One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Arc Stages » 2024-02-08 16:50:38


I'm guessing the F means Final, or Far, or Fart, who knows. I would be okay with eves spawning to the right again so that we can slowly make it back to the monument, but you should bring this up as a github suggestion.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Official apology » 2024-02-04 03:17:45


please undergo significant character improvement before speaking to me thanks bye

#3 Re: Main Forum » Official apology » 2024-02-04 01:49:32


please undergo significant character improvement before speaking to me thanks bye

#4 Re: Main Forum » Official apology » 2024-02-04 01:41:21


why should anyone forgive you even if you were sorry? there's plenty of cool and respectful people to hang out and be friends with, we have no need to scrape the bottom of the barrel and give the dregs a chance. it might be important for you, but we're already sippin' on fine wine over here. sucks2suck ;(

#5 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-22 03:53:55

Laggy wrote:

Jason should have to make this whole curse thing known when someone buys the game.

Sorta shady how he has secret magic systems.

Also, I agree wtih Shady that the curses should be cleared because of this change.

Jason wants to change the rules of the game and make it proactive to appease a minority of players.

The Rule change should have automatically been a clearing of curses.

You changed all the rules Jason, now make it right.

No one should be cursed for 5 years after they /died to the wrong person.

The active curse totals were cleared a couple weeks ago due to a mistake. At that time, all of the main griefers were free from Donkey Town and you know what they did? They went on a wild griefing spree destroying towns, kidnapping babies, luring bears, dropping boars, killing people, and then they alternated to their alts once they started regaining curses. I think that was evidence enough that your suggestion is terrible.

#6 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 21:10:31

MEDO wrote:

Ok Ru,
It was a tactic, and it worked, don’t be so mad about it.

As I claimed before, and you were so nice to clearly admit, you weaponized your Discord presence as an extension of your in-game griefing.

You cannot have both be true: A) that your in-game behavior is entirely separate and should not be a factor in the way people treat you, and B) that your lies and manipulation on the Discord were just tactics to help yourself in game.

In trying to have them both be true, you're just revealing how desperately you change your lies to fit the situation. I'm sorry, but your entire castle of bullshit has crumbled.

Please go find another community to torment.

#7 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 17:36:18


MEDO, we all see through your charade. Being horrible to people in-game, in DMs (that you are able to send due to sharing OHOL Discord as a server), and in other Discords and then putting on a fake nice act in the main server is the equivalent of "I'm not touching you..." and we are all sick of not only that but your unending lies and gaslighting. You have lied about so many things in relation to this game that you did not know were able to be fact-checked with the game's public data, that we all started watching you more closely months ago.

Before you realized that your best defense was to play nice in Discord, but after you had already started your habit of harassing people in DMs. Not so always-nice-and-cordial after all, huh?


An alt account or a friend that you used/called in to help cry admin abuse against Tarr.


You claiming ownership of the account with PHEX name Mirko, that confirmed they were Mirko on Discord. Discoverable with character life data that ties unique PHEX hashes to leaderboard IDs.


A nice, manufactured moment of kindness between you and your alt/friend to help paint yourself as a good person.


Interesting that Mirko's OHOL account is so new, and was also permanenty shelved after just a few days of griefing with your group and then ending up in Donkey Town. … &id=120676 Would you like Jason to check what region this account was purchased in? … &id=120746 Or maybe your other two accounts? I'd be curious to know. … &id=118869

Regardless of region, you're buying new accounts to circumvent the curse system, further showing your willingness to abuse the game mechanics in order to make others miserable.

Yes, you and your friends really do seem to respect Tarr.


And you definitely didn't send these type of messages to multiple people on the main Discord, promoting your own work and insulting Mofoberts in an attempt to get enough votes to bridge the gap during the extended submission time.


I would ask you to claim where you lied - whether it was not doing the things that are shown, or having lied when you claimed that you were the person doing those things, but either way you are a proven liar and that means your word means nothing.

Everyone who is an active member of the main Discord in which you were banned is glad to see you go. This post is for those uninvolved that might read your ChatGPT responses and confuse it for the genuine horror of a person that is you.


#8 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 08:15:38


Hello all! After awhile of playing the game but not using the forums, I decided to make an account just so I could weigh in on this post. I'm not anyone special, just another player that happens to be familiar with the situation, so I felt like filling in some information that the original poster left out.

1. MEDO's discord server that is mentioned in their first bullet wasn't just a fun group of friends. It was a server created by Bobo, a person who was banned from the OHOL discord in 2020 for sexual, incestuous remarks targeting a teenage OHOL player.

