One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-31 15:41:57

Registered: 2018-04-24
Posts: 269

Are you my father?

a neat concept of having two parents, since we don't have a marriage system yet this could be like one. Usually if I find a spouse in game every kid I or they have (we are all guilty of it) we bring to the spouse and say "this is your dad" or "your dad is --- ----". What if when you have the baby or even while your prego the dad can stand on the same tile as you and say "I'm the Dad" much like giving ownership to a gate. If the father was a non-related the baby would immediately become bilingual thanks to its parentage. That baby would then have two parents, two gmas, and a shit ton of cousins! After death their family tree would even reflect that! The father wouldn't have to be the same guy every kid either lmao these hoes ain't loyal.

         If a woman only had all boys or all her girls died for whatever reason (curse you SIDS!!) then she wouldn't have to be upset that she will never have grandchildren or her line dies out, her sons can still father children and those kids would be recognized as her grand-kids! Granny dies happy and fulfilled!

          This would be a good way to foster more player and player investment and help with co towns working together in a more lasting peace. If the eves had the same skin tone you wouldn't really know who was related to you for real or by marriage unless of course Jason added a by Marriage at the end of the family description. OMG I really think this would be amazing!! adoption and father acknowledgement! PLEASE!!!! I really need this in game now.

Here is the Reddit link: … my_father/

UP vote the hell out of it so Jason will acknowledge we need it!! smile

Check this out upvote if you agree!!! … heck_this/


#2 2019-05-31 18:44:10

Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 4

Re: Are you my father?

I love this whole thing!

Really I want a marriage system (maybe by offering a rose to someone and it plays a lil sound like the curse noise) where it is basically a tool to interlock two lineages. If two girls marry then their intertwine their lineages at that point, and it also allows males to have more of a role in lineage persistence, as well as creating a way to access the most valuable resource: Fertile women. It would be great as a male in a town without women to get to be able to carry your lineage on. This would also be a way to unite towns and families, if two people marry they can't use war sword on each other anymore.

I'm Cali on the forums, your local medic!

Eve Cali, I like to name my daughters Cleo, Isobel, Dany, Katya, Lucia, and Emilia. If you are a son you will be named Thep.


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