar with a baby resulted in a arrow wound on the ground with a player being shot sound, the boar lost its kid (same happened multiple times with a normal boar after that)
-using a forge seems to reset its cooldown (I could be wrong)


#16 2022-05-29 17:43:22

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Dragon wrote:

I have played some more and made some notes while playing this time so i am just gonna leave them here

-you can get babys before being able to carry and feed them
-well lines exist, but springs aren't dependant on it so they seem useless
-if you /die a connection lost message comes and reconnects you
-items in the swamp are just shown as "swamp"
-old bones cursing you is annyoing if you are the only real player in the family so no one can burry you
-there is a big lack of branches and trees producing branches
-after disconnecting as a baby i came back as the mother who was an AI (intendet?)
-you can't take items of your own grave, could stay as an feature so bad people can't get their weapon back but is annoying if you are setting up a village alone
-when i named myself i changed the whole family name even of people who died before my birth
-geese seem to give only one feather (intendet?)
-shot wolf makes wolf shooting sound each move
-Brown peoples extra banana perk is extremly strong especially with regrowing bananas
-need a better way to always see the season instead of only seeing it once in a while when it changes, this probably requires a client change
-shooting a boar with a baby resulted in a arrow wound on the ground with a player being shot sound, the boar lost its kid (same happened multiple times with a normal boar after that)
-using a forge seems to reset its cooldown (I could be wrong)

Thx for the detailed feedback!
- you can get babys before being able to carry and feed them
is it?

-well lines exist, but springs aren't dependant on it so they seem useless
yea they are useless, dont think i did anything about them on the server. not sure if i can get rid of them server side

- items in the swamp are just shown as "swamp"
you mean they have the name swamp? sounds very strange. Does vanilla show you also just Jungle for an item in Jungle in vanilla OHOL? If so its because swamp is a special biome which the client should avoid. If so its a client problem unless i want the swamp not to be a special biome anymore...

-old bones cursing you is annyoing if you are the only real player in the family so no one can burry you
hmmm, i could lern the ai to burry you, since now you can do it wihout iron it should not be that hard... Of course if you are fully dying alone then i guess you have a problem.

-there is a big lack of branches and trees producing branches
yea seems currently green biome does not spawn much. Must be a bug that sneaked in the last updates since before it was very crowded with trees and stuff.. i will look into it.

-after disconnecting as a baby i came back as the mother who was an AI (intendet?)
lol no not intended...

-you can't take items of your own grave, could stay as an feature so bad people can't get their weapon back but is annoying if you are setting up a village alone
same problem as with grave i guess, i could allow it, but i could also tech ai to empty your grave...

-when i named myself i changed the whole family name even of people who died before my birth
yea, currently if there is no family name and you are the first to name them you change the family name for all.

-Brown peoples extra banana perk is extremly strong especially with regrowing bananas
yea, maybe less change of extra banana?

thx a lot for all!


#17 2022-05-29 18:26:06

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

more feedback:
-transitions of multi use objects seem buged - baking pies only give 1/4 pie(can raw pie remember it was made with 1/4 dough?), rabbit bait was used 7 times at least and didn't disappear.
-farming is hungry work, this makes hunting and gathering look OP
-I got domestic muflon but over few lives I never saw it leave lamb
-Do bowls disappear or bots stole them?


#18 2022-05-29 19:23:39

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

jinbaili83 wrote:

more feedback:
-transitions of multi use objects seem buged - baking pies only give 1/4 pie(can raw pie remember it was made with 1/4 dough?), rabbit bait was used 7 times at least and didn't disappear.
-farming is hungry work, this makes hunting and gathering look OP
-I got domestic muflon but over few lives I never saw it leave lamb
-Do bowls disappear or bots stole them?

thx for the feedback

-farming is hungry work, this makes hunting and gathering look OP
yea needs some balancing. idea was to allow better tools be more useful...
guess gathering resources will have its limits with time...

-Do bowls disappear or bots stole them?
they could in despawn in theory, but should do so only very very slow as slow as everything else can despawn and respawn.
so if there is more then one missing in a row there is a mystery...

