One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » How many old players still play? » 2019-06-21 02:12:42

I started playing March 3rd, 2018.. Time really flies and it doesn't feel like it has been out for that long..

#4 Bug Discussion » steam key is incorrect? » 2018-11-10 00:25:39

Replies: 1

I copy and pasted it and double checked it and steam says that there the product code i entered is not valid.

#8 Re: Main Forum » A Storm is a coming! » 2018-06-22 19:12:22

Hey, I was Firdaws storm! I guess I was the mother to the majority of the Storm peoples. Thats cool tho!

#9 Re: Main Forum » The bigger biomes idea » 2018-06-19 23:29:20

Ancient humans always found a way to harness their biomes to their benefit, so maybe you could add more items in each biome that they could use as a substitute for the preferable object.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Domestic dogs, and goats? » 2018-06-19 23:21:59

maybe you feed the wolf pups certain things if you want it to be a sled dog , or lap dog , or hunting dog , etc.

#11 Main Forum » Domestic dogs, and goats? » 2018-06-19 23:13:03

Replies: 4

I think it would be cool to gradually have teh skittish wolf bred into the domestic dog. How the domestication would happen is maybe Jason makes wolf dens and wolf dens with pups. We kill the parents and steal the puppies(gruesome i know but worth it) there would be anywhere from 1 to 4 pups, but each pup requires mutton to grow up/mature. The process would be like mouflon but much more gradual, taking more like 5 generations to get a tail wagging retriever rather than 3 like the sheep.

Also maybe a wild goat species so we can add goats, and goats add sooo much, they provide milk, you can use their hooves for instruments. you can use their bones as decoration maybe? I also think goats would provide only 3 pieces of meat rather than 4 like the sheep or 2 like the goose. Perhaps you could use the pelt but I would turn it into leather and make some shoes or something but thats not a thing lol.

Anyways, what do yall think?

#12 Re: Main Forum » Fathers? » 2018-06-18 03:36:45

like fathers giving birth orrrr like moms and dads

#13 Main Forum » Fathers? » 2018-06-18 03:30:20

Replies: 20

I don't know, maybe I'm just dumb. In honors of fathers day though, we should have fathers in one hour one life. Implementing marriage and other things like that would be neat because marriage is a HUGE part of the modern world and it would be fun to have a freal mom and dad not a mom and second cousin as "dad" xD.

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