One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: Fine Milk » 2023-08-23 01:46:54

Shady walking
shady wandering the ruins of donkey town

#3 Re: Main Forum » Game Price » 2023-08-06 00:18:05

You did

"...what in Cuba is with the pricing??"

-Shady, August 5th at 8:45 am

#4 Re: Main Forum » The plan moving forward » 2023-08-01 00:52:43

why are you guys talking on a dead thread and why is shady still here

#5 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2023-07-25 19:07:37

Your opposing view is worthless. All you're saying is "wahhh, Jason greedy, mods corrupt" without any real valid evidence.

The five-year curse system DOES encourage griefers to buy new accounts. So does every other ban system in every other game EVER. But that's not the point, obviously, the point is to dissuade griefers from griefing. I think the whole Shady situation has shown that many griefers do give up after being sent to Donkeytown for 5 years, so the system isn't entirely ineffective (and if you think it is, maybe explain why and give your own solution instead of whining). But, anyway, even if they don't give up, so what if they buy new accounts and line Jason's pockets? They are wasting their own money. They are buying accounts from Argentina, anyway, which are like 2 bucks each. Even IF Jason is greedy, the only players he is harming are the players who are trying to wreck the rest of the game, so I don't know why you have such a big issue with it.

As for the mods being corrupt, I don't see how that is. Tarr was very harsh towards Shady (rightfully so imo), but, in your own words, "what gives you the right to tell [him] how to think?" Now, if Tarr had suddenly banned Shady, *maybe* you would have something of a point, but I'd probably still disagree because Shady is really annoying. But anyway, there is no actual proof of the mods being corrupt that you have shown, you just throw around the word corrupt simply because you dislike Tarr.

#6 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2023-07-25 17:09:58

What is your problem?? If you don't even like this game why are you constantly whining on the forums? And on discord too because I am almost certain you are Stabbn!

#7 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-24 15:44:19

good to know you're paying attention in science class

#8 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-24 04:44:48

Its only a punishment IF you are a repeat griefer. You only get sent to donkey town once enough people have cursed you.

Also Shady, you are right, we should take into consideration that it was 50 years before. That means 5 years is Jason's version of *light* punishment. So I think your chances at convincing him to lower it to 1 year are very, very slim. He's probably also not even reading this thread, so I don't know why you are wasting your and our time by complaining here.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-23 00:51:54

...If this game about building a civilization with other people is full of "such utterly negligent and toxic people," then why do you want to play? Other than to destroy the progress and structures of those "such utterly negligent and toxic people" of course

#10 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-22 23:25:50

Shady is probably snickering behind his computer screen watching us argue with each other over whether we should be nice to him or not lol

Anyways, the community has no reason to trust you. Believe it or not, many people are still griefing even after this new 5 year curse time, so there really isn't a reason to believe that you'd play nicely after having your curses removed (to put it in your own terms, there is no reason to believe that the value of 'A' will change, since we've seen that it doesn't change in most cases). Besides that, you were cursed over 100 times, Shady. You annoyed literally over 100 separate, distinct people with their own thought processes and beliefs. You also wanted your own griefer hetuw, so to me it seems clear that you literally get nothing else from this game but satisfaction from ruining the progress of other players.

You keep repeating the same point -- "If I had known I'd be punished for 5 years, I wouldn't have griefed!" -- and you act as if that point is valid in any way. To me, it's completely moot because the curse system is not only a way of preventing griefers from griefing, it's a way of punishing them. Not to inflate your ego, but you're basically an OHOL war criminal. I wouldn't even blame Jason if he decided to ban an account like yours permanently.

You did a bad thing -- over 100 bad things, in fact -- so now you must face the consequences.

(P.S. You can get a job at 14 in most states in the US, so I don't see why you don't just get some of your own money and buy a new account. I don't even think that should be an option for griefers, but it would get you away from whining on the forums)

#11 Re: Main Forum » Phex Toxic Behavior » 2023-07-22 04:14:22

What about cats ?

   | ,_, |
___/ `   ' ,""+ \ 
(__...'   __\    |`.___.';

                        _ |\_
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                ."        )
      _       /   ,    \/\_
     ((____|    )_-\ \_-`
       `-----'`-----` `--`

#12 Re: Main Forum » Phex Toxic Behavior » 2023-07-22 03:48:57

Hey sister, go sister
Soul sister, go sister
Hey sister, go sister
Soul sister, go sister

#13 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-19 19:18:40

oh jeez you got me Shady. I'm PETTY! Now Jason will have no choice but to remove all of your curses, all because mikeyreza on the forums is "petty."

I'm trying to teach you something Shady, just give up. You're making a fool of yourself by continuing to whine on the forums, you're not going to make any progress or change any minds. It doesn't matter if you promise that you'll stop griefing if you got your curses removed, you griefed and now you're facing the consequences. Plenty of people who go to prison cry that they'll never do anything bad again, but that's not a good legal defense. Why? Because,

A. They still did something bad, and should be punished

B. Most people who do bad things are not trustworthy people

You are the most cursed person in the game, maybe in the history of OHOL. You have wrecked the experiences of countless players, ruining their towns and their hard work. And as far as I know, you haven't even apologized. Just said you wouldn't do it again. Even if you never do anything wrong again (I would NOT bet money on that being the case), you don't deserve to be able to play this game normally. Not for however long it takes for your curses to wear off.

