One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » the pauze button » 2018-01-01 17:25:38

I really like the idea of the character being able to automatically eat from a container they have equipped.

If there are reasons to unequip a backpack or basket at times or to eat different types of foods based on the effects they apply then it would still be preferable in many situations to manually manage rations, but it resolves the issue where a player has successfully managed to scavenge an abundance of food and then either neglects to feed themselves or needs to step away for a moment, both of which are frustrating ways of dying. Basically, it would be a nice quality of life change even for users who ARE actively playing because it would represent an additional benefit of wearable containers and remove one of the moment-to-moment 'chores' of surviving.

Don't Starve from Klei sort of addresses this in their multiplayer mode by allowing players to force feed other players, but that method still requires that other players be nearby and somehow aware of how hungry you are.

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