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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2021-03-25 22:53:04

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Genetic Score As Eve Tip

Get Homesick as soon as you can.  Don't have children.  If you have no children, your genetic score won't change at all.  If you do have a child or two, that will be it.  So, if you wanted to increase your genetic score as Eve reliably, go to your biome band border.  Have one child only if you haven't had any children.  Then raise that child and try to get them to live to old age without having any children or doing something similar to you.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#2 2021-03-25 23:51:10

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

What you described sounds like the saddest way to play a multi-player game about parenting and civilization-building.

No thanks.   I would rather enjoy the game.

If that is what it takes to reach high gene score, it is a broken system.


#3 2021-03-26 01:07:17

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

If you care about score that much just walk into a wolf when you start as Eve.  If you care that much about meme score just do like the one person and constantly rebirth your alt account to farm score.

Play the game and stop caring about a meaningless score, people falling for meme score is what Jason wanted in the first place. Break your shackles and embrace playing the actual game.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#4 2021-03-26 01:29:15

Registered: 2021-03-23
Posts: 11

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

i agree with everyone here.

while having a high gene score can have its perks (flexing about it, becoming the leader of a family, less hunger loss when old, etc.) its not worth to stop playing at all for it.

find a balance between playing the game way it should be, and not dying at the age of 12

one hour one life warmonger because ingame violence is funny most of the time (unless its family murder)

you are a chad of chads if you read this


#5 2021-03-26 02:25:53

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

fug wrote:

  If you care that much about meme score just do like the one person and constantly rebirth your alt account to farm score.

From what I've heard that isn't what is happening.  Jessenia Rodak is the real life daughter of Enric Blatnik.  Also, Jessenia Rodak isn't always the in game child of Enric Blatnik from what I've seen, though Jessenia Rodak isn't currently on the leaderboard.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-03-26 02:27:08)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#6 2021-03-26 02:58:16

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

DestinyCall wrote:

What you described sounds like the saddest way to play a multi-player game about parenting and civilization-building.

No thanks.   I would rather enjoy the game.

If that is what it takes to reach high gene score, it is a broken system.

Using this method you can still go to another town and play with other people.  I didn't say wander about the wild until dying of old age, did I?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#7 2021-03-26 04:44:12

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

They were the top of the leaderboard the otherday.

Jessenia has also been seen killing her siblings to make sure her score isn't dropped. So I really doubt it's not an alt account.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#8 2021-03-26 13:31:06

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

fug wrote:

   If you care that much about meme score just do like the one person and constantly rebirth your alt account to farm score.

So, Jessenia Rodak … l&id=12207 played 6 hours ago as Hiten Fink.  Her mother that life was Rachael Fink who is Raymir Buzard.  Raymir Buzard recently died at 60 years old, 53.172 years old, 60 years old, 3.155 years old, 1.831 years old, 50.353 years old, 12.059 years old, 50.531 years old, 0.597 years old, and 0.118 years old.  That doesn't seem like the pattern of a veteran like Enric Blatnik, who told me she first played before springs existed, and also appears commenting in a few players streams and plays with them also.

Before that life Jessenia played as Marcus Merry and her mother was Genny Merry who is Idalis Licausi: … l&id=54952  Before that Jessenia played as Sarah Spoon with her mother as Hyacinth Spoon who is     Kiana Schaben: … l&id=48920  Sarah Spoon had *no* children.  So, at least in that case, Jessenia didn't have Enric Blatnik as a child.

Also, early deaths of parents can lower one's genetic score, though it does seem reasonable to believe that children would likely one's genetic score than one's parents more often than not.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2021-03-26 13:41:33

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

I never understood why the genetic scoring system, a completely broken system ... is the only system that decides if I can be a leader or if I can be born EVE

It seems unfair to me not having the option to be an EVE or to be the leader like any other player

This only eliminates diversification in play styles.

Why can't a king be evil? Why can't a leader be a casual player? Why can't an Eve be a new player and hers her children help her advance as leader?


#10 2021-03-26 15:09:07

Spy Mouse
Registered: 2021-03-26
Posts: 5

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

JonySky wrote:

I never understood why the genetic scoring system, a completely broken system ... is the only system that decides if I can be a leader or if I can be born EVE

It seems unfair to me not having the option to be an EVE or to be the leader like any other player

This only eliminates diversification in play styles.

Why can't a king be evil? Why can't a leader be a casual player? Why can't an Eve be a new player and hers her children help her advance as leader?

Yeah, no. That wouldn't work for many reasons. Leaders are supposed to be advanced players, who know stuff and can teach newbies and give them jobs. A noob leader can't use these functions as he doesn't know how to do things, also they can't probably be helpful in ordering things the town needs.

Eve as a new player? You can try that out in the tutorial, also probably all of the babies die because you can hardly take care of yourself, not mentioning babies. It would be very difficult and stressful all bbs dying you dont know what to do just looking to recipes probably dont know even what city needs in the first place.

As of your questions: 1. Leader can still be evil, tho people will probably group up to kill them if they are, so thats not a very good thing to do.
2. All the reasons I mentioned earlier
3. She wont even be able to have a single child with how she probably cant even make a fire.

I personally find that mechanic good and helpful, because the more you help the better chances you have to become leader. It also prevents griefers to be leaders, unless given leadership. Which is another thing you can do. You can teach someone new to be a leader when you trust them enough to follow them. You can always unfollow them if necessarry.

