One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » War Is Good » 2019-10-02 04:31:28

Well, "war" is the quickest solution to reset arcs, which is a good thing for me, but idk about others. If war was more, I guess set stone in this game, that would be great.

#2 Main Forum » War Is Good » 2019-10-02 03:02:18

Replies: 4

Please stop trying to stop war. In the current state of the arc, it makes sense to have war, resource wars or just wars wanting to end the arc. I am unsure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I hate this point of the arcs, I get no work done because nothing needs to be done in these big towns. I am personally used to Eve Play, rich open land with resources, this may be because I am an older player (Trash pit sheep pens), or because I just get more work done when I am in a town where nothing has been done. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.

#3 Re: Main Forum » [Problem] Culture doesn't persist; what if Kings and Queens aged slow? » 2019-06-29 00:13:11

Ok, if this happened, make their text yellow so they can be identified

#4 Main Forum » Make rope, not war (Ropeianity) » 2019-06-29 00:08:10

Replies: 1

The Rope, the Milkweed, and the holy stone hoe are all apart of the religion ropeianity. It all started when my mother named me, I was in a town I recognized, but the Kitts family no longer lived there. See, when I was a Kitts there, I wrote a note that stated "Make rope not war" and I wanted to be buried with it
Now, this did not happen, instead, the Germans, my current family raided the town, and killed the Kitts. the last thing remaining of them was the note I wrote, with a blood stain on it from the genocide that was committed. I found it, and before that my mother named me larry. I thought this was a sign, I was put here to stop more blood from spilling on this land, and what confirmed my belief, was a steel hoe, and my great aunt handing me the crown.
I found a wife, and we lived happily, but I thought something needed to be done about these steel hoes and the lack of milkweed, and I remembered that note that was with me two lives. Make rope not war. Make rope, not war. I knew it, this was a sign again. I quickly spread this with the town, named my wife's first kid larry and from then on, most kids were named Larry (obviously not named Larry, since you can't name anyone the same thing anymore). We made a holy milkweed garden, I became the high priest, and I also sacrificed my brother, who was afk so don't worry. If you want to join our cause, here are some base rules.
1. Always try and write one paper per life that says, Make rope not war.
2. (optional, but pretty good thing for it) Name all kids Larry
3. Plant milkweed, and always make stone hoes, never steel hoes.
4. NO NARCS ALLOWED. If someone is selfish or being a narcissist then kill them or have them repent for it. This is the only killing allowed in ropeianity because narcs are the people to make steel hoes and kill other families.
So, this is ropeianity, be sure to spread it to all lives, and remember, Make rope not war! (also if you are in the german town, the holy scripture with blood on it disappeared when someone picked up the new high priestess who had it in her hand)

#5 Main Forum » apocalypse bad » 2019-01-24 23:00:54

Replies: 2

Can I get an F in the chat for this game? The apoc is so annoying, I love helping cities grow, and coming back after awhile and seeing the progress is great, but its about to be wiped. The apoc has no use so just remove and nerf and nerf and buff then nerf then delete and i will yay happy yayayyayayayayayaya.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Server 11 Town Found » 2019-01-22 15:00:15

How do you keep your eve spawn at a certain location?

#7 Main Forum » Why was I never in San-Cal » 2019-01-22 14:59:01

Replies: 5

I played the game a lot during the san-cal "Golden age" and was not there a single time. Sad I missed out, but the mechanics of this game are confusing, and I wondered if anyone could explain spawning mechanics.

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