One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Can This Game Evolve Beyond White Supremacy? » 2020-10-02 11:36:08

How many other games do you guys have thousands of hours in? I look at my list on steam, ive got one at 800, a few at 500. I probably played wc3 for maybe thousands of hours when I was a kid. If you have stuck around for one or two thousand hours we are talking about more then "last beyond the initial face". You are talking about very long term at that point. Most games become boring to me atleast at 80hrs or less unless there is something special about them. So although it doesn't have a perfect loop cycle, it seems to be doing ok. I do get the repetitiveness at that level though, which is part of why in game drama (that isnt total griefiing) I would think it would add much needed flare to spice things up. Having to worry about trading with someone 2k away that doesn't understand your exact words (though if they are an experienced player will know whats up). This isn't ment as an excuse as for not needing long term goals to keep people around but its not like you played for 5-10hrs and got bored like what happens with many triple A studio's games that cost 60$ offer. Jason's promise to add new stuff I think is his solution to that issue (whether in practice it works or not, though being a one man team is bottle necked sharply at his pace of production).

You do bring up fair points on trading particular resources like wine. That IS limited because generations don't carry on the work of their parents. Irl your kids usually inherit your business and you pass it down multiple generations. Those people literately do the same thing (make wine) over and over and over, thats what owning a business is like. Working and owning a business is not about having fun and is usually a LOT of hard work with very little fun. I get this is a game, which IS suppossed to be fun, but when you want to emulate real life in that regard, it comes with the good and the bad. If you establish a great wine producing colony and convince your kids to carry it on, it IS possible to have that kind of trade. You would have to tell your kids "this is the family business, we make wine, you are a winemaker stick with it" Some would listen and some would "sell it off" (stop doing it or do it somewhat), just like in real life. Unless jason adds a central currency and a shop or some other way to use said currency that comes with a personal benefit real trade will always be hard and seem almost pointless to the individual. If you needed money to get X cool item, people would be more likely to stick to a profitable business, fun or not. But without a central currency How many carrots is one bottle of wine worth? How many flat rocks is that wine worth? There is a reason why the barter system got replaced. Also Johnysky, I never said Dayz was boring, I said you are destined to do the same thing over and over, which imo you are. Loot, Run in land for an hour, die, repeat. Kill a few people before dying next time, repeat. Again, not saying boring or bad, ive got several hundred hours myself and had fun, but it IS repetitive imo. <3

I agree it does suck when you spend two-three hours building a farm, wells, walls and then the town dies out and most of your effort has gone to waste (unless another family occupies your old base) but that is by design a defining feature of the game, I have issues with it when its due solely to griefing when the town dies though. That's where I get the hate for jason's lack of proper tools to deal with it, though admittedly designing said tools isn't always as easy as a snap of your fingers without drastically changing the core of the game. But as for towns dying of natural causes even though you've spent x hours trying to build it up, if that is too big of a draw back i'd say play a pvt server or just go play Don't Starve. For a lot of my friends i've tried to get the game, that is why they don't want to play mostly and that's ok, though again I do get the repetitiveness of towns dying 10000 times and why im not surprised people take extended breaks until more significant content is added, im sure i'll hit that stage eventually.

Spoon, I mean no disrespect but I feel like you are going out of your way to look for racist things in life. You are looking way too deep into it. You could probably conclude anything and everything is racist irl if you really try hard enough to imo pseudoscience your way through it. "Sugar is racist because white sugar costs less then brown sugar" meanwhile its because white sugar is cheaper to produce for example. Im not saying you are being that extreme but it seems like you could be on the road to that. Again idk you besides on the VERY surface level, I dont mean to be disrespectful about it but your train of thought seems to led to that.

Calling Ohol a work of art is beyond subjective. I could argue CS:GO is a work of art and paints Iranian, Serbians and whatever other groups that make up the Terrorist side as evil bad people just trying to blow stuff up using your logic. Where do we dry the line? Ohol is not a real life simulator, I think you can probably extract some data about it, like how information is lost after x generation (Until people meta game with mods and forums/discord) but that's as far as it really goes. It is a horrible simulation of real life because most people dont ACTUALLY care about dying besides for some in game "score" (genescore). Irl you don't make sure you're not hungry solely so you dont hurt your score. Most people wouldn't take real life risks nearly as great, like fighting a bear since the consequences of death are actually permanent and you dont just hit respawn if you mess up. Its almost like its just a game, ment to be played for fun. Same with Arma, Tarkov or any "sim" game.

Just because it mirror some real life interaction with family and strangers doesn't make it a work of art. You are giving Jason way too much credit here. Imo I think the game is great and Jason takes a lot of flak, which in regards to the greifer thing, I totally understand the communities argument, but he basically turned Don't Starve into an MMO im guessing either for fun or to make money off of (which isn't a bad thing). He didn't exactly paint the Mona Lisa. Again, not trying to slam him, he's made a way better game then I could, but dont call him an artist lmao.

Even if he was an artist, why would he restrict himself on what art he creates to suit one person? Would you tell Leonardo da Vinci that he's sexist because he paints only women? True art  requires a freedom of expression, much like a good debate. If you are too worried about offending someone all the time you wont go far. Now, im not advocating people go paint swastikas or anything crazy, although if they did I wouldn't go "REEEEEEEEE" If I cared/had enough free time i'd try to talk to them and pull them away from their extreme beliefs.

