One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » The history and lore behind One Hour One Life » 2018-03-20 00:15:42

Replies: 8

In the main trailer for the game Jason keeps saying “rebuild” society. That leads me to think that there was some past events that through civilization back to the Stone Age. Perhaps someday our civilizations will make that mistake but for now only time can tell. I know this is only speculation but, I would like to here your guys’s idea’s for the backstory of One Hour One Life

#2 Re: Main Forum » Industrial Revolution » 2018-03-19 23:36:03

Cryptodream wrote:

I just want everyone thinking for a second...

How many steps we will need to build a car similar to the Trailer car?

Each piece, even the most simple like a wheel, means lots of iron/steel, rubber, and turning in a whell with X steps...

With the current rythm, a car would be a multigenerational achivment. (Im sure Jason has thinking about this, and have a few solutions.)

I think by then maybe we can unlock automation and make factories

#3 Re: Main Forum » We need better communication » 2018-03-19 22:35:14

Maybe there’s already a system of writing on the game but everyone and their mother is spamming carrots and no ones discovered it yet

#4 Re: Main Forum » Industrial Revolution » 2018-03-19 13:12:34

I also agree with Inspiratieloos post about having better communication so our children can learn something from what we wrought down

#5 Re: Main Forum » Industrial Revolution » 2018-03-19 12:59:01

Erudaru wrote:

I don't think an industrial revolution is nearby. I suppose the tech will follow real-life history to some extent.

We are in prehistoric times right now. The next big step would be to discover scripture and build a classical society similar to the Greek or Roman one.

I'm not saying this will happen. What I'm saying is that there are lots of things to do before we have an industrial revolution as we know it.

Maybe. But right now technology is growing and the only way I see to get more people free from farming is to improve farming technology

#6 Main Forum » Industrial Revolution » 2018-03-19 06:20:38

Replies: 18

I have notice in every life, mostly everyone’s job right now is to farm and not starve. But will we ever get to the point where some people don’t have to farm and can devote their life to forwarding technology just like the industrial revolution. But for now the cicle repeats creation, growth, learning, starvation, death. If we just keep growing carrots we will never advance our civilization. We need to better communicate and do our part so that those who fallow don’t fall into the cicle by providing the building blocks for which they can advance forward. Or else, I’m afraid we’re all going to keep picking carrots forever

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