One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2022-01-29 07:38:12

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Favorite Jason Quote

I thought it could be fun for everyone to post their favorite Jason quote in this thread.

Mine is:

"I'm Spoonwood" - Jason Rohrer


#2 2022-01-29 09:14:01

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

jasonrohrer wrote:

What you WANT and what you actually NEED are two different things.  It's my job to figure out the difference.


#3 2022-01-29 15:21:06

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Can't tell if sarcastic or not


#4 2022-01-29 15:38:39

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

If you are talking about Jason, I think he was being dead serious.


#5 2022-01-29 16:09:13

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yeah, I don't have time for this.

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


#6 2022-01-29 16:43:13

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 205

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

DestinyCall wrote:

If you are talking about Jason, I think he was being dead serious.

No I know about Jason, I mean this being your favorite quote


#7 2022-01-29 17:05:42

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Oh in that case, yes.   Very sarcastic.  Always.

I'm not sure if I have a "favorite" quote.   Hmmm actually that's not true.

This is my favorite:

jasonrohrer wrote:

There's only one father in this game.

He is the father of all.

His fertile essence flows forth freely, serving as the seeds for the teeming multitudes.  He hath fathered over 7 million so far, and counting.  He never sleeps. 

He's like Santa Clause, blowing his little presents down every chimney in the world.

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this courier from the swift completion of his appointed rounds.

This might sound like a chore, but nothing could be further from the truth!  He always finishes his fatherly duty with chuckle and a smile, proud to the core of a job well done.


#8 2022-01-29 20:21:19

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 77

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Not from Jason, but this is my favorite Spoonwod quote:

Spoonwood wrote:

No changes during this time period.


#9 2022-01-29 22:25:39

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

"Be nice to me, please.

Help me want to work on the game."

Best quote ever...
Just shows you Jason mentality.
It's not enough that we bought his dumb game and play it, we gotta beg and be nice for the him to do anywork.

More like a bad excuse, tying to say that we are the reason he doesn't work on the game.
The real reason was he moved and is remodeling.
Not because we are mean.

Classic misdirection.


#10 2022-01-29 22:50:43

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Moving and remodeling was why he stopped updating the game.   But the community response to his work over the years has probably contributed to why he did not come back.

I'm honestly surprised it took this long for the dev to give up.  This place has been a fount of negativity for years.


#11 2022-01-30 04:06:35

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

I was trying to pick my favorite Spoonwood quote, but there are just too many.

In no particular order, here are just a few lovely out-of-context Spoonwood quotes.  But let's be honest, would knowing the context actually help? 

Trust me, they are better this way.

Spoonwood wrote:

You aren't Spoonwood.  I do think that you were joking though when you called yourself Spoonwood.

Spoonwood wrote:

I'm sure that this thread wasn't about the same thing as any other thread.

Spoonwood wrote:

I didn't write this post for Jason.  I also didn't write several of my previous posts for Jason.

Spoonwood wrote:

I'm pretty sure I haven't been stalking a game.

Spoonwood wrote:

A water griefer might water trees out of town and then never rewater them, nor suggest that anyone else rewater them.

Spoonwood wrote:

The game is not ten minutes one life.  The game is not twenty minutes one life.  The game is not thirty minutes one life.  The game is not forty minutes one life.  The game is not fifty minutes one life.  The game's name is One Hour One Life.

Spoonwood wrote:

I would say that no town death exists in the real world, because there is no town life.  In other words, towns don't live, and thus they can't die.  Or do you think that towns live, and thus they can die?

Spoonwood wrote:

Infinity of anything is interesting, because the possibilities are endless.  Finite of anything has limited interest at best, since there exist only so many possible combinations.

Spoonwood wrote:

If lineages could survive updates, there would exist hope.

Spoonwood wrote:

Really, if we're being honest does there exist a serious way that the game does not pander to the female ego in that the women can do all of the reproducing by their own self, get all of the credit for families, and every woman is somehow just as strong as every man?

