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#1 2019-11-23 12:58:57

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

The Future of the Tech Tree


Now that we seem to be going back to content updates lets talk about what we can do to add end game stuff to the tech tree. I saw someone talking about trains. I think trains would be really cool. I think trains should let MULTIPLE people ride them in passenger carts and have cargo carts so you can store stuff as well. The driver area in the front will be 1 person then you can add a passenger slot for more people and cargo slot for storage. The only downside would be they have to be on rails but I think this would be a good addition. I'm thinking some sort of 1800s train like you would see in the civil war/ industrial revolution times.


Something I joked about a while ago I think should actually be added you could make all sorts of modern stuff with plastics maybe toys for babies to play with, in modern buildings, and water bottles which could be a type of bowl. You could add much more things with plastic here are just a few examples. I think plastic is made from oil in real life so you should make plastic from oil. But I think a tank of crude oil would need to make a LOT of plastic to be worth it.

Printing Press/Paper Overhaul:

I've seen people request this before there needs to be a much easier way to make paper. I think you should find a way to make the paper making process easier and I think there should be scrolls which come from reeds or a new thing papyrus. I also think there should be books which to make a book you and leather and paper. Speaking of leather lets get into the cow overhaul.

Cow Overhaul:

To put it simple BEEF AND LEATHER!

Add your future tech tree suggestions below! Maybe we can get Jason to add some of these!

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#2 2019-11-23 20:43:01

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

Stone tools - stone axe, stone shovel, wooden chisel.    Easier to make, but less durable alternative to iron tools.

Copper tools, bronze tools - same as above, but a little better and more versitile.   This would allow slower tech progression OR open up the possibility for different kinds of tools available to different families.


#3 2019-11-23 21:36:33

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

DestinyCall wrote:

Stone tools - stone axe, stone shovel, wooden chisel.    Easier to make, but less durable alternative to iron tools.

Copper tools, bronze tools - same as above, but a little better and more versitile.   This would allow slower tech progression OR open up the possibility for different kinds of tools available to different families.

were u the one who made that bronze age tech idea post about a month ago? I really liked it!

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#4 2019-11-23 21:46:30

Registered: 2019-11-22
Posts: 5

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

I have to say i dislike the idea of adding low tech versions of already existing tools. It would add more clutter, and use up tool slots. You can see this with the stone and steel hoes where each requires a different tool slot to be used. If tools composed of the same material coexist then tool slots will be used up.


#5 2019-11-23 23:02:27

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 114

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

flint and steel - flant + steel, zippo lighter - steel, wool, rope, flint, and kerozene steel as a shell to contain the wool wool for containing kerozene rope for the wick flint for sparks and kerozene as a fuel source

Last edited by D3mon1cblack (2019-11-23 23:04:46)

im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!


#6 2019-11-23 23:14:26

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

BinaryBlackhole wrote:

I have to say i dislike the idea of adding low tech versions of already existing tools. It would add more clutter, and use up tool slots. You can see this with the stone and steel hoes where each requires a different tool slot to be used. If tools composed of the same material coexist then tool slots will be used up.

the idea was made before tools slots and its not realistic to go from nothing to steel.

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#7 2019-11-23 23:36:27

Registered: 2019-05-09
Posts: 257

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

BinaryBlackhole wrote:

I have to say i dislike the idea of adding low tech versions of already existing tools. It would add more clutter, and use up tool slots. You can see this with the stone and steel hoes where each requires a different tool slot to be used. If tools composed of the same material coexist then tool slots will be used up.

Actually stone hoe and steel hoe use the same tool slot #tool hoe


#8 2019-11-24 02:11:38

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The Future of the Tech Tree

As Keyin says, stone hoe and steel hoe share a slot.   If additional low tech tools were available, they could do the same thing.   I doubt there would be any issue with "clutter".   When was the last time you found a town with too many stone hoes?   Even if someone makes too many, we use them up and break them quite easily.

Personally, I think it would fill an important gap and help allow for more variety in town "age".   Our villages move from Eve camp to Sheep town very quickly.   More tool selection available without iron access would allow early towns to develop at different rates without stagnating.   Strong iron tools would be an upgrade, instead of being an earlt game neccessity.

It also opens up the possibility of biome-locking iron, if that is something that Jason would like to do at some point.


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