One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2021-11-09 01:26:40

Registered: 2021-10-31
Posts: 8

Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Please for the love of all that's good, please make the game playable again on the main server. Either make "low pop" be 30-35 people or get rid of race restrictions.

It's unplayable especially with the new players who don't understand that people are trying to trade or that there's a language difference.

The meta right now is to wait until the server dips to low pop, then quickly pile bananas, cactus fruit, palm, sulfur, and salt outside of the restricted biomes to come pick up in later lives.

Otherwise nothing gets done and THAT is why we can't make the advanced tech like race cars that you angrily say we never make, Jason.


#2 2021-11-09 01:37:02

Registered: 2021-10-31
Posts: 8

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Some exciting highlights from my recent gameplay:

- I spent 15 minutes trying to get a lady from another race to pick up a piece of paper and read what we were trying to say. In the meantime other people got fed up with her and stabbed her because she was holding something they needed. Me and another girl had to heal her to keep trying to teach her. We spent another 10 minutes trying to teach her how to write on the piece of paper but she couldn't quite figure it out.

- Spending my life getting buckets of water from ponds because we were unable to get rubber because no one would trade us.

- Having the server be low pop for 60% of my life, then me not noticing it raised to high pop when I jumped off of my horse in the desert, losing a cart full of sulfur and bananas and eating a ton of ginger supplies because of that.

- Having the server be high pop when there is no desert family. How were we supposed to get sulfur to work on higher level tech?


#3 2021-11-09 02:34:13

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

I took a look at some of the code the other day, and it seems that the game won't spawn an Eve of a lacking color, unless there exist 30 or more players on the server.  I put some notes on this on the discord:

Spoonwood wrote:

yea, he made it so that Eves would spawn Eves for non-existent races here: "We also force-spawn an Eve for any non-existant race if specialty biomes are in effect (when we have >= 15 players)." … befb9869ec Using the code: ""minActivePlayersForSpecialBiomes", 15".  But, then he changed "minActivePlayersForSpecialBiomes" to 30 here: … f294acb3ab

Even if spawns an Eve at 30 players, and players traded for stuff, it seems extremely likely to lead to advanced settlements needing rubber supplies or oil, would go to an Eve camp.  Trading with an Eve camp with the language barrier often doesn't work, especially if they are small.  It also doesn't dovetail with that camp rebuilding from scratch.

LilyFox made a related thread here:

And nice to see you around Blah!

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#4 2021-11-09 03:00:16

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 98

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

This feature could definitely use some tweaking and I think the fact that other Eves don't spawn until 30 players definitely contributes. When the server hits 30 players, Eves spawn and they won't reach intermediate or advanced tech for a while. But the existing family is already subjected to race restrictions the minute the population hits 30 and will probably die out while waiting for Eve camps to catch up.

I see players trying to fix this by travelling to Eve camps to help them, but no offense it's just annoying to be inundated with tech and supplies way beyond your level that has been stolen from other towns.

Forcing Eve spawns at a lower server population (for example 20) would give Eve camps a headstart before race restrictions kick in, however that would cause other problems. Families already die out a lot when the game is at low population, and stretching a small number of players between more families would just exacerbate the issue.

The best resolution would be to keep the Eve force spawning threshold at 30 and increase the race restrictions threshold to 50. They cannot be the same number, it causes a scramble.


#5 2021-11-09 06:05:59

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

blahwizard wrote:

Some exciting highlights from my recent gameplay:

- Having the server be high pop when there is no desert family. How were we supposed to get sulfur to work on higher level tech?


Worlds oldest SID baby.


#6 2021-11-09 08:41:30

Registered: 2021-08-05
Posts: 42

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Sounds what you need is to move house


#7 2021-11-09 12:36:41

Registered: 2021-02-06
Posts: 26

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

blahwizard wrote:

The meta right now is to wait until the server dips to low pop, then quickly pile bananas, cactus fruit, palm, sulfur, and salt outside of the restricted biomes to come pick up in later lives.

Yea, I noticed that, too … it seems no matter how hard Jason tries to force it, people just refuse to trade for resources and will rather do literally anything else to get around it. Even if they have to SID until they get whatever race they need t be. Such an awful mechanic. And especially awful for new players. Sometimes a leader will order something like “we need latex” and someone will eagerly say “I'll go get it, where can I find it?”–and then it feels so bad to explain them that they have to find brown people first because they literally can't access it otherwise. Where's the fun in that?

Not to mention it's pretty off putting for many people when they hear that they can't do stuff because they got born as the wrong race. I remember explaining that mechanic to my husband when he tried out the game and his first reaction was something along the lines of “wtf that's pretty racist” and I couldn't disagree with that. Who wants racism in a game they play to escape from reality? No wonder the player count mostly hovers around 30 these days.


#8 2021-11-09 15:16:01

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

I think we always need race restrictions.

People this game is too easy.


People complain too much when it's at 30

Last edited by Laggy (2021-11-15 20:00:37)


#9 2021-11-09 15:22:03

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

We do not need race restrictions.