Spoonwood wrote:

I'm too young to be a boomer.

Spoonwood wrote:

What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to feed?  A beast, no more.  Sure he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unused.

Spoonwood wrote:

Either new players experience one hour one life, or they don't.  If they don't experience one hour one life, why should they experience 50 minutes one life, 30 minutes one life, or something less than one hour one life?  Why should they get an inferior experience the first time?  Why should they die instead of surviving (to old age)?

Spoonwood wrote:

Shredded cabbage confuses people.

Spoonwood wrote:

It's not a joke that all male characters in the game are incels.

Spoonwood wrote:

It's simply too easy to have children.  The single parent system is overpowered and comes as the underlying reason why teamwork in the game is so weak.

Spoonwood wrote:

Does anyone reading this lived a few lives trying to get breastfed until one almost turns 5?

Does anyone reading this lived a few lives trying to breastfeed their children until they almost turn 5?

Spoonwood wrote:

Much of the very foundations of the multiplayer aspect of this game rest on systemic violence to players.

I'm also not the first person to hint at such.

Spoonwood wrote:

That no one ever dies in childbirth isn't realistic at all.

Spoonwood wrote:

No incest at all would exist via active player based mating mechanics (via their characters), since no real-world sex would be taking place via such mechanics.

Spoonwood wrote:

It would make more sense if women had to take their top off to breastfeed.  I wonder how difficult it would be to implement that mothers would need to take their top off to breast feed.

Spoonwood wrote:

How did the baby float?

Spoonwood wrote:

I guess if there were breasts that had neither benefit nor any serious drawbacks, that would be o.k. but I'm not so sure that such hypothetically exactly neutral breasts exist.

Spoonwood wrote:

I don't do any drugs.

And of course, this little gem:

Spoonwood wrote:

I predict that you'll have a better life if you stop playing and never play this game again.


#12 2022-01-30 12:29:54

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 77

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

DestinyCall thanks for all the great Spoonwood quotes

DestinyCall wrote:

Life is too short to waste time drowning your noob babies.


#13 2022-02-04 14:04:07

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 98

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

Really, if we're being honest does there exist a serious way that the game does not pander to the female ego in that the women can do all of the reproducing by their own self, get all of the credit for families, and every woman is somehow just as strong as every man?

Spoonwood is living evidence that sometimes bullying IS the answer.


#14 2022-02-04 15:45:19

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

LonelyNeptune wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

Really, if we're being honest does there exist a serious way that the game does not pander to the female ego in that the women can do all of the reproducing by their own self, get all of the credit for families, and every woman is somehow just as strong as every man?

Spoonwood is living evidence that sometimes bullying IS the answer.

Bullying has to involve " force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. "  None of that gets used in my question which asks about the game pandering to the female ego.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#15 2022-02-04 15:53:44

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Oh... I also hadn't read all of the quotes attributed to me.

In particular, I don't believe I said this:

"What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to feed?  A beast, no more.  Sure he that made us with such large discourse, looking before and after, gave us not that capability and god-like reason to fust in us unused."

Well, it looks like I didn't use quote marks when I wrote that, but I did entitle the post: "What Hamlet Might Say About Recent Changes".  And I think that's an exact quote from Hamlet.  Thus, I *mentioned* such, and didn't *use* such.  Thus, attributing it to me doesn't seem exactly right.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#16 2022-02-04 20:53:57

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Spoonwood wrote:

Well, it looks like I didn't use quote marks when I wrote that, but I did entitle the post: "What Hamlet Might Say About Recent Changes".  And I think that's an exact quote from Hamlet.  Thus, I *mentioned* such, and didn't *use* such.  Thus, attributing it to me doesn't seem exactly right.

I will let you answer this objection yourself using another quote:

Spoonwood wrote:

For the record, it's not an exact quote.  Hamlet mentioned 'sleep' in Shakespeare's play.


