One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » hetuw mode » 2021-05-30 16:14:49

Methman posted a fix on the Discord server but that doesn't seem to work for me.

Hetuw was recently updated but a OneLifeApp_H_windows.exe wasn't included, only Linux. Can I ask why and if we can expect a Windows update? I would really love to play using Hetuw again.

#2 Main Forum » Can we get rid of /Curse my baby? » 2020-11-14 07:58:47

Replies: 13

I know this has probably been brought up before, but I'm sincerely annoyed at this type of cursing. How can you curse a player for USING AN IN GAME FUNCTION?

People SID. It's a fact. It's not personal most of the time. People just want to be born in a specific village, gender, etc. Sometimes it's to be with friends, help dying villages, etc.

So why should we be cursed for it? It makes no sense to me. And the fact that the curses last as long as a normal curse - NINETY DAYS BTW - just blows my mind. It should last a few hours, tops. It's not like these players are GRIEFERS. They are using an IN GAME function, but are being punished for it.

Not to mention, SID babies do not affect your gene score. They do no harm except leave some bones, which eventually disappear.

TL;DR Please remove the ability to use /curse my baby on SID babies or lessen the curse time for them. It's silly and benefits no one.

#3 Re: Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-07-26 02:01:17

Holy moly, that actually worked! Game is running great now. Thank you so much, Slinky!

#4 Re: Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-07-25 22:30:37

Hate to revive this, but I still haven't fixed this. Is there anyone willing to screenshare with me over Discord in order to try to fix it? Please help!

#6 Re: Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-06-04 12:39:48

I just want help running it, but thanks. I agree it can be cruddy.

EDIT: I tried it on a virtual machine and it runs the same way.

#7 Re: Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-06-02 19:40:12

I've tried to do all these suggestions above and nothing seems to work... The game is always either too fast or too slow when it runs, and it just isn't playable. I'm rather disappointed since this was a game I really liked to play casually. Is there any way anyone could maybe add me on Discord and I can screen share and we can try to fix it? Whatever I'm doing, it doesn't seem to be the right fix.

EDIT: To add me on Discord, please just let me know and I'll give it to you.

#8 Re: Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-05-22 12:54:48

I've tried that and while it improves it somewhat, it's still pretty slow and difficult to play the game with...

I'm not sure what else to do. I tried reading threads describing similar problems to mine and fiddling around with the files you've mentioned and while it's a little bit better, it still shouldn't be like this. I'm just confused because I really don't see a reason for this to not work. My laptop can run other games, like Overwatch and Red Dead Redemption 2 like a charm but it can't run OHOL lol.

Thank you for your help though. I hope someone or eventually I can figure this out, but I'm not very smart when it comes to this sort of thing ahha.

#9 Main Forum » New Laptop Slow Mo » 2020-05-22 10:12:20

Replies: 21

Hi, I just bought a brand new gaming laptop, specifically: … 00_TE_dp_1

I just installed OHOL and for some reason, I experience a ton of lag (seems to be frame rate lag) when I play it, like the kind that makes it unplayable. This is really puzzling, since again, this is a brand new laptop and it ran perfectly fine on my last one. I've tried everything that I can possibly think of, have updated my graphics drivers and other drivers, tried several links that people have linked me, such as:

I tried the options in that thread but nothing seems to work...

I'd really like to play OHOL on this laptop since I will be migrating to it fully and putting aside my last one.

Can someone please help to resolve this issue? I don't know what else I can do.

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