One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2021-10-29 15:51:50

Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 24

Server Crash Every Hour

Jason fix the crashing.  Game is crashing every hour now.


#2 2021-10-29 15:53:00

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

Two crashes happened within the time frame of 5 minutes from what I can tell.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2021-10-29 17:02:45

Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 24

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

Just crashed again. Took 45 mins this time to crash. Eve was still alive.  Eve's child was in her forties.


#4 2021-10-30 20:09:28

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

This has been fixed.

Sorry for the horribly crashy night!


#5 2021-10-31 04:18:48

Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 24

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

The crashing is fixed.  But, for a while I wondered if taking enough heads triggered a bugged event and caused the server to crash.  Maybe in the future, the hell horseman can be used in a mini game to battle vs a village or vs the whole server for an apocalypse or a reward for your village, such as a baby boom boost and hinder the defeated towns baby production.  Everyone wants another battle mechanic.  There needs to be a way to fight back vs him though for maximum fun.  Maybe a special crafted holy food to feed the horseman to end him, that would be the easiest for you to program in.  I noticed a lot of players wanted to battle him, but could not.  I see he does runs out of food eventually, but players want to fight him to defend their towns people's heads.  If they can chase him with a poisoned holy food, that may be satisfying enough to battle the hell horseman.  Or just bring him back once a year on Halloween just like you did now.  Everyone seemed to like the hell horseman, it was fun.  Good job!


#6 2021-10-31 07:49:09

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

Everyone wants another battle mechanic.

I don't want another battle mechanic.  I suspect that there exist others also who feel the same way.  If you find anything from me saying that the combat system is flawed, that shouldn't get interpreted to mean that I want another battle mechanic, more that *if* we're going to have combat which isn't about dealing with destructive players, then the combat system would need more complexity to it.

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

There needs to be a way to fight back vs him though for maximum fun.

I don't want this either, and wouldn't feel such as maximum fun.  It's already distraction enough to have these characters running around.  Some players have already felt under threat enough that they curse the player as the horseman.  If people fight back, there would exist even more incentive to curse that player.

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

Maybe a special crafted holy food to feed the horseman to end him, that would be the easiest for you to program in.

That would be an anti-survival food.  If that holy food was just a deadly poison as you seem to propose, it wouldn't just be something that is deadweight as the players who do the headless horseman are when they do such (they can't produce as much as they consume), but it would be against multi-player survival.

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

  I see he does runs out of food eventually, but players want to fight him to defend their towns people's heads.

Players might do that because they believe that they, their own character, or their children are under threat.  People that fight to protect themselves or others by no means necessarily want to fight.  They may just fight, because they understand or believe such as necessary.

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

Everyone seemed to like the hell horseman, it was fun.

Again, some people cursed the headless horseman character, as reported by some people on discord saying that they had been the headless horseman and had gotten cursed.  That makes for the opposite of everyone liking the headless horseman, and instead some people disliking such ... at least insofar as they understood such.  And though I didn't curse such, no, I haven't particularly liked such a character that can't even potentially care for their own self and ends up as deadweight instanteously and for the rest of their in-game life.  And my initial in-game reaction, since I was the daughter of the Eve who became the first headless horseman was that it made no sense.  I even said publicly: "war sword... no newcomen on server" in response to the system, because I didn't like that the character had a sword when no one could even make a sword.  But if you saw me in game, you wouldn't be able to tell that I don't like the character, because I just went about things normally or when the headless horseman was someone I knew from Hetuw chat, I gave that person the courtesy of feeding their character, because of previous positive experience.  I liked that there was an arc reset, with players building from scratch, and that families had a decent number of people.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-10-31 07:51:53)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#7 2021-10-31 16:49:06

Registered: 2021-05-26
Posts: 24

Re: Server Crash Every Hour


I should not have said everyone.  The veteran players like you and me, just ignored the headless horseman and played the game as usual.  The group of players I am referring to in this post was the average new player who does not know much about this game yet.  What I am talking about was this average group of player's behaviors, whom I observed while I was playing.  I have played in many different family villages, and they all reacted in roughly the same ways.  Their natural instinct was to want to push the threat out.  I am trying to relay to Jason what I observed from the hive mind group think.
Jason need to focus on the needs and reactions of the average new player, if the goal is to make the game grow.  Tap into what the hive mind is thinking, in order to fine tune the game.  Tailoring the game towards you and me will do nothing to expand the player base.

Again, I am sorry I used the term everyone.  Let's redefine everyone as, "everyone who does not play this game on a regular basis".  It is this group's reactions, whom I am trying to convey to Jason.  So whenever I used the term "everyone", go back and substitute it for something such as "the average new players whom I observed".  I did not mean to speak for any pro or veteran views on this topic.

As to your problem with the poison food idea, It does not have to be poison to everyone, only to the horseman.  Just like how garlic is fine for humans but bad for vampires.  Don't even need to add a new food for it.  Just maybe a hard to make garlic item such as pickles or garlic shrimp or whatever you want.  I never was trying to say add a poison food mechanic for all players.  That would be an overly complex way for Jason to add in.  Keep it simple, and Jason can add it in.  A few lines of code.  To much coding, and he wont do it.

As to your post about players cursing the horseman, I also view this also as a positive reaction.  Using your curse mark is fun and satisfying.  Just like on youtube or facebook, you can upvote or downvote.  Both cause a reaction, which is what makes the vote system fun.

But, I also agree the horseman being cursed is not fair.  What should happen is, you are immune to curses while playing as the headless horseman.  It should not go on your permanent curse file.

A simple fix would be, just remove players name while being the horseman so you do not know who to curse.

Or change your first and last name to "Headless Horseman"

You are now "Headless Horseman".

Whenever someone curses "Headless Horseman", he just laughs an evil laugh and his eyes flicker.

(Again, the fix needs to be as few lines of code as possible.  To complex, and it will never get done.)

Getting back to reality, the simplest and most likely fix is, just remove the horseman till next season.

This is definitely going into the same category as the April fools joke where everyone was born as a Jason and only lasts a few days, then removed forever.

So do not worry. I am sure it will be gone by next weekend.

Hopefully replaced with a Thanksgiving quest in its place!

Thank you Jason for adding something new. Even if it was only for a weekend.


#8 2021-10-31 20:19:51

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Server Crash Every Hour

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

Jason need to focus on the needs and reactions of the average new player, if the goal is to make the game grow.

I agree with you on the need to focus on the needs and reactions of the average new player.

But, again, some of those players cursed the headless horseman.  So, though your claim is possible, it seems a bit lacking in evidence.

Being able to curse may be fun.  Having the ability to say "no" or "you suck" is good and, I guess the correct term as much as I dislike it would be 'empowering'.  But, cursing someone indicates that you view what they did negatively.

Paradoxal_1 wrote:

What should happen is, you are immune to curses while playing as the headless horseman.  It should not go on your permanent curse file.

I don't like this idea at all.  Having special protection from curses means lack of accountability for players.  It's treating those players with kid gloves, and giving them special rules.  If one wants to become the horseman, one should put on one's adult clothes, and take the risk that they get cursed.  There isn't enough reason to dis-empower players who want to curse, as the horseman players are mostly/entirely the veterans who can handle such reactions.  The players who cursed may have been trying to protect their in-game children or future relatives.  Or because they just didn't like the deadweight character.  Those voices having the ability to make their concern noted has importance.

Pretty much exactly because of the importance of focusing on the needs and reactions of the average new player, the headless horseman should remain as curse-able as any other character.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-10-31 20:40:54)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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