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#1 2018-03-01 20:21:21

Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 1

A Short Story - Wolf Hat's Legacy

Wolf Hat's Legacy

I was born a child to an immature Eve. She didn't know what to do, barely moving from where I entered the world. Even through my simple thoughts I plotted to escape our dwindling berries. Me and my brother barley explored. It was only when my hair grew that I knew it was time to move on. I left my family to find greater prospects to the west, but my hunger drew deep as I found myself wishing to have stayed. Then I found the town, a bustling hive of a well established tribe. They spoke few pleasantries, but they knew how to farm with calls of water to the north. I knew I had to find my family and tell them of my discovery. I ran back as fast as I could, my endurance increased, my love of life renewed. What I found was extinguished bushes, abandoned basic tools, but no signs of life. I couldn't even find the bones.

I made my way back to the village and found solace in the humdrum of sustaining our life. We followed our leader, who I referred to as Wolf Hat. She had a functioning farming system and we had food to sustain us.

Suddenly I became of age and I had new life to care for. I took up the challenge with the pleasant feeling that I was bringing souls into a world that might last. I decided to peg a stick in the ground and finally call a place home. Wolf Hat continued to be busy running food production, her busy disciples followed her directions as she organised enough for everyone. With all my time spent caring at the camp I took on jobs. I cooked wet clay to form bowls. I moved bones of past generations to honour them in a great graveyard. I made calls for thread and set myself a mission to clothe the camp. Everything was perfect, no one struggled. Then Wolf Hat made an announcement. You could tell time had been tough on her as her back was hunched and her wrinkles plenty. She offered the wolf pelt to the group, telling us that there needed to be a new leader for the land to prosper. I took up the reins, feeling like I could be a central point for everyone to lean on. I donned the wolf pelt and nothing changed, I wasn't the leader she was, I was just the seamstress.

Then Wolf Hat surprised us with the announcement of her departure. She felt it only just to disappear into the plains to avoid becoming a hindrance to our further success. I pleaded with her to stay and live out her years within the camp; her life had been too influential for her to leave, she was the lifeblood of the camp. She smiled and accepted my plea, arguing that she could do little jobs into her final years.

Wolf Hat didn't last long. I moved her bones into the graveyard and mourned her passing. The camp quickly fell into disarray without her guiding force. Farms were left without water and our supplies dwindled. I attempted to replace her. I travelled north for water, but even with a thorough search I couldn't find source she used and didn’t have the time to waste. I hated myself for not learning her routes when she was still alive. The few villagers that remained searched for distant fruit, with some not returning from their ventures.

Then one came back to the camp. He called with knowledge of another settlement not far away with food to spare. Only I and another listened as he called for us to grab the bowls and leave, so we did and home became a distant vision. We trekked across the land, picking at the various bushes on our way, moving through forests like I had never seen. Then our guide stopped. He told us he was lost. We laughed… it was all we could do. We were stuck in an unknown forest without any supplies apart from the useless clay in our hands. Then he called to see if one of us had a marker and I felt the sense of home. The direction was obvious, but we had travelled so far. We were hungry, not thinking straight. One of us disappeared to the north, another continued running past me as I stopped for fruit. I thought all was lost as I was on my final breaths, but then I heard the cries of new life. I headed south; away from my sense of home and towards what I hoped was redemption. As I walked through the rows of bushes, I gorged myself on the sweetness of success. I had found the town we searched for by luck of hearing the babe’s cries. A young farmer greeted me with welcome arms. He remarked at my wolf pelt and I spoke of his lustrous farms. I was another soul he could save from the wastes. I didn't spend any time dawdling and got stuck in filling the ovens with kindling and setting more wet clay to the kiln. I used my knowledge of sewing to create a garment for every newborn that arrived; I relived a golden era in Wolf Hat's memory. Then the young farmer remarked that I was getting old, and I guess I was, although I didn't feel it. Life had been tough on me, tough on all of us. I told the farmer that he should take my wolf pelt and that a great leader needed to distinguish themselves against the backdrop. He accepted my call.

Now I couldn’t fight the feeling of age as my endurance struggled through the pangs of the long hunger. I told him that my life was nearing its end and he said he would miss me. Nothing was greater than the bond between two people working for the greater good. I had made a difference.

Darkness surrounded me, but only shortly. I was reborn in a familiar place. I found myself at the centre of my old camp, its people somehow still alive farming and crafting. It was only then I realised that Wolf Hat's legacy had lived on.

-- --

I played an awesome session today and felt like I should share my experience. Thanks to those who joined me in the two camps and good luck to those that find the ruins (the massive graveyard at the top of a town should be a giveaway).

I'll write an epilogue of the second life where I revisited the other camp when I get a spare few.


#2 2018-03-01 22:52:41

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: A Short Story - Wolf Hat's Legacy



#3 2018-03-02 05:13:05

Registered: 2018-01-01
Posts: 137

Re: A Short Story - Wolf Hat's Legacy

Long live the wolf's hat! Making it a sign of leadership is brilliant. I actually gave mine to a newborn so that she doesn't freeze.

I observed that a leader's role is better spent at teaching and giving instructions. In this game the feeling of urgency makes everyone want to run as many errands as possible but actually having one person knowing that some water is on the way, that we need more soil, that these carrots are for seeds, etc... is really precious!


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