One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-10-06 16:36:12

Registered: 2018-09-08
Posts: 307

Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

I'm sure we all hate suicide babies, perhaps some of us do it ourselves, when born to an eve with no swamp nearby, or named poop, but in most scenarios, baby suicides are just annoying, and sometimes lineage breaking.  However, I have a partial solution that will at least make baby suiciding punishable, and slightly discourage it. 

        What if, when you die, you lose the ability to move, like a newborn couldn't (or shift %) which would not only add a bit of realism, but add a way to name babies before they suicide, thus allowing you to curse them.  This way, while baby suicides are still doable, if a person wants they can curse said baby, making excessive baby suiciders punished. 

     (Yes, it is possible to get baby suiciders cursed, though hard.  I got Venus Norse, a baby who suicided in my arms, five curses for such, and left a note for future generations saying to do the same.)


#2 2018-10-06 16:53:17

Registered: 2018-05-28
Posts: 39

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

It's not right to curse suicide babies to donkey town. Donkey town is for major griefers. A time out to think about what they have done. Suicide babies just don't like their town or their mother. What they need is a ban from that lineage. Which is why i always kill babies that ask me to kill them. If they don't want to be here then I don't want them here either.

The problem comes that babies disconnect or don't vocalize their wish to be banned from this lineage. They get reborn again and again wasting the mother's birth cooldown. I still want to see disconnect players bodies stay on screen until they die of starvation or someone can murder them.


#3 2018-10-06 17:07:43

Registered: 2018-03-26
Posts: 27

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

i'd really like to see newborn baby skeletons decay faster at the least. ive seen griefing where they would just get reborn over and over again and die repeatedly in working spaces, leaving bone piles everywhere. even when suicide babies arent griefing they still leave corpses all over and it drives me nuts because typically moving the bodies isnt the rest of the players first priority, understandably so.


#4 2018-10-06 17:27:30

From: Finland, Oulu
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 336

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

I think baby suicide running should be considered griefing... since you'll likely spawn to their family again, and they could be wasting mother's time to get a baby who is actually willing to play. I can understand babies who will run away from towns that are in cold areas and no way near warm spots.
I think lineage ban for 0 year olds would help solve the issue of lineages dying. Not everyone is going to baby suicide. Some actually wish to play, and they are cockblocked from birthing to a proper family because some griefer keeps getting reborn over and over to families.

griefing = harassing

If you ever enter Pea (Helkama turns into random name) family, you need the lottery ticket picked up. My baby names given can be absolutely random.
"Are you fueled with peasoup or why you keep running off from temperature tile?"


#5 2018-10-06 19:34:47

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

The problem with lineage bans for 0 year olds is that you suddenly start punishing completely innocent players that got abandoned by their mothers for one reason or another. This could be detrimental for eve runs, when your first few babies might be abandoned while searching for a good spot to set up camp, and completely block out people from large lineages if the mother abandoned them to overpopulation.

Baby suicides aren't the only reason babies might die at 0, and its unfair for the players that don't suicide but still die early to get banned entirely from the lineage.

On the topic of baby suicides, I do this a lot, for very specific reasons. An eve camp in the middle of green is going to die out whether I stay or not. Being born as a male when a camp needs a girl might entice me to suicide and try to wait out their cooldown to go back. Getting born to a huge town that's already at the end of the tech tree and has little to be done is an easy suicide for me.

I'll always stay if it's a small starting camp or town that could use my help. Personally I think any decent player should, especially if they're a girl. Suiciding is only a problem to me if it's among a small family or to an eve. The rest of the time, it'd be annoying at best.

-Has ascended to better games-


#6 2018-10-06 22:58:53

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 201

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

Preventing the % quit in the game won't solve anything for Windows users as they can always close the game through task manager.

Last edited by VioletLily (2018-10-06 22:59:42)


#7 2018-10-07 02:47:54

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

Yep, I hate it when I end up with six of my babies being the same person. I try to stab them when I can but a lot insta DC or run away before I can, Don't understand why a suicide baby would run when I'm trying to stab them. Rarely does a baby ask to be killed, apparently they prefer running from the same person 5 fives times.

I think lineage ban for babies is a good solution, Yeah it would effect abandoned babies but I feel like you wouldn't want intentionally abandoned babies to come back and hold a grudge. I'd rather them suicide once and be done with it and free up the position for different people. Better to die off because you had too few babies then to die because one person was all your babies and suicided everytime.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#8 2018-10-07 15:39:09

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 111

Re: Partial Solution for Suicide Babies

I think we have to make a difference in why people suicide/die as baby; because in some cases it is worse than in other cases. But, thats my opinion lol. What I mean is that your opinion (punish all those babies) won't work; because you also punish innocent babies; and beside that, not all babies suicide when they are 0. Some suicide when they are 2 or 3 and thats more bad in my opinion.

So I suggest to make a difference between why your baby suicide. Is it because there are enough girls and they are a girl? Is it because they WANT to be a girl and be a boy? Is it because there mom ran away? Is it because they just don't like the place? Is it because it is an early Eve camp and they want a city, or vice versa? Because that all makes a different situation!

I for example suicide often because I'm a boy; so yes, I won't like to be killed or lineage banned because it's not the lineage but my gender. Some other people want to be a boy, but also dont care about there enviroment. The same for babies who's mom ran away and let them die. And the babies who's mom fed them but then ran away and let them starve, or get killed and couldn't feed the kid anymore.

What I find more annoying is someone who suicide because they want to be back to there "old town"/"Eve camp" because that life is over and you should stay where you are; after all, that old town would be there in an hour also. This also counts for Eve camps and towns; you couldn't like it, but I don't think you should suicide because of that. If you don't like it you could always make an outpost for the main camp.

I would say that the second group would be punished and the first not .. not because I'm part of the first group, but because those people don't care about if it is an eve camp, town or something in between. They just didn't have the luck to be grown up (as there gender they want/as a kid). I on the other hand would say that the second group is bad; because the people of that group would be suicide town after town, baby after baby, until they have their "dream place".


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