One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Eve Problems? » 2019-02-17 05:10:24

Well this seems like a good a time as any to give up on my eve chain. RIP Snowman Ranch - you will always be loved.   

These balance changes may satisfy some people but they are too extreme for me. Worrying about food was an annoyance i could tolerate before, but now if you dont constantly deal with hunger or heat 24/7 you die.

#2 Re: Main Forum » How should clothes work heat-wise? » 2019-02-08 03:42:41

From my experience most of the time people want clothing because its aesthetically pleasing to them - not for any need for heat.  Easy fix for that is provide some sort of relatively cheap clothing that people can easily make that does nothing except appearance (same as most sorts of real life clothing (excluding coats) - people don't wear them to stay warm or dry they wear them because its the social norm).  Personally if it was just balance changes to clothing, Id say balance them to always push the player towards the middle of the heat scale even more.  Micromanaging stuff constantly may be fun for some people but personally its not for me (and besides if your hot in a desert irl you don't usually strip nude haha). The buildup to get good effective clothing should be the complex and click intensive part like how the rest of the game is balanced.  Perhaps some clothing could increase heat/insulation still (aka coats and hats for winter biomes) but pants and shirts? That's nudist colony talk. 

As some side notes
I agree with some earlier comments that buildings need buffs. Even though the tutorial states there are benefits, the large majority of the time bases only survive in good temperature areas anyways due to the huge amount of food required for bad temperatures.  Making a building for temperature reasons isn't worth the effort in most bases.

Also as a eve chainer, I wish there was a pants/bottom half clothing option that was permanent.  I can acquire a permanent option for every other clothing spot except pants ? (even if the clothing is there for appearance only - looking at you fish boots). Eve chainers have to look at the longer term options given that a night of sleeping irl can effectively destroy anything with a time limit.

Also clothing food storage (aka fruit boots) are the best and i wish there was more of them. They are actually my favorite piece of clothing (even if aprons and backpacks are better)

#3 Re: Main Forum » Eve chaining, best single player, better with friends. Anyone agree? » 2019-02-06 23:10:42

I usually eve chain these days.  Its sometimes fun to join a chaotic random town but I prefer building my own from the ground up.  I'm currently building a place i named Snowman Ranch.  Initially found someones lost base with no iron and three wells and just improved on it.  A couple days later someone found it and decided to use up most of the available iron and wheat to make a castle for some reason which was a bit of a surprise the next day for me haha.  A couple days later two other people joined me as children for a day and made a nice mother grave after i died which was nice of them and one of them even showed up today to spend most of his time making alot of burritos what a chef.
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