a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Welcome to the forums. I love your enthusiasm. The first few lives are a real doozy. I remember those days fondly. If you need anything just ask and I'm sure someone will be here to help. FYI, the forums can get a bit snippy. Just ignore Spoonwood and you'll be fine.
If you'd like a profile pic, let me know what you want and I'll make you one. Have fun, my friend and remember to yum.
I am a dirty, dirty roleplayer. I roleplay in the game, sometimes on the forum and if I'm being honest, a bit in real life. I can't help myself. I'm a dirty, dirty roleplayer. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
I feel left out lol, Welcome bakafeck! Watch out for the opposite of fork, they bite when you tell them that you have an opinion. He’s cool though, fun to watch.
Last edited by gamatron332 (2021-01-07 01:28:16)
I’m Gama I flaunt my ideas, and I’m fabulous
But I’ve allready said too much.
Oh my heck a whole-ass welcome mat just for me? I feel like a king!
Welcome to the forums. I love your enthusiasm. The first few lives are a real doozy. I remember those days fondly. If you need anything just ask and I'm sure someone will be here to help. FYI, the forums can get a bit snippy. Just ignore Spoonwood and you'll be fine.
If you'd like a profile pic, let me know what you want and I'll make you one. Have fun, my friend and remember to yum.
Thank you so much, dude! I think most of this game's "charm" is going to be from learning through experience, so I'll smash my head into a tree for a while longer first. I'll keep that in mind though, a lot of people offer to help and that's awesome.
Oh no worries about the profile pic! I'm just lazy. I'm a dirty weeb artist, so rest assured, I'll just opt to embarrass myself instead.
Twice now I've been hand-slapped mom-style for eating too much of the same thing, so I think I'm set, haha. Hopefully we meet in game sometime!
I feel left out
lol, Welcome bakafeck! Watch out for the opposite of fork, they bite when you tell them that you have an opinion. He’s cool though, fun to watch.
Aww *pats* Well, I'm glad you're here XD Thanks for having me!
Butthurts are butthurts, I won't worry too much. Sometimes I'll humour a time or two but I don't really have that kind of patience anymore. I'll learn piece by piece.
Thank you so much, dude! I think most of this game's "charm" is going to be from learning through experience, so I'll smash my head into a tree for a while longer first.
You've probably seen it already, but if you haven't, the first stop in your healing-the-head tour should be onetech.info
The game is designed to have an inordinate number (hah!) of crafting recipes, so a searchable database is extremely useful.
You've probably seen it already, but if you haven't, the first stop in your healing-the-head tour should be onetech.info
That's not a bad tip. I wonder how many people miss that.
<JablinskiGames Impression> PRO TIP- Pressing the ESC key, while playing, will bring up a menu of / commands, like /joy, /leader and /fam.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this is explained anywhere in the game. When it should be next to the drawing of the mouse on the game log in screen. Just a little "press (esc) for / commands", maybe with a hand-drawn escape key.
I am a dirty, dirty roleplayer. I roleplay in the game, sometimes on the forum and if I'm being honest, a bit in real life. I can't help myself. I'm a dirty, dirty roleplayer. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
You've probably seen it already, but if you haven't, the first stop in your healing-the-head tour should be onetech.info
The game is designed to have an inordinate number (hah!) of crafting recipes, so a searchable database is extremely useful.
Sweet man! Thanks! I've got it bookmarked for when the time comes. I just recently finally tried the end of the tutorial where one survives on their own and boy was the ground littered with every stick and rock imaginable, but I did figure out how to make an arrow.
Pressing the ESC key, while playing, will bring up a menu of / commands, like /joy, /leader and /fam.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this is explained anywhere in the game. When it should be next to the drawing of the mouse on the game log in screen. Just a little "press (esc) for / commands", maybe with a hand-drawn escape key.
That's probably how people got those little heart emojis, eh? Thanks for the tip! I'll check it out, I had no idea
I just recently finally tried the end of the tutorial where one survives on their own and boy was the ground littered with every stick and rock imaginable, but I did figure out how to make an arrow.
The making of stone tools by chipping or flaking is called flint-knapping, if that gives you a hint. To make a sharp arrowhead, you want to use rock that will flake or chip off to create a sharp edge. The best rock is somewhat brittle and uniform in texture and structure, lacking frost fractures, inclusions, or other flaws. This type of rock is very fine grained or non-grained.
In my part of the world, many arrowheads were made using obsidian, which is black volcanic glass. Very sharp. But in other regions, different stone types were used, depending on availability and local geology.
Last edited by DestinyCall (2021-01-09 03:05:49)
The making of stone tools by chipping or flaking is called flint-knapping, if that gives you a hint. To make a sharp arrowhead, you want to use rock that will flake or chip off to create a sharp edge. The best rock is somewhat brittle and uniform in texture and structure, lacking frost fractures, inclusions, or other flaws. This type of rock is very fine grained or non-grained.
Ahhh ok. There's so many steps to some things that I often find myself surrounded by enough stuff to build a hut just finding out how to make fire. Flint against flint was apparently not how that was done haha
I kept smashing rocks and crap against each other and against sticks until it worked, but it was the type of stick that eluded me the most. I had no idea how to get a skewer. I stripped so many kinds of branches and played with them haha
Yeah, that is frequently how crafting goes in this game. It usually makes sense in hindsight, but can be devilishly hard to work out by trial and error.
For making arrowheads, you will need a flaky stone to chip into a sharp point and something stronger to chip away at it.
Rocks and more rocks.
On the upside, when you finally work out all the steps, you will know how to craft arrows really well. And dozens of ways to NOT make arrows.
Oh, there is also a crafting help in-game - type /thing to see the recipe for how to make thing. Tab through the options to see different steps (the steps show up in the bottom right).
It's not super intuitive, which is why onetech is so much nicer, but it can help with a lot of little things as long as you know the name.
Yeah, that is frequently how crafting goes in this game. It usually makes sense in hindsight, but can be devilishly hard to work out by trial and error.
On the upside, when you finally work out all the steps, you will know how to craft arrows really well. And dozens of ways to NOT make arrows.
Yeah, by the time I've fiddled with everything for long enough it really sticks haha. I used to forget tons of recipes in Minecraft, but I didn't have to fight so hard for it. I had a dream of making a fire bow drill because of how much effort it took haha
Oh, there is also a crafting help in-game - type /thing to see the recipe for how to make thing. Tab through the options to see different steps (the steps show up in the bottom right).
I do know about this, but I have a terrible memory. By the time I found what I was looking for in it, I need to re-find why I was even looking for it. I've nearly starved to death fiddling with the damn thing multiple times. I remember much better by doing than reading and hoping I latch onto the info long enough to use it, but thanks anyways.
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