One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-07 19:25:49

Registered: 2018-03-07
Posts: 2

New Recipe/Recipes = Writing

I would love if we are able to write down, on the bark, words. Passing down knowledge in a different way, so our ancestors can write things down, and pass it on. Maybe able to give it to the children, to learn. Maybe even write laws down, what to follow. This will be so amazing.

In the beginning, you can only use bark (wood) to write stuff down.

After that, maybe write stuff down on clay/stone slabs like in Egypt and the Greeks.

This will be so awesome, able to write laws down, make "books" and communicate to one place to another using like a mailman.

Maybe, if ink gets added and paper, able to write much more stuff down, but without discovering machines to make paper, the paper will be much harder to make.

I really love this idea, with this, people don't have to fear after dying from old age, that the next generations don't know how to farm properly. This will make it less frustrating and adds much more in-depth stories. Maybe people write down about the founder of the town and tell stories or how Great People that was born in the town, made the town go into the Golden Age. This has unlimited possibilities.


#2 2018-03-07 19:48:14

Registered: 2018-03-07
Posts: 2

Re: New Recipe/Recipes = Writing

Maybe adding a new crafting way?
Like you need to cut logs, then dissolve them in a bowl of hot water then make a frame then put the papyrus in it and let it dry. and then you can write with a piece of coal...
Would this work?


#3 2018-03-08 06:02:03

Registered: 2018-03-08
Posts: 3

Re: New Recipe/Recipes = Writing

I agree, the hallmark of successful civilization, and advanced civilization is the ability to disperse information between generations effectively. For a game where we only have 60 minutes, and some poor mother births 4 children, if educating each one takes even 2 minutes, she's lost nearly 1/6 of her life to telling others what to do, and so does each successive generation.

Being able to spread laws of the land like not fucking picking milkweed incorrectly should be most certainly difficult, but something for a civilization to aspire to achieve.


#4 2018-03-08 06:14:42

Registered: 2018-03-04
Posts: 17

Re: New Recipe/Recipes = Writing

Any ability to communicate across generations would be a huge advantage and could really shift the gameplay. I think if we get it, it should be something that takes an absurd amount of work or resources to produce and/or only last for an hour or two.


#5 2018-03-08 07:12:44

Registered: 2018-01-01
Posts: 137

Re: New Recipe/Recipes = Writing

I'll copy my suggestion from the thread where someone wanted to create labels for cities:

We could have pictograms of objects in the world and be able to engrave them on stuff. Don't write latin letters. And it could be a bit hard to do.

plank + saw -> blank sign
flint + blank sign -> sign ready to be engraved
sign ready to be engraved + hammer -> berry-sign with pick
berry-sign with pick + hammer -> baby-sign with pick
baby-sign with pick + hammer -> carrot-sign with pick
carrot-sign with pick -> wolf-sign with pick


So in order to name a place you would put a series of sign at a central or entrance place. Box Eden could for instance be "Wall-Milkweed-Wall" and one-line farm could be "Plot-Plot-Plot"

I am sure people will get creative to make offensive things but I would say that the "Baby Stick" city is a step up from "PenisTown".

EDIT: Actually you could do something like that today, but it is pretty hard: by putting the objects representing your desired name inside a walled enclosure so that no one can take them.


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