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#1 Re: Main Forum » Health Issue : YELLOW FEVER OUTBREAK » 2019-01-11 14:04:00

Gederian wrote:

You should be able to remove your clothes when sick just like you can when you're a kid.

arkajalka wrote:
BlueDiamondAvatar wrote:

preventative - mosquito walls, avoiding jungle when clothed, stepping on objects (just like you would for a bear or wolf)

curative - GET COOL! 

There's this weird myth that if you get someone else to feed you, it will give you better odds of survival.  No.  That is not true.  I like to explore and forage, let me assure you I have survived the fever hundreds of times without anyone else assisting me. 

We need to teach more kids this: If you have the fever DO NOT enter or stay in either desert or jungle.  You WILL DIE, unless someone is feeding you constantly.   Get cool, stay cool.  That's the one and only secret.

Getting cool doesn't matter if you are fully clothed, tested it out. So the only wat to nomad is going naked with backbag if you want to dodge these mosquito deaths.

Seems like the most likely emergency solution is we can remove our clothes when we get bit. I hope they can make it very soon lol
Yes i have survived many times when nomad too, but not when i fully clothed. Im 100% dead lol. If it is for the intention of game mechanic, it is ok. It is just contradictive with the reality. At least we should be able to remove our clothes when we get bit.

The preventive idea is pretty cool, mosquito walls. Id like to try to contain the most hazardous mosquitoes swarms to the village, like sheep. and see if it is cost-effective. there is also a thread by pein discussing about this,

arkajalka wrote:

If the mosquitoe bite effect would be reversed the clothes would actually help.

So when you get bitten you get super cold instead of hot. Depending on how you interpret the temperature bar it actually makes sense. Cause if it's what your characther is feeling and not just a solid stat number for enviroment then it's cold not hot.

Yes, i hope this too. because getting in cold environtment, generally make your body susceptible to other infection or complication from the disease. actually it is extreme temperature that can makes yellow fever worsen. i'll quote an explanation of the correlation between yellow fever and heat from

betame wrote:
Yellow Fever and Clothing

It adds 8 heat to your tile, so your clothing traps it in. Yellow fever is survivable (without assistance) so long as you don't have much clothing and you go to a neutral biome (or ice is even better) quickly enough.  The fever lasts 35 seconds, so if you start with all 6 pips you can survive at 5.84 sec/pip.

Biome Ins% playerHeat Sec/Pip
Ice    0%    0.5063     21.75
Ice   52%    0.8968     6.13

Neut   0%    0.6346     16.61
Neut  40%    0.9100     5.599

It ADDS 8 heat to our tile. i think it is more realistic if the formula MULTIPLY the biome heat instead of ADDING heat. because it is directing us to go to cold biome. it is contradictive with the medical theories that humans maintain its temperature at its best to fight the infection (thermoregulation). below 35 degree Celsius it will cause in hypothermia, higher 41 degree Celcius it will cause in hyperthermia. actually, our best core temperature to fight infection is the same with the best core temperature when we work. When we get cold or hot enviromental temperature, actually it is not good for our health.
FluxBB bbcode test

OHOL temperature bar
FluxBB bbcode test
i think it more realistic if the yellow fever formula MULTIPLY its body heat formula results, but only reacts if its value <0,25 and >0,75. or we can get a more narrow value like <0,4 and >0,6. i think it will be more realistic. its just my opinion, maybe you guys can analyze it too?

MultiLife wrote:
pein wrote:

snap a snowball in their face and feed them

Imagining a real life doctor treating a patient like this... :'D

ive been treating patient like this. of course. in OHOL lol
my mom teach me. of course. OHOL mom. hehehe sorry if its edgy

#2 Main Forum » Health Issue : YELLOW FEVER OUTBREAK » 2019-01-11 02:34:50

Replies: 8

We need an emergency preventive and curative solution !

At first, i just think yellow fever is just a localized/endemic disease in ohol. But it turns out the mosquito is everywhere and could be hiding behind your tree or behind bear cave where the jungle biome was far away. I think i need to address this issue because, I have a lineage that wiped out by the yellow fever. … id=2787685

My another problem is if we wear full cloth and we get bitten, it is more likely to dead than the naked people, because the cloth mechanic make us warmer and consumes the food bar faster. Even in tundra biome, if we wear full cloth we still get very hot temp.

It is very ironic that in real life, one of the prevention of mosquito bite is wearing full cloth but in ohol, the full cloth people is more likely to dead. Maybe this is a chance to buff the cloth to make a percentage-based immunity on mosquito.

I hope we can get a solution to this outbreak as soon as possible, because health is essential to grow better and bigger population. Thank you for your attention. -stark

#3 Re: Main Forum » Make Aprons Decayable » 2018-09-29 05:12:53

keep it low cz if it decayable, seals will be more scarce. sad

#4 Re: Main Forum » New Tree Saplings » 2018-09-22 04:58:18

My civilization just figured it out. So hapy when we found it lol

p.s. actually i think it was added to the game so we have easier time to figured it out

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