One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-08-08 06:12:04

Registered: 2020-01-05
Posts: 6


So, I know mods are a weird topic on OHOL, but I find myself struggling to learn machines like the newcomen devices and all of that without having to wait for the entire server to go to those times or wasting the village's resources by testing stuff out. Is there any way to have like a freeplay world or something where I wont starve and I dont die? Right now im going on a server that I have on my computer, but I die in an hour and cant get very far (then the server resets, since the last eve died). I am considering trying to make a mod that stops me from dying and getting hungry, so I can actually mess around in the game and learn how to play, but there isnt much info on modding. Has someone already made this? or can someone push me in the right direction to learn how to mod?


#2 2020-08-08 08:42:36

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Freeplay

Honestly yea

Imagine being able to spawn into a "tutorial area" exclusive to your account. A place you could freely experiment. You could turn food or age on and off and /die at any age. Sounds like a dream to me.

Im thinking like a solo rift exclusive to each account and held on a different server than bs2.

Would give freedom to experiment and learn the game with a low impact risk.

To be fair though a lot of the challenge of this game is that difficult learning curve. That isnt for everyone though and enabling players to learn and unlock the true potential of this game is more valuable.


#3 2020-08-08 09:26:35

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 4

Re: Freeplay

I agree, that would be great.
I'm using right now, the default configuration of this server always spawns you at the same position on the map, no more loosing everything to a sneaky boar.
You can also tweak the lifeSpanMultiplier in the setting so you don't die of old age, that's very convenient for 1h30 sessions (be careful not to set it too high though or you won't age and will never reach the age to use a car)


#4 2020-08-08 12:18:19

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Freeplay

All newcomen devices can get made in 2HOL.  They have a seed spawn system where you can always respawn at the same spot as an Eve even if you didn't like to 120.  Also, you won't get children as an Eve, unless you name yourself.  Other mechanics to the game do differ, such as using a better iron system for the game.  It's free to download, and here's their page:

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2020-08-09 22:02:37

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 474

Re: Freeplay

There are settings for your own server. You can make the life Longer and buff food over 9000.

Also try out the official servers aside from big server. They don't reset and if you die of old age as eve you respawn at your death location

Baby dance!!


#6 2020-08-10 00:10:14

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Freeplay

StrongForce wrote:

There are settings for your own server. You can make the life Longer and buff food over 9000.

Also try out the official servers aside from big server. They don't reset and if you die of old age as eve you respawn at your death location

Wells do reset if not seen for a bit.  Both shallow and deep wells.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#7 2020-08-10 06:59:47

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Freeplay

MathSRIsh wrote:

You can also tweak the lifeSpanMultiplier in the setting so you don't die of old age, that's very convenient for 1h30 sessions (be careful not to set it too high though or you won't age and will never reach the age to use a car)

It's better to change secondsPerYear than lifeSpanMultiplier since secondsPerYear works only for character aging anyways. Then you can set forceEveAge to let's say 25 years old, and this way you will start as 25yo and never get older if you set a big number in secondsPerYear setting.
It's worth having more than ~18 years old, because then you can overeat foods without wasting pips. Unless you also play without hunger, then 15 years old is enough to do everything.

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


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