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#1 2019-05-21 16:06:47

Registered: 2019-05-19
Posts: 4

Basic Safety Tenets for all camps/towns

Hello, it is I! Your local safety guide in One Hour One Life, here to teach a few basic rules of camp safety.
(This applies mostly to big towns, as people don’t normally grief Eve camps, but it can also apply there.)

Tenet number one: Do not leave files lying around, and do not leave blades lying around. If you are making a blade, make sure to explain why to the people around you. If someone isn't speaking and is making a knife when you already have knives, then that person is now suspect. Tell them to not make a knife and keep an eye on them.

Tenet number two: Keep arrows/swords/knives or any weapons in backpacks. Only give those backpacks to trusted members of your community. Babies can't be trusted immediately, and neither can kids. Only give your knives to people who know what they are doing! This is especially important for arrows, due to their range and the recent buff on bows. Arrows should be kept in packs, because of tenet three...

Tenet number three: Eves. Are. Suspect. All of them. You don't need to kill eves on sight, and though Eve traps may seem barbaric, you really can't be too careful. I would say that every Eve that comes to a town is suspect. For Eves, towns only hold death, and so to come to yours is a griefer action.

To tell an eve from a griefer, look for a name, because griefers don't usually name themselves. Watch for gifts, which can be a sign of peace (however, this is not a guarantee). Keep an eye for speaking: eves who try to talk to you, or try to talk to your kids are more likely to be real players. That being said, here are a few reasons to instakill eves:

If the Eve is holding a bow, KILL HER. If the Eve is holding an arrow, KILL HER. If there is a bow or arrow on the screen, KILL HER. If she is acting weird and stealing, KILL HER. If she so much as looks at weapons, KILL HER. If she tries to steal babies, KILL HER. (This also applies to foreigners)

If an eve comes into your town with a basket or holding a baby, stays outside of town, doesn't take anything, and tries to speak to you, she might not be a murderer, but families are always going to be a ticking time bomb. All of this goes for other families too, who might be raiders.

Tenet number four: Medical supplies are a must have. Eve camps won't be able to get them, but by the time you have a functioning sheep pen, berry farm, and carrots, it's time to make some pads. First, get two bowls, one for pads, one for the water, then get a basket or backpack, for needle and thread. Shear your sheep, because you'll want at least five wool. Use a drop spindle on the wool to get thread, and keep it for now.

The, take some kindling, light it on fire, wait for the coals, then get some water and place it on the coals to get simmering water. Use the thread on the simmering water to get pads, and put it in the other bowl. Pads stack five to a bowl. Get some bone needles and put either thread or string on them, keep these nearby. Five is ideal, three is more likely. Tell people not to take the thread, and just wait for a murder. Always keep an eye on the pads and a fire nearby. If someone has taken the pads out, there will be a murder soon. Stab wounds can be healed easily, arrow wounds are harder.

If you are the dedicated medic, it is still possible to heal arrow wounds. To heal an arrow wound, first take the arrow out of the person, take your knife, put it in a fire, use it on them, then take the head of the arrow out with bare hands, then use a pad and a needle and thread on them. This might not always work, but it's worth the try, and that person will carry a debt to you forever.

Tenet number five: Guards, Town guards are worth it for a big city, get some people you trust, give them a knife and a war sword if you can afford it, tell them to patrol the town. For an Eve camp, a guard can just be one of the more trusted people who has access to the arrows and a sharp eye for griefers. In bigger towns, fences and walls are worth the investment, someone can go around repairing the fence and watching for griefers, preferably with a war sword. That’s a patrol guard. An intown guard is preferably the smith, and carries a knife in case of in-family griefers. Curses are good once the murderer is dead. Remember who the guards are, don’t be afraid to cry wolf, and be an alert citizen.

Tenet number six: Violence begets violence. If you, an upstanding citizen has just killed a raiding eve, a murdering family member, or anyone else, try to explain why you did it. Keep moving to not get killed by your own family. A protective killing can turn into a murder war that tears apart a family. If someone has been killed, see if it’s one of the guards, or someone trustworthy. However, kill murderers, especially kid ones.

Tenet number seven: The murder of troubled babies. It can be a hard choice to keep babies, but sometimes they just have to be killed. Contrary to popular belief, not all twins/trips/quads are trolls, they may seem bad but if you’re kind they can be good. That being said, abandon all twins who spell out words, they’re here for the lols. Also abandon all twin boys; they aren’t worth it. If a baby is spelling out ‘UG’ ‘LY’ or something of the sort, abandon it. If the baby is going ‘F’ constantly and is acting suspect, abandon it. If the baby fails the temperature test, abandon it. If you’ve had five boys already, you might not need that boy. All babies that act suspiciously should be considered for abandonment.

To sum up the tenets and this guide: 1. Clean up your camp, 2. Keep weapons in backpacks, 3. Eves are suspect, 4. Make medical supplies, 5. Guard your town, 6. Explain your actions, 7. Abandon suspect babies. Follow this guide to make your town at least a little bit safer for everyone in it, and hopefully prevent genocide. A guide on avoiding famine, animals, and other such disasters deserves its own post, but I’ll leave you here.

Last edited by Rheianos (2019-05-21 18:12:02)

I'm Cali on the forums, your local medic!

Eve Cali, I like to name my daughters Cleo, Isobel, Dany, Katya, Lucia, and Emilia. If you are a son you will be named Thep.


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