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-29 19:30:10)


#19 2022-05-29 19:46:46

Registered: 2022-05-29
Posts: 4

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Arcurus wrote:

- items in the swamp are just shown as "swamp"
you mean they have the name swamp? sounds very strange. Does vanilla show you also just Jungle for an item in Jungle in vanilla OHOL? If so its because swamp is a special biome which the client should avoid. If so its a client problem unless i want the swamp not to be a special biome anymore...

if i recall correctly the specialty biomes you cannot enter in vanilla ohol do the same, tthe weird thing here is that the swamp is the only biome where this happens

I also got a few more things to add to what i said:
-you are only fed when picked up and not when being hold
-cravings don't give the shown multiplier
-too many springs spawn right next to each other
-muddy iron veins don't open when making a well nearby
-between two lifes the forge i made despawned which was annoying, i suggest making objects which block movement slower in despawning or not despawn at all


#20 2022-05-29 20:41:50

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Dragon wrote:

if i recall correctly the specialty biomes you cannot enter in vanilla ohol do the same, tthe weird thing here is that the swamp is the only biome where this happens

I also got a few more things to add to what i said:
-you are only fed when picked up and not when being hold
-cravings don't give the shown multiplier
-too many springs spawn right next to each other
-muddy iron veins don't open when making a well nearby
-between two lifes the forge i made despawned which was annoying, i suggest making objects which block movement slower in despawning or not despawn at all

- currently the only special biomes should be swamp, river and mountain. Since the others for now wont need special pathing. So yea the swamp name display in swamp is then a client thing as long as swamp is a special biome

> you are only fed when picked up and not when being hold
strange this should work if the person holding you has enough food pipes to feed. i think in vanilla you just wont loose food at all but here you normally should get fed if the feeder has food pipes left

> cravings don't give the shown multiplier
yes, they give normally 2 except very big cravings. Also if is a big craving the craving should not go away after the first eating it...

> muddy iron veins don't open when making a well nearby
muddy iron veins are already muddy, so no need for a well (there is no family iron)
If you took all the iron you need to build a mine i guess...

> -between two lifes the forge i made despawned which was annoying, i suggest making objects which block movement slower in despawning or not despawn at all
yea need to look into it, thought the despawn should be that slow that you normally dont see it much, but yea would be logic to have high tech stuff or permanent stuff disapear less slowly. Might also good to check if it was used or if one is / was close recently.

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-29 20:44:02)


#21 2022-05-29 21:09:42

Registered: 2022-05-29
Posts: 4

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Arcurus wrote:

> muddy iron veins don't open when making a well nearby
muddy iron veins are already muddy, so no need for a well (there is no family iron)
If you took all the iron you need to build a mine i guess...

the problem is that you can't do anything with a stripped muddy iron vein, it normaly would loose the mud through a nearby well but now it just doesn't loose it at all, i tryed using a pickaxe on it and that doesn't work


#22 2022-05-29 21:34:53

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Dragon wrote:

the problem is that you can't do anything with a stripped muddy iron vein, it normaly would loose the mud through a nearby well but now it just doesn't loose it at all, i tryed using a pickaxe on it and that doesn't work

oh good to know, though making it muddy was enough...


#23 2022-05-30 08:47:27

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Does anyone by chance know if in vanilla baskets with items can be stacked?

Because Stacks of Baskets seem to have 3 slots in vanilla OHOL...

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-30 12:35:48)


#24 2022-05-30 12:27:32

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Dragon wrote:

the problem is that you can't do anything with a stripped muddy iron vein, it normaly would loose the mud through a nearby
well but now it just doesn't loose it at all, i tryed using a pickaxe on it and that doesn't work

- server generates now just iron vein instead of muddy ones. This should solve the problem!
- close food is now only displayed if starving or if holding food that is worse
- deadly animals are only displayed if player is already injured
- item to store size should now be checked the right way before allowing to store it
> still its possible to store stuff in stacked baskets, have to check what to do with them)
- fertile age is now 14. This should solve that you are not old enough to pickup your child
> seems like client checks for pickup age, so fertile age should not go below vanilla OHOL)
- say length for younger age is now increased / hope that its now lager then in vanilla OHOL
- rabbits and so on eating use change is again 100%, instead gained food pipes is slightly increased
- cannot store stuff anymore in a murder grave
- hungry work food cost for plowing is decreased to 3

@thx at all the testers! Your feedback is very helpful!

Last edited by Arcurus (2022-05-30 12:27:42)


#25 2022-05-30 20:10:03

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server

Was there server wipe or stuff just despawns in one day ? I made some roads yesterday and today all is gone.


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