One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Guard success story » 2018-04-20 06:32:31

The_Llamacorn wrote:

Stop being so proud of griefing, nobody likes people like you. Don't go around bragging about how "good" you are at destroying villages. -_-

How about no. This is an intentional feature of the game that any player is welcome to use. I am simply here to tell of my glorious battles. If you find this to be a problem how about you take the advice of others and maintain weapons and a guard.

-All Hail the Mushroom God

#2 Re: Main Forum » Guard success story » 2018-04-19 20:01:58

Oh, that was a fun chase. Your cart of food was behind a tree. South-west of town. I had baskets of arrows hidden everywhere and at least 2 bows in each of the compass directions. I spent at least 20+ just setting up for that raid. You killed me with a lucky shot while I was trying to steal what the blacksmith was working on.

Don’t worry, we’ll meet again in a future life. Looking forward to it.

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