One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Freeplay » 2020-08-08 09:26:35

I agree, that would be great.
I'm using right now, the default configuration of this server always spawns you at the same position on the map, no more loosing everything to a sneaky boar.
You can also tweak the lifeSpanMultiplier in the setting so you don't die of old age, that's very convenient for 1h30 sessions (be careful not to set it too high though or you won't age and will never reach the age to use a car)

#2 Re: Main Forum » More Storage Tech » 2019-01-25 13:36:49

I agree, and I think the two are linked, as decay would create an extra incentive for storage. See

#3 Re: Main Forum » More Storage Tech » 2019-01-25 11:47:42

Up you go!

I wish this would be a thing by now, it feels ridiculous to store the carrot seeds on the ground. At least bean pods can be in a bowl.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Ideas I Have Had That I Want Your Opinion On » 2019-01-25 11:42:50

I wholeheartedly support the grain storage part, storage is such an important part of agriculture!

At least I would like to see a decay of Threshed Wheat, it is so annoying that they just accumulate in any sustainable civ, we can't even trash it... The compost cycle generates so much already ; add a few basket and clothes and you've got wheat everywhere. Pies don't nearly use it fast enough, and bread is way less convenient (having bags of bread would also be super convenient).
Also, we could feed goose with it instead of corn?

Kind of related, it could be nice if mutton would decay unless cooked fast or stored properly (salted or in snow/fridge).

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