The purpose of the server, as Bobo claimed, was to bring together players who enjoyed participating in the combat aspect of OHOL. Yet the players that he brought into his inner circle include:

Shady - who was banned from the discord for continuous use of racial slurs outside of the street.
StupidSpyMain - who is now banned from the server for flooding the general chat with pornographic imagery.
Reformed - the gentleman above who was nice enough to support their friend's forum post and also was finally banned from the server last year, after years of toeing the line with his harassment, for posting and spreading personal photos of one of the moderators.

And several others, who used this group as a method of coordinating both in-game harassment of specific players and out-of-game attacks on the OHOL Discord server and its moderators including the pornographic imagery raid that led to StupidSpyMain being banned. Don't just take my word for it though, please see the entire chat history of MEDO's server as catalogued in this public video by the Admin who decided to disband the group.

If you pause frequently to read the history of their "verified chat" channel, you will find, amidst the daily messages coordinating their griefing activities against players, the following conversations that explain very clearly what the tone and intention of this group is:

1:24 - Targeted harassment of a specific player including their in-game Eve family and follow-up gloating/baiting on the general Discord.
1:38 - The original plan to spam the OHOL discord server with pornographic imagery, which was carried out soon after.
1:39 - Continued use of slurs against the OHOL moderators.
1:58 - Admission of using OHOL and its community as targets for their urges to lie to and use slurs against people.

This was the Discord server that was finally closed by the admin in the above video, in which MEDO was a primary contributor. Naturally, many people who were aware of this group's behavior rightfully celebrated. It's very sad that MEDO's activity being disrupted was "unpleasant and disheartening", but considering the nature of the group and its visible history as a place to disparage, attack, and spread rumors about specific players and OHOL discord moderators, it makes sense to me that "Despite [their] attempts to seek help, the situation was largely ignored by the mods".

2. Using the Discord as a weapon against both other players and the moderators themselves.

The month of June was characterized by an extremely high rate of griefing, as you could expect after reading the almost daily messages from MEDO claiming a kill on a family. Indeed, public data corroborates this claim as MEDO's main account ( … &id=117691) is responsible for the second highest number of direct murders for the entire month. This does not account for kills/deaths from MEDO's favorite tactic, which was to trap fertile girls in property fences until they starved as a way of killing them indirectly. This was the player that triggered calls for Jason to change gene score to also be affected by the death of aunts and older siblings.

It only follows that the entire playerbase was beyond frustrated with MEDO and sick of playing with them. Unfortunately, as evidenced by MEDO's still-existing post history on the Discord server, they took extreme pleasure in the mental damage and anguish they inflicted on other people and would bask in the attention that was given to them when people took to the Discord to complain about themselves/families/towns being killed.

As MEDO says here - "My game-play shouldn't attract unwarranted and unproven accusations" - You can see that they very clearly realized something incredibly favorable for them. They realized that they could hide behind the shield of "my manner of gameplay is only relevant in-game", while poking and prodding the people that they antagonized in-game to elicit a reaction out-of-game. A reaction that they would then cry victim in response to, and immediately ping the mods for help. They very effectively weaponized their Discord presence as an extension to their in-game griefing, vehemently claiming that in-game behavior should not be punished with hostility out-of-game, and then proceeding to bait those hostile reactions by gloating about their kills, boasting about their gameplay ability, and just continuously making statements that were designed to trigger reactions. When a negative reaction was achieved, MEDO would ping the moderators asking for intervention, fully understanding that the overwhelming public opinion was against them and only intending to use the situation as evidence that they were ignored by moderators.

MEDO terrorized the Discord because they loved the attention and knew that they were making the Discord an insufferable experience for all of the regular users, veteran players, and moderators.

No small amount of people were forced to either block them or fully quit the Discord server due to the absurdly toxic environment MEDO was creating, and the vast majority of us (outside of the banned griefer support group) are not only supportive of the moderators' decision to ban MEDO, but extremely thankful it finally happened. From an outside perspective, it was clear that MEDO was making calculated efforts to torment and sabotage the mod team by publicly insulting them and undermining them, then manufacturing situations in which they would have to offer assistance. This forum thread is the latest effort to taint the credibility of a person that the community respects and supports. Thanks Tarr!

fun facts

MEDO DM'd several people during the banner contest to try and funnel votes to their submissions before the time ended.

This group of players is the one responsible for abusing property gate mechanics to make unreachable apocalypse towers.

They were also the same players who tried using ancient stone walls and airplane exploits to create unstoppable apocalypse towers.

And the same group of people abusing regional pricing to purchase cheap burner accounts to fuel their griefing efforts.

Jason has recognized the damage these exploits and abuses causes to his game and has fixed them. The Discord mod team has recognized the damage these players have dealt to the community and the game, and have removed them. Seems to me like Jason and the mods are on the same page and have a good partnership going.

So to MEDO and her friends I say, good riddance! =]

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