#10 2021-11-09 17:07:15

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

blahwizard wrote:

Some exciting highlights from my recent gameplay:

- I spent 15 minutes trying to get a lady from another race to pick up a piece of paper and read what we were trying to say. In the meantime other people got fed up with her and stabbed her because she was holding something they needed. Me and another girl had to heal her to keep trying to teach her. We spent another 10 minutes trying to teach her how to write on the piece of paper but she couldn't quite figure it out.

- Spending my life getting buckets of water from ponds because we were unable to get rubber because no one would trade us.

- Having the server be low pop for 60% of my life, then me not noticing it raised to high pop when I jumped off of my horse in the desert, losing a cart full of sulfur and bananas and eating a ton of ginger supplies because of that.

- Having the server be high pop when there is no desert family. How were we supposed to get sulfur to work on higher level tech?

hahaha this game is a meme!
I still remember when I tried to trade bottles of wine at OHOL !!! hahahaha what an idiot I was!

I trust more that my Palkadot cryptocurrencies will reach $ 100
this game is doomed

Last edited by JonySky (2021-11-10 14:14:37)


#11 2021-11-09 21:05:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Slap whites + gingers together and blacks + tans together. Without even taking racism or any game mechanics into consideration the town populations look awful.

Black and ginger lineages can only have one type of female per generation which looks bad in my opinion. Your mom + aunts all look the same, you look like your grandma always due to how female models don’t birth the same models. Jason says there’s enough models but honestly towns have looked bland since he enforced same race babies.

Last edited by Tarr (2021-11-09 23:44:25)

fug it’s Tarr.


#12 2021-11-09 23:40:44

Registered: 2021-10-31
Posts: 8

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Tarr wrote:

Slap whites + gingers together and blacks + tans together. Without even taking racism or any game mechanics into consideration the town populations look awful.

Black and ginger lineages can only have one type of female per generation which looks bad in my opinion. Your mom + aunts all look the same, you look like your grandma always dude to how female models don’t birth the same models. Jason says there’s enough models but honestly towns have looked bland since he enforced same race babies.

Actually I agree with this. I was always more fun not knowing what type of baby you would get lol


#13 2021-11-10 01:02:04

Registered: 2020-03-09
Posts: 192

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

There have been (at least) five different types of restrictions implemented in the game, and I think they have been useful experiments because *some* kind of restriction is what makes any game interesting.

Those are:

1. Restrictions based on what family you are born to (race restrictions)
2. Restrictions based on what you have previously done this life (tool restrictions)
3. Restrictions based on what you and your family have done previous lifes (gene score restrictions, curses->donkey town restriction)
4. Restrictions on resources based on what has been done in the world (iron mines, wells)
5. Restrictions on technology based on what has been done in the world (newcommen, engine, paver, etc)

Generally speaking, I think restrictions that limit your choices within a single life have been unsuccesful, and restrictions that limit your choices over multiple lives have been succesful.

You were born a certain race therefore parts of the map are magically inaccessible - bad.
I like the idea of tool restrictions but in practice it's far too limiting to have forced profession specialisation. Idea: using tools makes you better at them, encouraging specialisation. For example, tools are les likely to break the more you use them.
The curse system seems to work fairly well (your actions have consequences). Gene score works fairly well though might be opportunities to change how the score is calculated and what features it enables.

Resource lmits are generally pretty good, and should be expanded, to replace race restrictions. Technology being gated behind what has previously been built is *THE* key mechanic in this game, and should be expanded to impact resource availability more.

How could this work?

Instead of restricting who can act in each biome, restrict *WHAT* can be done in each biome, and add technology trees that support this. It could be as simple as things like putting a timer on rubber coming out of a tree - you have to process it within a few minutes or it goes bad. The trees are only in the jungle biome, so you have to get the sulphur and bring it to the rubber trees in order to make rubber products.

You could also have some technologies act like wells where they 'tap out' a geographic region around them, so only one of a certain machine can be built in an area, but I don't have any concrete suggestions. Maybe something like you need 'reinforced' ground to build some types of building (like a newcommen hammer) and you can only create one pice of reinforced ground every 100 tiles.

Make our choices meaningful, but let us make the choice.


#14 2021-11-11 21:45:35

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

I just think rubber needs to be accessible to all families

I think the easiest way is to make rubber/palm trees plant-able anywhere

Sulfur could just be modified so that they occur very rarely outside of the desert

All the other non essential stuff is not that big of a deal except maybe oil.

It's difficult enough just given the extra distance for other families -- so ginger doesn't totally lose their advantage.

But all families should at least be able to interact with the tarries, placing them on the edge of the snow biome on an unlock tile would fix this.

Alternatively, by increasing the length of bands, the family advantage is still preserved by distance.

Could be as much as 1000 tiles from one biome line to the next.

With this greater distance you could remove restrictions but eves could still migrate anywhere and all families could get all resources.

The different races still makes sense (cause their features are based on origin) and there is still a major benefit to trade because

having to walk 3000 tiles from snow to desert (and then back) would be a task indeed.

Last edited by forman (2021-11-11 21:52:22)


#15 2021-11-14 06:19:56

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Game too hard, please make it easier.

