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#1 2018-08-16 16:06:08

Registered: 2018-08-15
Posts: 2

The Journey of Bella West. My proudest in game moment yet. (8/15/2018)

This is my first forum post, so please don't judge me too bad if I don't know certain things. Also a big thank you too TheRedBug on the Discord for helping me make an account for this forums. Without him I wouldn't be able to post this story. smile

In the beginning of my life my mother Holly West held me, only for seconds later a bell was rung. I made up my mind at that very moment that I would find that bell tower....It was 5.5K away too the right. So I say too my mom "bell" to try and tell her that we should move too that civ with the bell tower. Since, We lived in a small civ. Although, I thought that I would need a horse to travel the big distance that separates the 2 civs. So, I tried for most of my childhood to make a lasso and tame a horse, I was unsuccessful. When I became a young adult, I then thought "Fuck it, it's worth a shot." So I said goodbye to a nice baker. She wished me good luck, and I was off.

All I had was a backpack full of pies, my own 2 feet, and my determination. I made sure to be extra cautious on my 5.5K Journey, South East. I made sure to avoid bunches of trees, because in my last life I died to a boar hiding behind some trees. I even made a sharp stone and ate everything I could on my travels, as long as I was hungry. (The Food Bonus mechanic was my best friend through that journey) I even dug up carrots and ate them. I wanted to save my pies as reserve food, in case I wasn't coming across food for a while.
During my journey, I dodged bears, boars, snakes, and anything else you can think of. Half way through my journey I grew old, old enough to grow a beard. There was about 3.2K left for me to walk. Eventually I see a domestic sheep, then chopped trees. After that, I saw a sign I recognize so well. A hospital sign. Right after that a bear comes out of nowhere, I barely dodged it. I started looking around after I lost the bear, to find out that everyone was dead! At this point I was left with 5 food bars. I found a key after that (off a dead body) So, I go around trying to figure out where the key goes. Then I end up dying of old age.

I should remind you that the Bell tower was rung soon after I was born. Which means that the people in that dead civ died in my lifetime! The bodies had to be fresh. Also, 3 of my past lives were lived in that now dead civ. It was a shame to see it all die to one bear, but at the same time I was ecstatic that I even survived the 5.5K journey from 1 small civ too a big civ, on foot and by myself. It was truly my proudest in game moment yet. I survived my first ever long journey.

Although, I ask for a favor from the people that read this story. I would love to hear the nice baker's life story, to see how everything went after I left. her charecters name was Lily. Here is her lineage … _id=872479
And here is mine … &id=872479
Feel free to check both out. I ask that you please bring this to their attention. My discord is James90941 #4130 Lily if you find this, feel free to message me on discord. smile I hope you lived a good life in the small village.


#2 2018-08-16 16:07:14

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: The Journey of Bella West. My proudest in game moment yet. (8/15/2018)

This redbug guy sure seems like a nice guy
I'd cook stew for him ;D



#3 2018-08-16 18:41:11

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: The Journey of Bella West. My proudest in game moment yet. (8/15/2018)

I was Lily's grandmother, Maggie West smile

I'd found a crown, not long after being born, and worked it into a Leaf Crown. I didn't make any big fuss about it when I settled it onto my head. No obnoxious "I AM QUEEN" screeching, or anything like that. I simply adorned it and went to work. Forging, farming, helping make pies- an assortment of jobs. Queen or not, there was work to be done. I helped assign tasks when asked, searched the outskirts for any hidden/abandoned items, and whatever other jobs needed working on.

Maybel was my only surviving daughter. I wasn't.. the best mother, tbh. I'd get distracted in my work, and forget to feed my children. I never even named Maybel- an older member of our family found her and raised her to adulthood. I'm glad they did. I also raised two sons, Carrot [Carroll] and Berry, glad to see they made it to old age.

Maybel did mildly annoy me when she got older, however. She never named her children. Not one child of hers was named by her. I told her she should do so, when I found a couple of her nameless children. She ignored me completely. I don't blame her, I could barely be considered her mother and hadn't even named her myself, but she was punishing innocent children over it.

I got to what kids I could find and picked them up to name them myself. That's how Rose, Queen, Posy and Beautiful received their names. When I found Lily and Zinnia, they were already grown. I asked them if they wanted names, and they both agreed. I named them after a couple of my favorite flowers.

Eventually I got old, and needed to pass on my legacy to someone. Maybel would've been the obvious choice, but I wanted someone younger to pass it down, and her earlier ignoring of me and lack of naming her children concerned me. I also considered Beautiful, but she was hardly more than a child and I had yet to see what kind of person she was, and that also made me hesitate. I even considered my sons, Carrot and Berry- they were hard workers. But I wanted a female, someone who could pass it onto her offspring. I hope they understood.

Lily became the obvious choice. She might not've had the family name, but she was always working hard on whatever task was in front of her- mainly cooking, it seemed, as I often found her near the oven. She seemed kind and respectful, and humble. I pulled her aside and passed her my crown and my sheepskin, and urged her to work hard, rule fairly, and serve her people well.

I made my final rounds, saying goodbye to my children and grandchildren. Maybel ignored me more than ever, I hope she wasn't upset about passing down my crown to her daughter instead of herself. She died early too, starving shortly after she became infertile. I'm glad I made the decision. It looks like Lily's last words were passing down the crown to someone else. I hope she chose her successor wisely.

-Has ascended to better games-


#4 2018-08-19 17:38:44

Registered: 2018-08-15
Posts: 2

Re: The Journey of Bella West. My proudest in game moment yet. (8/15/2018)

That story is wonderful. I'm glad that Lily got to inherit the crown, she deserved it. If you ever want to play together, feel free to message me on discord. We can hop into a discord call and play together. Also, thanks for replying. smile

Last edited by James90941 (2018-08-19 17:39:20)


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