One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Tana Mama » 2018-11-12 22:08:12

So that's what happened to you! I was so heartbroken when I found your corpse lying on the ground sad It's ok though, you couldn't have done anything to prevent it and everyone makes mistakes from time to time! I'm glad you had fun in the village, and i'm very thankful for all the work you did for us!

It was also very clever of you to give those two twins similiar names! I'm very proud of you wink

#2 Re: Main Forum » For my adopted girl ginger » 2018-11-12 22:00:23

Aww, I love you too mom! You were the best mom I could've ever had! You were so sweet and caring and you protected me from the evil mommy.
I didn't mean to kill my biological mom, but after seeing her verbally abuse you my heart broke into a million pieces. I was okay with her bullying me, but seeing her call you a bitch and a bad mom was too much for me. I originally wasn't going to actually do anything to her other than threaten her, but then I found a bow with an arrow inside the pen and decided that I'm not putting up with her anymore.

I'm sorry mom, maybe on a second thought I shouldn't have killed her sad I just wanted her to stop bullying you, my ginger sisters and the black kid. I'll think about it twice next time, I promise!

Heres the lineage: lineageDOTonehouronelifeDOTcom/server.php?action=character_page&id=1378596

#3 Re: Main Forum » A Seasoned Suiciders Rant » 2018-10-27 17:37:43

673751 wrote:

One, boys suck the game is nothing to me without parenthood

I suicide for the exact same reason. Living as a boy sucks, especially in big towns. It's lonely. Nobody knows who you are or cares about what you did, unless you do something that people can't miss like killing the local murderer. (and then you get stabbed and people refuse to heal you because they don't know you. If you had kids, they could heal you)

Also, I love to raise kids and form bonds with them smile! and watch them grow! But I can't really do that as a boy without kidnapping someones baby.

The new update does nothing useful. Now I have to ask every kid I have if they want to stay, because otherwise they might grief the whole village out of spite. I don't want to raise anyone against their will. Even if they were the last girl. You have to remember that this is a game, and games are played because they're fun. If its not fun, then why bother? People will grief the town if they don't want to play there, either out of spite or because it's not boring for them.

I also called my newbie mother who tried to raise me against my will a "bad mom". She dropped me and stopped moving. She didn't even say anything. I starved next to her, and she did not move the whole time sad. I feel really bad about this but she wouldn't let me go without me calling her a bad mom. I'm so sorry for ever calling you that if you're reading this.

I don't want to hurt people. Being mean to people makes them become mean too. I don't want that. I just want to play the game. You're pretty much losing nothing when you leave me to die since all boys can do is work. And I won't do that as a boy.

I also just don't want to deal with the boy haters and the cults that sacrifice boy babies. I think boys need something to make up for their inability to make babies. Right now, they're exactly like girls, but without the ability to give birth.

#4 Bug Discussion » invisibility bug » 2018-07-10 18:28:58

Replies: 0

If a player that is currently being affected by the killer slowdown keeps moving after the effect wears off, they will start flying all over the screen on other peoples screens. Sometimes they will even become invisible. This makes it very hard to see if the killer is coming for you.

I just died because of this. I was just chilling with three people when all of the sudden I am covered in blood. At first I thought I got killed by a laggy snake but then the murderer appeared out of nowhere with a bloody knife. Nobody saw him coming and there was no death scream.

#5 Fixed Bugs » You can shoot babies from anywhere » 2018-06-23 21:23:26

Replies: 2

If you try to drop your weapon on a tile that had a baby on it before they were picked up, then you will kill the baby no matter how far away they are.
I sent you a message on discord about this but you haven't answered so I figured I should post about it on here.
If you want to see the bug in action then look at your discord messages, I recorded a short clip of me doing it.

#6 Re: Main Forum » [DOWNLOAD] Windows Client with additions (updated over time) » 2018-06-23 21:17:07

sanchez wrote:

btw bois to those of u who use this thing after update. just drop execute thing in the files and voila zoom.
You are welcome!

You cant heal people if youre using the outdated client, so be careful

#7 Re: Main Forum » Storm Family- Experimenting with knives and healing » 2018-06-22 10:10:01

dana wrote:

Were you the woman with three pigs? I remember your pigs had pigs! It was hilarious

It's really unfortunate that we couldn't figure out how to cure people. One of the people inflicted with Pig-Hand was Kitty, a young girl that we sorely needed for repopulation. The town was looking really empty by the time I died...

Yeah im sorry about that, i didnt know that i was doomed to die if i pick the pig up

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