Also spoon, people sadly are NOT born equal, that is just a fact of life. A man who is 6 foot tall has an advantage reaching the top shelf where the good cereal is over the guy who is 5'6. Are you upset the NBA is made up of mostly black people? I think its totally ok, best person for the job gets the job in my books. Or do you believe in affirmative action and we should force teams to sign x amount of white players, y amount of Asian players etc etc and have less black players, who ARE the best, sit on the sideline? People cry about not having enough female managers, but as soon as you flip the tables to a subject where "z minority group" dominates at people flop sides quick. Either everything is equal or nothing is, you cant just pick and choose, otherwise that is broken logic. Instead of saying "everyone is the same" imo, we should embrace our differences and use them to help each other out. Like the kid good at math can help you with your math homework and you help him with his english project. When we dont "pretend" everyone is perfectly equal in every way" we DO run the risk of hate groups forming, that IS a real risk and that's why we must be vigilante, but burying your head in the sand like an ostrich does (which they dont really do) and pretending everyone is the same is wrong imo.

From my semi limited time of only 80hrs i'd say kerosene is easily the "best" resource in the game. I don't think other races even have access to it if the gingers don't co-operate? (minus theft or murder of a town that wont trade it, which you could argue are valid strategies, though counter productive on the grand scale). I find that somewhat an issue for balance sake perhaps but not because that race HAPPENS to be white or any other particular color. Again gingers were treated like slaves and mistrusted for hundreds of years and when and before settlers first came to NA, using them as an example of white supremacy is kind of funny. On the hierarchy of race according to the Nazi party, the most hateful group to have real power in modern history; gingers arn't real white people just like slavs arn't nor gypsies, or if they are, they are a lower class of it. Even the British shat on ireland for hundreds of years for partly racial reasons. So imo the ginger argument is silly af. (For the record I love gingers, dated two of them)

As for the "Main whites" or w/e you want to call them, language family most of their power gained through knowledge is beyond superficial. Like what has been repeatedly said so far, when you should up with a bunch of buckets and a knife, the majority of players with more then x hours know whats up. That entire advantage is skipped when I show up in town and go "!" /love and the first or second person I see follows me to harvest latex. Once ina blue moon I might save some time when talking, and usually only with newer players. If i have to travel for twenty minutes to get rubber and peppers, but save a few seconds looking for a pencil and paper (IF thats even required) I dont see the advantage? If anything it seems like i've lost 18-19 minutes to use a resource that is immediately available to the browns. Plus if the families are around long enough they learn the languages over time, completely making the white's ability nothing special at that point. I fail to see how they are superior on a practical level. As for the artistic or social commentary level, unless you can read Jason's thoughts or he's explcitly stated his belief in white supremacy therefore it should be in the game, it was beyond subjective. You might see social bigotry wheres I see a story generator tool (broken or not). 

If we flipped the roles on race and blacks had oil and the browns had language, I dont think most people would care. The fact that you said you only "might" call racism if blacks had an advantage instead of absolutely would call racism, to me shows you are less concerned about racism and are most concerned with being anti white. You dodged that by saying "but a best resource doesn't exist" To me, racism is racism, black superiority is just as bad as white superiority. If I found it was implement for actual racist reasons, I wouldn't care which side benefited, i'd have to argue they should all be equal. Again, I don't know you at all, I can only judge based on surface level stuff in front of me, I mean no disrespect, just an open discussion.

I apologize and feel bad for writing a short essay, especially knowing people don't usually read something if its too long. But have a wonderful day everyone, including you spoon! <3

#2 Re: Main Forum » Can This Game Evolve Beyond White Supremacy? » 2020-10-01 17:35:14

Eh ive got like 60hrs in the game, bought around a month ago. I dont think new players are really driven away by "condemned to do the same over and over again" since every life im still learning something new. I do hunt rabbits or farm every other life for 5-10mins and besides explaining yum 100 times it hasn't gotten repetitive for me yet. Every game has people that play just once. I feel like this game has a higher amount since it doesn't hold your hand if the mother you are born too doesn't. The quality of the first few lives played probably makes a big difference. My first life I was left in the woods to die. My second life I had some pro be my super mom, taught me basic farming, making compost and how to smith tools all in like 40 mins.

I think the change to new players food pips draining slow, while a late fix is a good fix to help pad that out.

I might not have played enough to fully know about the issues with population boom, but from what I saw in the steam sale was Water being the bottle neck 90% of the time. Once kerosene runs out bodies start piling it seemed. The other water sources do seem balanced for lower pop. This leads me into the only thing I agree with OP on is, gingers being the sole oil providers.

Imo its pretty silly to call it white supremacy, I really doubt Jason was like "White people are the best" so much as literately trying to add variety and story generation to the game. The language family is useless essentially and gingers have been historically discriminated against heavily. The Irish were yesterdays slaves through indentured servitude. They would not be considered "The master race" irl so wtf are you talking about white supremacy? The language family's only ability is replicated with a pencil and paper, meanwhile latex is 1000x more useful and limited to only harvesting from the browns. Again, what white supremacy do you speak of?

My question directly to OP is: if the black family had access to the best resource would you still cry racism? Or would you be totally fine with it?

P.S. In Dayz you are "condemned to do the same over and over again" <3

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