One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2021-06-30 16:13:19

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: What was your hook?

Can we chill on this?

If this topic bothers you, make a new thread. I have a lot of patients for your antics spoon but this is a bit too much for me. Please have some respect for your fellow community members and for the intention of this thread. This wasnt meant to be a discussion, but a thread to express ourselves. If people are afraid someone is going to pick apart what they're going to say then argue about their post they are going to be less likely to express themselves. Take that somewhere else please.

Last edited by Gremlynn (2021-06-30 16:16:25)


#27 2021-07-01 13:44:18

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What was your hook?

Dodge wrote:

Yes let me just boot the game then wait on a timer for 20 minutes before i can play...

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, if you cant find a solution that's fine.

Well Dodge I didn't say a 20 minute wait and wasn't think of a time that long.  I'll also note that there's no lower bound on players of this game starting older than 3 years old in principle.  Every player can start as an adult, or slightly younger theoretically.  It's not the case that every player can start as a baby, at least not without some parents as computers.

Alright, so I've been playing Oxygen Not Included lately.  When I load it up, it feels like something of a several minute wait before I can play.  I don't really mind in most cases.  Other stalls annoy me more.  I know Morti has also mentioned he has an older computer.  I'm fairly confident he's played games where he's experienced a much longer load up time than most people.  Also, I remember a gamer who went by the name of Sirian who used to have a place on the web called "Siriran's Great Library" in the early to mid 2000s (there's still some things that he did on the  He said that he would have to wait something like 5 or more minutes to play and *enjoyed* the waiting period, which surprised me and some other people for sure.  I do think Sirian unusal in that respect.  But, that he existed shows that *some* people don't mind so much and still end up with positive experiences overall.

Also, and more importantly, what sort of game did you play when you did Dodge?  Dodge, at least some gamers are looking to *do* things in a game.  In OHOL players log in, and after log in, in the vast majority of cases, they have to wait 3 minutes *to do* anything.  And make no mistake, it's a one life game.  They aren't guaranteed to live to 3 minutes.  Then before they can have a baby they have to make it to 14 years old.  No shortage of lives lived were players died before 14 and didn't have a baby.  No guarantee that players will survive to the possibility point of having a baby in OHOL. 

And even after that, players don't know about the conditions under which they are playing before they play.  Many players have played this game in order to have a baby.  No babies are possibly for male characters.  In OHOL they could have been born male!  Also, for all we know, some player could be playing on a server in children of men mode.  Or on an odd-server during an update period.  Or during a bug period and they just won't get a child.

So make no mistake, some players have *already* have waited indefinitely to have a child in OHOL.

The game hasn't collapsed because of that.

Yet, you're saying a guarantee is necessary.  Yea... before believing you're in a position to lecture someone on what is possible, it's just better to try to realize what's been in front of your eyes sometimes.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#28 2021-07-01 14:56:40

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: What was your hook?

Spoonwood wrote:

Well Dodge I didn't say a 20 minute wait and wasn't think of a time that long.

If you have to wait for players to fuck to be able to play then you could even wait 30-40 minutes or even more...

Bad argument is bad.

Spoonwood wrote:

Alright, so I've been playing Oxygen Not Included lately.  When I load it up, it feels like something of a several minute wait before I can play.

That's caused by having a shitty pc, it's not an in game mechanic, if you had a better pc it would load faster

Spoonwood wrote:

in the vast majority of cases, they have to wait 3 minutes *to do* anything.

3 minutes is not 30 minutes also you can play as a baby your not stuck on a waiting screen, it's a huge difference, you can move, see the world, talk etc, you're not stuck on a black screen that says "waiting for players to fuck"

Spoonwood wrote:

So make no mistake, some players have *already* have waited indefinitely to have a child in OHOL.

Irrelevant argument, same as before, comparing waiting on a black screen to actually being able to play but just not having a baby.

Spoonwood wrote:

Yet, you're saying a guarantee is necessary.  Yea... before believing you're in a position to lecture someone on what is possible, it's just better to try to realize what's been in front of your eyes sometimes.

Again comparing an actual inability to play the game against being able to play but with less features, then say that we already have that...

Maybe you should realize what's in front of your eyes and stop seeing it for something else.


#29 2021-07-01 15:13:48

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: What was your hook?

Guys, please respect the OP and take this argument elsewhere.   It does not belong in this thread.


#30 2021-07-01 18:10:39

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What was your hook?