If I was Jason, I would've banned you from the forums, discord, and blocked you from emailing me. Luckily for you, and unluckily for us, Jason is far kinder and wiser than I. But, you continue to take advantage of that by whining and crying. Anyway, this is the last time I'm going to respond to this thread, and I suggest nobody else interact with you either.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-19 17:46:17

Great point Strilar. And let me add one more thing.

Shady, if people don't like you, not only will they not want to be near you, they will never listen to you. It doesn't matter if you make an amazing point here and you totally rhetorically own us. Nobody here is ever going to listen or change their mind. We don't like you, so we don't want to play with you.

If I were you, I'd just log off the forums permanently and just move on to a new game/community (like Strilar suggested). If you wanna continue whining, do it in your emails or messages to Jason. Because we don't care to hear it anymore.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Hetuw Should Be Banned » 2023-07-17 20:20:43

good point "Laggy" I'm sure shady made my account when he was 10 years old just in case he needed to troll people on the forums in 3 years.

anyway I've changed my opinion on phex, it still feels cheaty and off to me but I understand now that it's kind of necessary to combat the whole griefer situation

#18 Re: Main Forum » Hetuw Should Be Banned » 2023-07-16 19:08:21

I dont use hetuw or phex and I refuse to cuz I agree with everything you said here. I don't really understand why Jason has not only allowed but endorsed these mods. I understand that the game is open source, so people can do whatever they want, but I'm sure that if someone made an actual cheat client that let you fly across the map instantly, Jason would do something about it. But, for whatever reason, he allows people to see the entire map and talk to everybody in the whole server.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Coming back into OHOL » 2023-07-16 01:18:39

You registered your forums account the day before mine lol
Anyway I'm not sure at what point you left, but Jason stopped making updates for a while. Like forman said though, he has returned to the game. The updates have been pretty small though, just balancing changes. It's uncertain whether or not he will ever start doing content updates again.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Score Should be Based on Total Hours Played » 2023-07-16 01:11:21

The utilitarian score idea is cool, but it gets hard to track with some things. What if your accomplishment is building homes? How do you track the usage of structures? I mean, there's probably a good hypothetical answer, but the OHOL engine is only capable of so much. It'd be a tough thing to balance, too.

I do like the idea of voting in leaders though. That way, if a griefer wants to get into power, he really has to play it smart. I feel like after a certain point, a griefer has earned their destruction. Like, if they can convince the majority of a town to vote them into power, the town just deserves to get destroyed for falling for his trick.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Score Should be Based on Total Hours Played » 2023-07-16 00:06:11

My question with that is how can a leader simply exile and kill everybody so quickly? First of all, there should be a cooldown timer on exiling if there isn't imo. Second of all, wouldn't killing everybody take a long time and be pretty difficult? Like, if one person kills another, everybody usually will get super pissed at the murderer and try to kill them. Even if it's some serial killer on the edges of town, somebody would make it back to warn people.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Score Should be Based on Total Hours Played » 2023-07-15 23:09:58

I think the game should base leadership on your current life. If you are the firstborn of the leader, you are the heir. You can forgo your role in the royal line by declaring somebody else the heir. You can also change your heir as the leader, or renounce leadership entirely.

If you are born as not an heir and not even close to ever becoming one, but wish to have the throne, you can declare independence. If you manage to convince 2 or 3 followers (this ensures that solo griefing efforts cant destroy dynasties) to join you, then you can declare war and attempt to usurp the throne of the original dynasty by killing the ruler.

I'm sure this idea has many flaws (and some of the ideas might already be in the game) but the leadership mechanic is kind of complicated in its current state and I dont really understand it so hopefully somebody wishing to completely own me on the forums can correct any bad ideas/misinfo I've shared

#23 Re: Main Forum » Score Should be Based on Total Hours Played » 2023-07-14 00:43:41

Honestly, Jason should just make leadership hereditary (or allow the ruler to choose their heir), because the meme score system still produces dumbasses most of the time

#24 Re: Main Forum » Too Many Male Births » 2023-07-13 00:49:15

The whole point of being male is that you don't have to worry about having babies, so you can be the iron miner or the trapper (or etc.) of your town

if you want to /die until you're born a female, that's fine, Jason added /die for many reasons. But I'm sure a lot of people do like playing as males.

I think male birth rates are already lower than females anyway, so reducing it more is unnecessary. If a town dies as a result of too many males being born, that's pure unluck. The only way to fix that situation would be either to forbid fertiles from splitting off from pre-established towns (this is a bad solution, imo, Jason shouldn't restrict alternative play styles no matter how unintentionally destructive they could be), or he could just start adding content updates again so the game gains traction and more players are flowing into the server(s) consistently.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Tool rack » 2023-07-12 15:04:21

yea this would actually be pretty cool and useful. But jason hates us all. He is an unmerciful god

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