One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » From Titus to Peri Ferone » 2018-09-27 19:32:09

This was the 'dead lambs are the best way to show your family you love them' life, wasn't it?

#2 Main Forum » yo Tarr-mom, trees » 2018-09-22 01:50:53

Replies: 3

It's Tim, your son,
I don't know if they worked correctly but at the end of my life I went to check and some of your trees had gotten big. Tried to grab you a screen but I was very old.

also can I get the collective knowledge on trees, they seem neat, tree fan thread.

#3 Main Forum » Indee, Why? » 2018-09-18 02:36:45

Replies: 1

I spent my whole life trying to revive the village with a girl as the last fertile woman, Venus, my mother's only surviving child. Some strange dudes force fed me in the desert for a while. I moved further into town. Someone took a family photo. The only girl I ever had was born during some chaos when Thea stabbed Gigi II. Gigi was bringing me food as I hovered in perfect temp for some time before that and I was aghast. He made it to the hospital in time to be saved. The baby girl was less lucky and in the mess, I didn't notice her. Gigi did, and named her after his wife, Ginny. She died within a minute. We praised Jesus. Still only boys. When I found we were doomed, I was grey, and only you and your brother remained, I resigned myself to one of my favourite OHOL activities post city-death, arranging the things left behind in tidy rows. I found that your younger brother had no name and dubbed him 'Finalson', the last of my children. I had eight minutes left to go when you stabbed me in the gut. I begged your brother Fina to help, but he opted for vengeance and took you down instead. Indee, why are you like this? Who hurt you? I didn't raise you this way. I always told you you were a good son, I guess I didn't know the truth. Just let me be a sad old lady.

#5 Re: Main Forum » How do you post a review? » 2018-09-17 22:01:59

There's a button that pops up for it on the screen when you load the game in the bottom left section. Also after you die, I believe. Once you post it you can check it here

#6 Re: Main Forum » [DOWNLOAD] Windows Client with additions (updated over time) » 2018-08-18 16:04:32

Game loads and plays but isn't zoomed out since updating a few minutes ago, I tried to reinstall the mod but it's the same issue. I've been using this for a while now but this is the first time I had trouble.

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