Gremlynn wrote:

Can we chill on this?

If this topic bothers you, make a new thread. I have a lot of patients for your antics spoon but this is a bit too much for me. Please have some respect for your fellow community members and for the intention of this thread. This wasnt meant to be a discussion, but a thread to express ourselves. If people are afraid someone is going to pick apart what they're going to say then argue about their post they are going to be less likely to express themselves. Take that somewhere else please.

Lily expressed herself.  She had no problem doing so.  I'm glad she did so also.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#31 2021-07-01 20:42:34

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What was your hook?

Dodge wrote:

Again comparing an actual inability to play the game against being able to play but with less features, then say that we already have that

Can't play the parenting game without having children Dodge.  Not being able to load the game and not having a child BOTH entail not being able to play the parenting game.  They are in the same category.  What does it say above?

"A multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building"

See how parenting is first?

But people start often expecting to play a parenting game, as the mother of a forum user a while back who, from that forum user's report, plays for the parenting aspects of the game.  But players wait 14 minutes at minimum in the vast majority of situations to play a parenting game where they are a parent.  And when one is a child, one doesn't have a parental role.  So, they aren't individually playing a parenting game for at least 14 minutes.  Quite literally, there's a 14 minute timer before they can play a parenting game, because when they aren't a parent, they aren't playing a parenting game.  And there exist lives where players just don't get children.  At all.  Ever.

And you said 30-40 minutes.  Well, there exist people who have played this game for 30 minutes after loading it and "getting born" who haven't played a parenting game.

You claim that people wouldn't wait to play a game where they would become fathers.  But, there have existed and continue to exist people who wait to play a *parenting* game.  Or do NOT end up playing a parenting game after 40 minutes.

And JonySky also mentions that waiting times apparently happen for some other multiplayer game.  Yet, you STILL talk like no one would wait.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#32 2021-07-01 22:14:42

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: What was your hook?

Spoonwood wrote:


I'm done...

If you cant understand the difference between not being able to play at all, waiting in front of a black screen telling you "waiting for players to fuck" and being able to actually play the game, there's nothing to do.

If you dont get it you dont get it that's fine.

The length at which you go to try and find an insane logic to justify a bad argument is crazy...

Also do you really want to force players into some weird sex mechanic that would be mandatory in order to progress, there's children playing this game...

And what if the only alive players are members from your own family...weird.


#33 2021-07-01 22:23:44

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: What was your hook?

Why do you two do this on every thread? You turn every thread into an argument about some nonsense. This is not on topic. Can you two just add each other on discord and get your argument itch out there? Poor OP asked you guys so nicely and you're still doing it. Ruining their thread.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#34 2021-07-01 23:10:19

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: What was your hook?

Every thread on the forum has unironically turned into this:

Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:> Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:> Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:> Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:> Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:> Spoon wrote:> Dodge wrote:>

Poor OP just wanted to hear community stories and reasons people got hooked to the game. Big RIP

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#35 2021-07-01 23:41:52

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: What was your hook?

Let's get back on topic ... what was my hook?

I was immediately drawn to this game when I heard the core concept - being born to another player in a persistent  multi-player village, living your whole life in an hour, raising "children" that are all other people playing the game.   I don't usually play multi-player games, because I'm not big on competitive gaming.   But I enjoy co-op game play and the idea of OHOL really intrigued me.

I had a lot of cool experiences and fun lives in my early days that got me hooked on this game, but I can't point to any specific one that was "best" or most important.    Rather, I think what keeps me interested in this game is the huge amount of untapped potential it had and still has.  I want to see it become an even better version of the game I fell in love with three years ago.   I want to keep playing OHOL and create more stories to share with new players.

In one life, I was born to a woman who was standing next to a fire, built beside an adobe pillar.    She explained that we were priestess' of the external flame and it was our duty to keep the fire going.   I spent my youth gathering firewood and kindling, so I could tend the fire at our little "shrine" on the edge of the village.  Later, I made yum foods that can be roasted over coals and offered them to the villagers as "gifts of the flame".     When I had children, I instructed them on their holy  duties.     I died of old age beside the fire I had kept going through out my life.

