One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2023-07-14 21:21:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,803

Update: Tough Roads


Paved roads are now harder to remove, requiring a two-person operation, just like rail tracks.  The paving machine now requires a smithing hammer to stop, which makes it much harder to stop by accident.

Donkeytown players are now much farther away (200 million tiles), but they have access to all the biome bands, meaning that they can potentially build their own thriving civilization out there.  Maybe they'll even have their own world-famous opera house someday.

Given that curses last five years now, and some people may have issued many curses casually in the past before this change, a new FORGIVE EVERYONE command lets you wipe the slate clean.

There was a bug occurring at every server startup that reset each player's curse count back to zero, which meant that the global component of curses (which affects how far away you need to be born from someone who has you blocked) wasn't working correctly.  With this week's fix, the players that have received hundreds of curses will now feel the full effect.

There has been a long-standing client-side bug that would register your death as a disconnection event in rare circumstances.  This bug has finally been found and fixed.

And finally, there's a new SERVICES screen in the client, which can be used to generate hash tokens to verify your account with third-party services.  For example, future versions of the Phex chat service could verify that you really have a game account, to prevent spam bots from posting.


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