Surely Jason will jump right on this right after he solves the milkweed shortage, and makes dogs useful.


#16 2021-11-15 04:44:10

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

there's loads of water and consequently even more milkweed (I don't think I've ever planted it)

and I just shoot pitbulls no worries


#17 2021-11-15 04:45:14

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

actually my bad I think I planted maybe 30-40 on a sprinkler system with a bowl or two -- I concede


#18 2021-11-15 07:14:46

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Seriously what has this community become? We were always toxic but at least we talked about the game instead of complaining about each other and cringe flexing.

Real talk: Did this game promote a toxic community or did this community promote a toxic experience? Both? What's more to blame? I have my answer but its a fun question, no?


#19 2021-11-15 08:41:50

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Zero content = no reason to post on the forums.
Terrible threads = zero reason to care about the forums.

Even if Jason returned tomorrow and started cranking out content you would still have little to no quality posts on the forums. People actively avoid posting on the forums because of the nonsense posted on here.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#20 2021-11-15 12:50:46

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Eve Troll wrote:

Real talk: Did this game promote a toxic community or did this community promote a toxic experience? Both? What's more to blame? I have my answer but its a fun question, no?

My opinion is that the OHOL's community has always had toxicity problems, but when I joined years ago, the positive inputs outweighed the negatives.   The general feeling was more hopeful and community focused.   People were happy about the game's future and excited by its potential so the assholes were largely outnumbered by the idealists.   

I clearly remember being really surprised by how supportive and friendly the forums were toward new players.    That isn't very common in many online communities.   And the in-game experience encouraged you to work together with other players for the greater good.  Overall, it was really nice.

But I also remember being very worried about the griefing issues in the game and how that toxic behavior was driving away many peaceful and community-minded players.   I could easily see how, over time, the assholes would "win" by slowly killing off the friendly welcoming culture that made OHOL a fun place to share stories and raise virtual children.   This would result in a worse player experience and effectively kill the game for a lot of nice people, resulting in an even more negative community outlook.

The lack of game updates and stagnant development prior to Jason's hiatus haven't helped, since it is really hard to stay positive when there is solid evidence that this game dead or dying.   Hopelessness makes even really nice people act grumpy.


Basically  I think it is a little of both.  The problem was present before the updates stopped and it will still be present if they ever start again.   As a community, we can do better by generating more positive content and vocally discouraging assholes from acting like assholes, rather than encouraging or engaging in toxic behavior.  As a developer, Jason can improve the forum experience by being a better role model for his player base and supporting his moderators in removing toxic players from the community when necessary.


#21 2021-11-15 13:59:59

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

DestinCall wrote:

As a community, we can do better by generating more positive content and vocally discouraging assholes from acting like assholes, rather than encouraging or engaging in toxic behavior.

If assholes didn't act like assholes, waste wouldn't get removed from one's body.  And that would be no good!

Seriously though, why do people use the word 'asshole' since it's somewhat ambiguous and there exist other words like 'jerk', which probably have the same meaning while also not being a swear word?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#22 2021-11-15 14:05:58

Registered: 2021-06-01
Posts: 77

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Spoonwood wrote:
DestinCall wrote:

As a community, we can do better by generating more positive content and vocally discouraging assholes from acting like assholes, rather than encouraging or engaging in toxic behavior.

If assholes didn't act like assholes, waste wouldn't get removed from one's body.  And that would be no good!

Seriously though, why do people use the word 'asshole' since it's somewhat ambiguous and there exist other words like 'jerk', which probably have the same meaning while also not being a swear word?

Yes the Pineapple of Logic is right!

Listen to its wise words and embrace them.
From this day on no one should ever use the word "asshole" as a swear word again!


#23 2021-11-15 17:12:20

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Eve Troll wrote:

Seriously what has this community become? We were always toxic but at least we talked about the game instead of complaining about each other and cringe flexing.

Real talk: Did this game promote a toxic community or did this community promote a toxic experience? Both? What's more to blame? I have my answer but its a fun question, no?

Why are you changing the topic?

Just outta left field....

Ohh your a Troll...nm


#24 2021-11-15 18:06:32

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

Spoonwood wrote:
DestinCall wrote:

As a community, we can do better by generating more positive content and vocally discouraging assholes from acting like assholes, rather than encouraging or engaging in toxic behavior.

If assholes didn't act like assholes, waste wouldn't get removed from one's body.  And that would be no good!

Unless we want these forums to look like a public toilet, I don't think we should let assholes spew their nasty shit all over the place.

That's no good.  Who is going to clean up the mess?


#25 2021-11-15 18:19:23

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number.

DestinyCall wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
DestinCall wrote:

As a community, we can do better by generating more positive content and vocally discouraging assholes from acting like assholes, rather than encouraging or engaging in toxic behavior.

If assholes didn't act like assholes, waste wouldn't get removed from one's body.  And that would be no good!

Unless we want these forums to look like a public toilet, I don't think we should let assholes spew their nasty shit all over the place.

That's no good.  Who is going to clean up the mess?


That's a good point.  And I don't know, who will clean up that mess?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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