One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Pandas and the bear » 2018-06-26 06:59:26

no more bears in gen 29 as Flower Panda, but there were a lot of killings. Most were murders of griefers i think...

#2 Re: Main Forum » WHEELS!!!! » 2018-05-16 03:21:12

yeah I want revenge for uncle mercury

#3 Re: Main Forum » The Tyrant Prince » 2018-05-11 01:57:28

it was me the villager who warned everyone about Ashley once she started to make arrows. I needed the pie because the village was starving and I needed to trap rabbits so that we could make more pie. the king that I at first adored became my killer and labelled me a traitor and a thief
I hope you died hungry tyrant king

#4 Re: Main Forum » N/A » 2018-05-10 05:00:40

potters are no longer alive I was reborn there and was just murdered by some psycho kid who got the knife that we were using for the sheep. I lived another long life as an old man, but yeah sucks that the potters didn't make it. New life I was name Atreus/Loki/Boy and I think the surname that lives now is Flemming something like that.

#5 Re: Main Forum » N/A » 2018-05-10 00:56:39

potters are still alive, although we do have a lot of unnamed. my mother named me and all my brothers fred and my sisters Lucy. Our farm sign now says farm and my life consisted of farming in my early years and later making pies . shepherd fred passed me his knives as he grew too old to keep those escaping sheep in line and one niece was terrible at keeping her babies alive. I took one somewhere during a lull in my life and fed the kid until she was old enough to then become a shepherd. a nice life in all. I lived until the ripe age of 57 till I starved because I got old.

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