One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Specialisation and Civilisations » 2019-11-19 17:29:20

jasonrohrer wrote:

The problem with this, for me, is the content balancing and maintenance issue.  One tech tree is hard enough to get right.  But three or four independent (and interwoven) tech trees?

I imagine that players would find the "best" one and gravitate toward that, if even the slightest imbalance were present.

Each one could have something the others dont have so there is no better or worse, and in this game that one life is only one hour i dont see why you will be so picky to refuse to play in diferent ones. Also i thought that the point of the genetic score was to prevent people from dying intentionally to change life.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Specialisation and Civilisations » 2019-11-18 20:59:35

Coconut Fruit wrote:

Having a fully functional town on tundra or desert or jungle would actually be fun. But lower hunger isn't the only factor that would encourage people to make towns there. There are necessarry resources in grasslands, yellow prairies and swamps to start a town. Having goose ponds or other sources of water on desert would be just weird, how would you solve this?

The resources of the grasslands or its equivalents would have to be in the snow, desert and jungle too. About yellow prairies and swamps maybe the map could be fixed in a way that they are always next to the "livable" ones, so next to your snow biome you would have water available, just like now you settle on the grassland but you have the water nearby in the swamps.
Another way could be making a diferent version of swamps/grassland/praires for each civilization. For example: desert is equivalent of grassland, new oasis biome with crocodiles instead of pigs as swamp equivalent, and savannah as equivalent of prairies.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Coming Soon: Family Specialization » 2019-11-18 13:29:23

I think it would work better if the things for trading were stuff like diferent food, clothes, etc. instead of essentials like oil or rubber.
But while people still lives in towns in the same green/prairie neutral biomes trading wont happen, its necessary that people lives inside their biomes for the trading thing to work, if someone no specialized can just walk on the city and pick the stuff from the floor why would they bother to trade anything for it? I think the current situation encourages comunal living and a division of choirs inside the city, not the creation of diferent cities that would trade.

#4 Main Forum » Idea: flipping the items of the specialized/neutral biomes » 2019-11-18 00:48:42

Replies: 0

Everybody lives in cities built in the same biomes, the neutral ones, since those are the most comfortable for living (have most of the basic things you need to start a town and no predators). And just go to the other biomes to pick things, now with the specialization only certain families can go to certain biomes to pick things, but still the home base from where they go is the same. And not only they can live all together, its what this specialization update encourages since it will make their survival chances greater.

So what about making the specialized biomes the ones suitable for living, and the neutral ones filled with the predators and the stuff you need to go pick up later: rubber, oil, iron, stone, etc

This way the diferent specialiced people would be encouraged to build in their particular places, and use the neutrals biomes to travel, explore, trade, gather resources, build roads, etc.

Of course for this to work the resources that are currently in the biomes need to change. You can do this with the items that are already in the game, you dont need to create new ones, altho it would be nicer if the items where diferent for each and fitting for the theme(like all can have gooseberries but it would be nicer if each had a diferent type of plant as a starter one, maybe the banana trees can be the gooseberries of the jungle you just need to make it possible for them to be planted).

I think the best of this specialization thing its that it opens the possibility of having diferent civilizations, i imagine each having everything diferent from each other from the clothes they can make, to the buildings, to the crops they can grow, to all their tech.
And maybe being able to learn the recipes from the other "cultures" by being teached by one of them and even being able to pass that knowledge to someone from your family. Becoming that way the only person in your town that can make a certain product(trading would be still necessary to get the products to make them), but that product is only a fancy thing, like having something diferent to eat or a diferent piece of clothing, not actually something so basic that your town cant survive without.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Coming Soon: Family Specialization » 2019-11-13 23:14:37

This update sounds promising! it will make each life a bit diferent depending on the family you are born and also now finally trade will be a necessary thing. Of course for it to work each one has to have things that have the same value, if one has something everybody needs but doesnt really need that much what the others have, why would they exchange or why would they exchange at a fair rate?, i dont know what thing can be as useful as oil or iron at this moment tho, maybe certain crops.

One thing that could make it more interesting is if each specialization had its own culture, like a building style, clothes, etc. So a town from the gingers would always be diferent from the others even if all are build in the green biome.

#6 Re: Main Forum » My cute lil farm pen design + story » 2019-11-13 03:49:27

It looks good! its a shame its so unpractical to build nice looking pens.
I wish a pen door was added to the game that only players could cross but no animals, that way it would be possible to make realistic looking pens that were also practical.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Wallshelfs the best thing we didn't know we needed » 2019-11-13 03:38:49

I like this shelf addition, i hope that we are getting new things to build, i would enjoy having a house with table, chairs, bed, sofa, baby cribs(those ones could even be funtional), or even decorative items like curtains, rugs, vases, tapestry etc.

About the walls i think its very unrealistic that you cant build wooden walls easily, when in real life it would be the easier material. If you want to keep the pine walls as something hard to build for realistic reasons, you could add a diferent type of wood wall easier to make: for example done with the same boards that you can use to make the wooden floors. It makes no sense that you can make wood floors and doors for cheap but not walls.

