One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The most toxic player I've ever met. » 2018-12-19 18:43:53

I am sure you did nothing to deserve this response (sarcasm). I see a lot of people with extremely bad behavior acting naive of their own actions. People will constantly steal things from you and get pissy when you yell at them. People will you because they suspect you are griefing when you build a bow to deal with three boars 2 screens away. People will get super pissed when the camp is starving and you try to raise a baby away from camp using resource you gathered. The general vet response is to just murder people. This community, this game is sad and pathetic sometimes. The forced cooperation plus anonymity has caused people to become total asshats. As far as the original post I doubt we are getting the whole story here. I have been treated like utter garbage by people but I have also seen other people do the same. Heck, I even got really frustrated with people.

The worst person I ever got was when someone at an Eve camp took everything I got. I planted some bananas away from camp, then made a basket and started to run soil. She ate my food supply, fine whatever. She then took my soil and moved into a grass biome further away from water than the jungle biome I was in. I yelled at her to get her damn stuff. Then she took the basket I made and moved all the soil. I picked up a bowl to move it back but she just moved back the stuff for two minutes undoing my actions. It was like little kids fighting. I got fed up and decided to leave. I made a bow and arrow and spent several minutes kill about a dozen boars and wolves. I calmed down. I was thinking about legit murdering this person but decided not to stoop to her level. I came back to camp and everyone there was accusing me of murder. Turns out the woman spread all this bs about me when I was gone. Great, I am not saying was acting on my best but everything done to me was instigated by someone else's actions.

So when I here someone complaining about how toxic a player is it makes me wonder. Are they exaggerating there story, did the toxic player have a bad experience earlier on or is it just a garbage person. I don't know man. This toxicity has to come from somewhere. Most people aren't asshats to other people on a whim. In fact, even a legit terrible people are on at least decent behavior 90% of the time. It really comes down to the base systems though. You have three choices to deal with bad behavior in this game. One is to curse which does functionally nothing until you get eight plus other people to join you.Yeah, good luck with that. Unless you join the curse him discord it ain't happening and if you are on the that discord you are likely cursing for the wrong reason of mob mentality. That isn't just or fair.Two, you murder people. This is an extreme response to someone stealing your soil or rabbit pie you left near your work space. Imagine if in our society every crime was punished by death. The last is to just quit the freaking game. I choose the later for now. I might come back to later but only if we get some better and fairer ways to deal with the toxic players. Right now the game is getting a high of smuggy vets who think they are playing a base building RTS, newbies who have no idea how to player the game and thus ruin everything by accident and griefers whom go around ruining everything for there fun.

#2 Main Forum » Racist gang war ruins town » 2018-12-06 20:31:23

Replies: 8

Yesterday I saw a group of blue wool shirts fighting a group of red wool shirts. The bloodz killed all the cryptz and lots of innocents got caught up in the process. When I came back after going to wilds because I didn't want to deal with this nonsense the whole town was dead. Generations of work lost to  a bunch of trolls lollygagging. CAN WE PLEASE HAVE PVP AND PVE SERVERS. This is getting to be bullshit.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Is the drama gone? » 2018-12-05 17:35:50

Those are some interesting stats about murder however I think there is a correlation/causation issue going on here. Murder isn't increased because of the curse/donkey town system. It's boredom that increases the rate. This is why murders happens in towns more frequently. People get bored when they don't have to worry about food and water and thus go for the quick fix for their boredom. However, this creates an anti-fun situation for other players and should be punished harshly. I think the curse threshold needs to be lowered. That and give out more curse tokens. The biggest issue with the current curse system is that a person is powerless to stop a griefer if they use their curse token and don't have a weapon. It creates a massively unfun situation.

Also, don't give lineage bans to people that were murdered. This is a punishing the innocent mechanic that shouldn't be done. Donkey Town should mirror our own justice system that we have in the developed world. If you do a crime and people don't want to play with you. You get jailed at that time is suppose to be long and unfun. If eight other people are willing to use up a curse token (finite resource) on you. You deserve to be sent away from other people for hours. You should also consider capitol punishment for repeat players. Which in this case would be banning players. Calling this drama is a misnomer imho it is simply griefing. Ruining other peoples fun should never be a justified outlet in a co-op game like this. If you really want these unfun murder mechanics to stick around and degrade your game over time add pvp and nonpvp servers.

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