One day planes will be viable.
I can feel it in my /die baby bones.


#11 2021-03-26 17:14:04

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

For the most part I think I agree with Spy Mouse and disagree with JonySky.  I definitely do not think genetic score completely broken, as one won't get a high genetic score by deliberately not living to, or near to, death by old age.  Timing protocols also override all genetic score considerations for Eve.  For example, when a server is empty, the first player on the server will be an Eve.  So, during any update period, the first Eve on server1 and then the first Eve on bigserver2 won't satisfy any genetic score conditions.  The same holds for other Eves that start up before the server has 15 players on it, as I understand things.

It does hold that you can do little at all to have better genetic score sometimes.  But, if you do nothing sometimes you also might have genetic score decreases.  Also, timing and who you play with can have an impact on your genetic score.  The main flaws with genetic score are:

1. There exist some situations due to the number of players on a server that killing your relatives off would make sense.  For example, if we had an overflow server such as when the Tiktok influx happened, and there's say 20 people on the server, it might make sense to kill off your mother before the server dips below 15 players.  This shows that the number of players on a server requirement is not appropriate for genetic score.

2. It discourages you from playing with larger groups of people and positively encourages you to play *less* with strangers and more with people you know or you believe you can trust to play (e. g. do NOT play with Dodge if you care about genetic score, since he's all too likely to quit on the life out of boredom).  Due to clutter issues, food issues, and the like, early death of your relatives is all the more likely with bigger groups.  Better to avoid playing with them and trying to help to resolve problems, since trying to do so makes for bad times for your genetic score.

That said those with higher genetic scores do tend to live out their lives until 60 and at the very least, aren't likely to try to kill off their relatives usually I think.  So, leadership going along with it does make some sense.

Spy Mouse wrote:

She wont even be able to have a single child with how she probably cant even make a fire.

Almost always as Eve on bigserver2 I have a baby *before* making a fire if not two or three babies before making a fire.  And sometimes my children make a fire before me and then burn kindling only for temperature purposes, which isn't useful and causes an issue since branches need used for other things, and then exist further and further away once used.  Ideally, no Eve camp starting from scratch would even attempt to keep fire going before firewood exists.  Fire probably best gets used only to forge plates, bowls, to cook rabbits over hot coals, and even to cook eggs.  I'd rather have cooked eggs and needing to make a second fire at that point to make an axe, shovel, etc. than my children continually throwing kindling on hot coals and running out to get branches to keep that fire going as I've (partially) seen before. 

Temperature did, and I think still does, affect where a player is in the fertility queue.  However, there exists more players coming in than fertile women due to the variable number of players often, and I think there still exists a birth cooldown (which doesn't always take effect, for some reasons like the reincarnation mechanic I think).  So, getting children without a fire isn't all that difficult often enough.

JonySky wrote:

Why can't a king be evil?

An evil king is corrupt and leads to either confused players or players with bad intent as more likely.

JonySky wrote:

  Why can't a leader be a casual player?

One cannot leader without understanding things to an appreciable degree.  The saying goes that one needs to be a follower before being a leader.  A causal player hasn't been a follower enough and isn't likely to understand things.

JonySky wrote:

Why can't an Eve be a new player and hers her children help her advance as leader?

This is JonySky's best question.  But, in this case, the Eve isn't so much of a leader, as being lead by one of her children.  The game has to have an Eve before any other player.  And when the game first got released, most Eves were new at the game.  Also, it does happen that players new to the Eve game do get an Eve spawn somewhat frequently.  An example happened this past Saturday on RainieDash's stream at about 1:30 here:

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#12 2021-03-27 09:34:49

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

I remember the days when you could /die to become Eve, those were good times.

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#13 2021-03-27 15:08:39

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

I miss the before times.   Before so many restrictions and unwelcome changes.

They were simpler times.


#14 2021-03-27 18:19:47

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Genetic Score As Eve Tip

DestinyCall wrote:

I miss the before times.   Before so many restrictions and unwelcome changes.

They were simpler times.

It kind of worked during arc restart, if you ignore the racist aspects of it.

But, after that it becomes a mess.  Had an Eve run this morning.  Ran like 700 tiles left.  Had like 4 living children by the time, and still couldn't find a fresh spot.  So, I follow the stakes and we find some town with a deep well.  I tell them I'll do iron unlock.  I think that place had some strong deficiencies.  I got some of my children to join me later in the new Eve camp and then walked there on getting reborn, but it became a cluster mess and I even failed at feeding my 2 year old child that life (my fault probably).  Next life I got born there as male and except for one other male member of my family they move back to the older camp that someone else started. 

When we didn't have the iron system connected to the water system, I might have set up the new site closer to the deep well town I found.  Also, I don't know how far away the other families were, but it might have been far away.  I think tans are still alive from last night and they had resettled right, and I think Gingers had resettled right also.

The left-right distance spread thing wasn't so bad during arc restart.  And there didn't seem like any signs of the choice of one player on where to live making things harder on another.  But, it pretty much turns into a mess soon after in my opinion.  I mean when I moved to the new spot I did wear some loom clothes and a bowler hat, and the deep well town I was in, I also don't think was in position to make a loom themselves.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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