In another life, i was born in the middle of a blood bath.  Bloody corpses everywhere.   My mother had a backpack filled with knives and one in her apron.   She explained that our village almost died because everyone was stabbing each other. We needed to get rid of all the extra knives somehow.   This was before you could break knives, so she wanted to lock them up.   She asked if I knew how to make a lock.  I did not.   But I was willing to learn.   I dedicated that life to learning how to make a lock for my mom.   It took almost forty years, but I managed to finish before she died of old age.  We locked up the knives in a chest in the middle of the village.   I was left as the keeper of the key.  But I had no children to pass the key to, so when I grew too old to carry the burden any further, I went off into the wilderness to die alone so the knives would remain safely locked away.

In another life, I was born to a woman in a family that lived on the edge of a desert.   My mother died to a snake bite.   My older brother died to a snake bite.   My childhood friend died to a snake bite.   When I was old enough to hold a knife ... I went snake hunting.   I had a baby just as I was about to kill the snake that killed my mother.   I picked up the baby and explained my mission.  Then set her down and rushed over to avenge my family.   And clicked the wrong square.   I  apologized to my baby as I also died of a snake bite.

Ah good times.  Good times.


#36 2021-07-02 01:46:17

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: What was your hook?

Dodge wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:


I'm done...

If you cant understand the difference between not being able to play at all, waiting in front of a black screen telling you "waiting for players to fuck" and being able to actually play the game, there's nothing to do.

Where did I say anything about a black screen?  I searched both posts before I made this comment and didn't find anything.  And why assume that the load up screen should be some black screen anyways?  Where did I say I would make some screen that said 'waiting for players to fuck'?  How did you ever get it into your head that I would go about things that way?

Dodge wrote:

If you dont get it you dont get it that's fine.

There is nothing to get when something is false.  It is completely false that no one would wait to join a game where two players have to say some words or two players would need to do some action in order to join that game. 

Dodge wrote:

The length at which you go to try and find an insane logic to justify a bad argument is crazy...

You imposed on me some view about having to wait with a black screen where I had said no such thing as desireable.  You imposed on me the phrase 'waiting to fuck' to justify your position that no one would wait, when you haven't done a single empirical test, NOR talked to remotely close to a quarter of gamers on the planet.  You end up so certain that you think such is so clear that you can dismiss anyone saying or arguing otherwise with a simple hand-wave instead of real investigation.  You would even dismiss that waiting might be less of a problem then you thought AFTER a known of example of people waiting to play a game for a while.

Dodge wrote:

Also do you really want to force players into some weird sex mechanic that would be mandatory in order to progress, there's children playing this game...

The game before homezones forced players into a weird reproduction mechanic where future people would reproduce without having to do a single thing.  That doesn't emulate how humans work in any way.  That the future will ever be that way is a sort of fantasy at best.

weird - " of strange or extraordinary character : odd, fantastic"

It would not be weird to have some mechanic which emulated how things work in the real world.  It would lack weirdness, because of things seeming realistic.  It wouldn't be extraordinary, it would be keeping in line with the ordinary nature of things.

I am not a parent.  I have no aspirations to be one in the real world.  But as for children, I certainly don't want them deluded for a second that in the future humans will reproduce as a matter of course with only women as parents.  I certainly don't want them deluded for a second that in the future humans will reproduce as a matter of course through doing NO action of their own with respect to reproduction (and that is the experience of many players in that they did nothing at all to have a baby, and they had one).  And I seriously hope that parents can someday have the courage to speak realistically as much as possible when talking to their children about matters of reproduction.  This game for sure, does NOT encourage such courage.  Instead, judging by past conversations, it encourages thinking along the lines of some old myths and lies such as "the stork", and the same sort of cowardice that enough parents have had when talking about such matters.  The same unwillingness to provide access to children knowledge of what is real and what is not.  In the end, that is not a way to provide children with the ability to understand anything beyond the fact that you can lie to them.

Dodge wrote:

And what if the only alive players are members from your own family...weird.

What exactly would be weird and why?  Because if humanity had extremely low population members in the future, it seems more probable than not that it would *not* be odd in the slightest for people to believe that the only alive people would be members of their family.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-07-02 01:48:34)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#37 2021-07-02 03:45:01

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: What was your hook?

Dude .... please .... staaaaaaaawwwwpppp.


#38 2021-07-02 05:01:01

Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 40

Re: What was your hook?

Years can pass by but some people remain as charming as ever...

It has been lovely reading all your stories. I don't exactly remember my hook but it was probably the pain of chosing who among my babies was going to live and who was going to starve. We didn't had enough food to feed all, because I was a noob, so I had to randomly chose a baby and watch as my other kid slowly starved, crying for food, pleading for a chance to live. It stayed with me for a while.