Also you could add a new material construction like brick walls, that way the wood frame you now use for the pine walls would have another use(to make bricks ading clay to it) and then build the house with the bricks making it durable without having to use plaster.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Tried being a Paper Merchant » 2019-08-02 11:18:41

People is uninterested or hostile with traders because currently trading isnt really something necessary in the game and just pure roleplaying. Everyone has access to all the same materials and technologies. Why bother trading for paper when you can make paper yourself and is actually more entertaining and rewarding.
If for example there was a town that could only produce paper and another town that could only produce ink they would be forced to trade to be able to write, there trading would be something necessary and both parts would have a real interest in making it work.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Use your poll system Please » 2019-08-01 17:08:14

I don't think the game is hard. What i liked about this game precisely is how easy it is, and what i enjoyed the most is the easy recipes and task that are useful for the town. Once you have played for some hours however you have already repeated the same things over and over and try some of the harder recipes to do something diferent, but i dont find that as enjoyable, first because except the oil and newcomen the other hard recipes dont feel that useful for the town(stuff like the radio, fries with ketchup, photography, car, airplane, etc) and second because those recipes are really hard to memorize and to make them you have to be looking the instructions.
Thats why i think one way to making the game more interesting without changing much is making instead of only one civilization diferent ones(I made a thread explaining this idea more, if you are interested), so depending on the biome you are born there is diferent easy task and recipes you can do,  so if for example there is 5 diferent civilizations you can get five times more hours of enjoyable playing. Also this diferent civilizations thing may encourage some role playing, diplomacy, that can be also enjoyable and give you more diferent lifes.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: More realistic world map to make trade possible » 2019-08-01 13:28:36

The idea is that each biome has enough materials to reach iron age on their own.
A way to do this is making equivalent of all the basic stuff for the diferent civilizations, for example if one civilization has wheat and can make pies another has corn and can make tacos and another has rice and can make dumplings.
And also some things adapted to their climates, for example the one in the cold climate can get seal skins for clothing, the one in the temperate climate rabbit skins, and the one in the hot climate reed skirts.
So for survival and building a town they dont need to trade, but if they want to get some more advanced things they will need to, for example one civilization has a loom and can make cloth and another civilization has embroidery silk thread, mixing this two things they will get embroidered cloth that will make embroidered clothes and the only way to get this is trading.

#11 Main Forum » Suggestion: More realistic world map to make trade possible » 2019-07-31 21:53:37

Replies: 2

Now that the map is limited with limited resources why not make it even more realistic and make all biomes livable, and allow you to build a diferent type of civilization with diferent materials. Biomes should be found in diferent places of the map(at least double the big that is now so things are further apart making it harder to travel from one biome to another), for example artic in the north, forest green land in the middle, desert in the south, jungle in the east, etc.

What i mean with making all biomes livable? they shouldnt have predators everywhere and they should have all the materials needed to make a town work(some wild food to eat, seeds to farm, something to make rope, something to make bowls, fire, walls, etc). One way to make this is with sub-biomes inside each biome, having each diferent resources and being some free of predators. (for example: artic forest, artic mountain, artic valley) Each biome has some advantage or disadvantage, for example living in cold climate is harder and you need clothes, but you have seals that give you a warm clothing easily. All biomes should be more or less equally easier or the ones that are harder have some type of material that makes it worth it for the people to want to live there.

Why diferent types of civilization? if every town has diferent resources, this means there is a reason to trade, once a town is stablished and has the basics to live by themselves they would start thinking in comerce and getting resources they dont have. For example in one biome there could be sheep while in other there is linen and in other there is silk to make advanced clothes, they could trade so they can get diferent clothing, diferent foods, building materials, etc. Currently all towns are the same and have access to the same stuff so there is no reason to trade, why would a town specialize in milkweed farming to trade if any other town can get milkweed on their own, and specializing on milkweed farming would mean wasting reasources they could be using in producing food.

Once we have our town stablished in one biome why would we trade and not just travel to another biome and take the materials we dont have like we do now? there should be natural barriers(like the rift) between biomes(rivers, cliffs, lakes) that you could only cross with advanced thechnology like boats, cable cars, bridges. This way you wont be able to cross to another biome until you have a pretty advanced civilization, by that time the people living in the diferent biomes could have had enough time to build walls, swords, and gates so you would need to be peaceful to make a trade. Also making it so you could not grow the raw materials in all the biomes(for example mango trees wont grow in a cold climate)and will need to travel far away to get them always, a town could have a colony to produce materials they cant grow in their land but they would need to protect it so it wont be as easy as just going and taking the seeds.

People in each biome will be born in the same family or diferent families that live together and end speaking the same language so unable to use swords on each other and able to curse griefers inside their civilization, while people in the other biomes will be foreigners that speak a diferent language and you need to trade with or go at war and conquer them but to do that you will need cooperation.

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