One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » (Need Help) OneHourOneLife Discord » 2018-03-10 02:06:32

Replies: 0

So, I was on OneHourOneLife discord. Talking to other people, then when I switch tabs to watch a video. I came back and then...

OneHourOneLife discord server was gone, so I tried to join back...

Then it gave me this

Each time I try to connect, it just doesn't happen. I tried to do it on different accounts, NOPE!!!

Then I try to do it on my phone, still nothing.

I don't get it because it says it has people on it

I need help

#2 Main Forum » New Recipe/Recipes = Writing » 2018-03-07 19:25:49

Replies: 4

I would love if we are able to write down, on the bark, words. Passing down knowledge in a different way, so our ancestors can write things down, and pass it on. Maybe able to give it to the children, to learn. Maybe even write laws down, what to follow. This will be so amazing.

In the beginning, you can only use bark (wood) to write stuff down.

After that, maybe write stuff down on clay/stone slabs like in Egypt and the Greeks.

This will be so awesome, able to write laws down, make "books" and communicate to one place to another using like a mailman.

Maybe, if ink gets added and paper, able to write much more stuff down, but without discovering machines to make paper, the paper will be much harder to make.

I really love this idea, with this, people don't have to fear after dying from old age, that the next generations don't know how to farm properly. This will make it less frustrating and adds much more in-depth stories. Maybe people write down about the founder of the town and tell stories or how Great People that was born in the town, made the town go into the Golden Age. This has unlimited possibilities.

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