Not long after that I had the most beautiful life I had ever had. I was a blond boy in a small town that had a single rectangular building (castle style) with several rooms serving as kitchen, nursery, fire wood storage, and so on. The last two were left unfinished. One was a small cementary and the other appeared to be intended for a garden, as it had some tilted soil. So I decided that finishing the garden was going to be my life project. Soon after, a girl a few years younger than me approached. She asked me about what I was doing and seemed genuinely interested on the garden. We promised to marry when older before I set out to the wilderness to get some rocks for the flooring while she gathered some seeds and tree cuttlings to plant.

I was a bit absorved on my work at hand but at some point realized that I wanted to spend more time with her. Therefore decided the amount of rocks I had gathered would had to suffice. It was the best decision I had ever made in OHOL. She planted some cuttlings but had already forgoten about the garden so by the time I arrived we rekindled our connection and married young. We soon has a son, and while I worked in the garden, she raised him with the rest of the family, which was really close given we were all inside the same building basically. When she returned we reconected again. She laughed at my dumb jokes and trully was a ray of sunshine. Our time together was so great that when she spontaneously expressed her love for me I genuinely felt the happiness that my balding man of a character must have felt.

And thus we grew old together, hurring to finish our garden before our time was over, yet always taking the time to remind the other we were there, together, and mostly just joking around. We finished with some extra time to enjoy the product of our work. The garden grew beautifully, our son was a grown man. While we were chatting and tidying the cementary, I finally became an elderly man, before her. Real sadness engulfed our hearts so I stoped all the work and we spend the rest of out time dancing in the cementary. Both the garden and the graves were the most beautiful part of the town, and althoug not perfect, our family enjoyed spending time there. It was prove we lived there and loved eachother. I died after a final goodbye, surrounded by family, friends and the love of my life.

You know how most of the time in OHOL you either focus entirely on a task you may or may not finish, or on roleplaying, without achieving much of your life at the end. Both can sometimes feel rather unsatisfactory. That life for me was just perfect, the perfect balance between work, purpose, connection. It made me think that if I were to live such a life irl I could die without regrets.


#39 2021-07-02 09:38:33

Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 16

Re: What was your hook?

I watched my friend play at her house but she had such a bad bouncing lag she would constantly starve.  So I eventually bought the game, and unbeknownst to me it was during the chaos of the first apocalypses in 2018 when they were happening one after another.
So I'm thinking, great I bought a shit game.
Anyway the apocalypse situation got fixed and I was able to play.  Game ran much smoother for me, and the first couple of times I played I was eve just wandering around, figuring out how to pick up stuff, ran into a bear cave but actually died from snake bites. 
Then I got born finally, and I was put by a fire with loads of carrots everywhere.  I was kidnapped....I didn't know you could jump from peoples arms....and stabbed. Not a great experience.
What hooked me actually, was my friend bringing her computer to my house and we played on low pop server learning the game, trying to see how long we could make our lineage.  We'd play for hours when we could, all day sessions when it worked for our schedules.
I remember getting that satisfaction of finally making an ingot, and again when I forged my first hammer.  We eventually figured out that when we got to be about 37, one of us would be born to the other, then as moms we would try to die so we could spawn back as eve with the other still being a baby from previous mum.
I learned quite a lot and quickly doing this, so whenever I did play with others I was proficient at starting from scratch. 
Eventually corn was added, then reworking of heat and how to make wells... etc, etc, all of the changes I would go back to low pop to learn and then when I felt confident, I'd play in general.
I have fond memories of those days!


#40 2021-07-03 21:54:59

Registered: 2019-06-10
Posts: 125

Re: What was your hook?

I think Spoonwood's hook was the forum.

I am a dirty, dirty roleplayer. I roleplay in the game, sometimes on the forum and if I'm being honest, a bit in real life. I can't help myself. I'm a dirty, dirty roleplayer. Don't hate the player, hate the game. smile


#41 2021-07-08 01:53:48

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: What was your hook?

Being held by another person, reminded me of when my mother would pick me up from the living room floor and put me to bed, while I was pretending to be asleep just to stay in the living room to watch what adults did on TV and see how adults changed in the evening.

I could list 100 things that hooked me into the game, but that moment was bliss, every time, and if I didn't get it one life, I craved it even more. I was also pretty good at getting moms who said sorry, to change their heart through persistence. Having them pick me up was a greater accomplishment than making any item or structure, because I know I found their heart.

Love you all.


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