#17 2022-02-04 21:52:12

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Spoonwood wrote:
LonelyNeptune wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

Really, if we're being honest does there exist a serious way that the game does not pander to the female ego in that the women can do all of the reproducing by their own self, get all of the credit for families, and every woman is somehow just as strong as every man?

Spoonwood is living evidence that sometimes bullying IS the answer.

Bullying has to involve " force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. "  None of that gets used in my question which asks about the game pandering to the female ego.

I think you misunderstood LonelyNeptune's post.  He is not accusing you of being a bully based on that quote, but rather pointing to that quote as justification for why you have been rightfully targeted for bullying in the past.

Personally, I don't agree.   I was taught that "two wrongs do not make a right" or to put it another way, someone else's bad behavior does not excuse your own bad behavior. 

Therefore, it is still wrong to bully people, even if they could use a swift kick in the butt for being a real tosser.


#18 2022-02-04 21:52:57

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

Well, it looks like I didn't use quote marks when I wrote that, but I did entitle the post: "What Hamlet Might Say About Recent Changes".  And I think that's an exact quote from Hamlet.  Thus, I *mentioned* such, and didn't *use* such.  Thus, attributing it to me doesn't seem exactly right.

I will let you answer this objection yourself using another quote:

Spoonwood wrote:

For the record, it's not an exact quote.  Hamlet mentioned 'sleep' in Shakespeare's play.

Oof.  I already, I did *use* such then.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#19 2022-02-04 21:55:00

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
LonelyNeptune wrote:

Spoonwood is living evidence that sometimes bullying IS the answer.

Bullying has to involve " force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. "  None of that gets used in my question which asks about the game pandering to the female ego.

I think you misunderstood LonelyNeptune's post.  He is not accusing you of being a bully based on that quote, but rather pointing to that quote as justification for why you have been rightfully targeted for bullying in the past.

There is no such thing as rightfully targeting people for bullying.

This game definitely does pander to a "women can do it all by themselves" mentality.  Whether that is the female ego though is another matter, so I can't say that the question has a clear answer.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#20 2022-02-04 22:05:43

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

This might not be the right place for that discussion, Spoonwood.   How about share a funny Jason quote, instead?


#21 2022-02-05 01:12:18

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Not sure where it was since it was rift era but my favorite quite from Jason is "For the time being I think we have enough content."

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#22 2022-02-05 01:13:57

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Found it

jasonrohrer wrote:

For the time being, I think we have enough content.

My goal is to iron out all the large-scale problems with the game (and fix all the known bugs) before adding any new content.

I spent many months heaping content on top of the game, and it didn't really make the game better.  It didn't seem like this was a viable way forward.  I could have kept doing that up to 10,000 objects, and then we'd have a bad game with tons of content.

We already have tons of content.  I want to make an amazing game first.

The whole thing is worth a great read.

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#23 2022-02-05 03:07:07

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

Yeah, that is a classic.


#24 2022-02-05 14:03:36

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

QuirkySmirkyIan wrote:

Found it

jasonrohrer wrote:

For the time being, I think we have enough content.

My goal is to iron out all the large-scale problems with the game (and fix all the known bugs) before adding any new content.

I spent many months heaping content on top of the game, and it didn't really make the game better.  It didn't seem like this was a viable way forward.  I could have kept doing that up to 10,000 objects, and then we'd have a bad game with tons of content.

We already have tons of content.  I want to make an amazing game first.

The whole thing is worth a great read.

It's a bunch of lies and excuses not to fulfill what one said would do.  It's no model of good character whatsoever.  On the contrary, it's how a huckster speaks and rationalizes their bad behavior.

Nothing funny or inspiring in it.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#25 2022-02-05 17:45:41

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Favorite Jason Quote

To be fair to the dev, I don't think he set out to dissapoint people.   I read that quote as indicating that he is trying to improve the game, but he is really struggling to actually do it.   He can tell that something isn't right and wants to fix it.   He just does not know how.

Basically, it is a cry for help ... except he isn't willing to accept outside help.   Kind of sad, really.


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