One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-28 20:54:29

Star wrote:
Anthraxes wrote:
Star wrote:

I was the very first child of the eve of this line. It makes me sad to see how it turned out.

Hey Charly, it's me, Eve White! We didn't talk too much but thank you a lot for helping me out on that spawn. It wasn't the best area but we worked like crazy lol.

I wish I could've spawned in that Town once more, tried to respawn for like 6 times until I gave up on it.. It's sad to see what happened to it, we ran around like crazy working on that farm to get the Berry bushes up.. The only time I checked on the lineage I saw Lorenzo being the "killer" of the Town by stabbing others (Someone mentioned it with his last words)

I do hope that griefing teleporter stuff gets fixed, it's causing a huge mess if not only for lag it will mess up the whole area.

Lorenzo & Tom I'll never forgive you two to waste all my efforts as an eve like that!

I actually made it back in a whole other family! It was thriving. Both lives were really fun.

I wish I could've seen that place one more time.. A thriving village developing from that little plot of berrybushes we planted smile

#2 Re: Main Forum » Just another forgotten male. » 2018-07-28 18:03:02

I was probably the one bitching about the baskets because people kept taking them from the farm and I was the only one tending to it my whole life. Also I had lots of kids and couldn't actually leave them behind while farming as well, I did appreciate your compost & baskets though! … _id=722922

#3 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-28 12:34:54

Star wrote:

I was the very first child of the eve of this line. It makes me sad to see how it turned out.

Hey Charly, it's me, Eve White! We didn't talk too much but thank you a lot for helping me out on that spawn. It wasn't the best area but we worked like crazy lol.

I wish I could've spawned in that Town once more, tried to respawn for like 6 times until I gave up on it.. It's sad to see what happened to it, we ran around like crazy working on that farm to get the Berry bushes up.. The only time I checked on the lineage I saw Lorenzo being the "killer" of the Town by stabbing others (Someone mentioned it with his last words)

I do hope that griefing teleporter stuff gets fixed, it's causing a huge mess if not only for lag it will mess up the whole area.

Lorenzo & Tom I'll never forgive you two to waste all my efforts as an eve like that!

#4 Re: Main Forum » Better than Apocalypse (Village Upkeep and Global Item Decay) » 2018-04-06 22:40:39

Had to Sign Up after a lot of engaging and fun hours spent in the game. I've been enjoying Jasons concepts of games for a couple of years now (Castle Doctrine) and I absolutely have to agree.

That suggestion is fantastic and I hope it gets a lot of approval so Jason might reconsider his approach of keeping Servers healthy and less cramped of cluttered cities right now. Having some sort of well balanced decaying for player-created content, adding some sort of randomized "regeneration" of the nature (Soil, Clay, Water, you name it) would ultimately give us a decent content update (by adding lots of new tasks for Settlements) but also reduce Server load and other troubles, if well balanced.

If I had to add another thing, remove Bush griefing completely, it adds absolutely nothing relevant to the gameplay at all. No one sane enough would dig out bushes to make kindling out of them, not if you have tons of forest around you. It simply encourages griefers to harm communities at the cost of people possibly ragequitting for said reason. In the end you will ultimately harm yourself by making masses quit the game to please a few individuals having a "blast" while destroying hours and days of work.

Don't get me wrong, some sort of damaging, killing and harming way has to stay and more should still be added to the game, after all this is also what represents humanity. Not everyone is a hero, hard worker, smart person, leader. Theres cowards, masochists, crazy and malicious people everywhere. But giving them the option with one single shovel to ruin something so important to keep a community alive in mere seconds.. Way too much damage done too easy.

I've got loads of fun with the game as it is, though if the apocalypse mechanic stays in the game as it is (even in the future, with more content, making it harder.. do not underestimate individuals trying to harm others) people will simply run, quit the game and it will end like Castle Doctrine did, with a mere few ones left. I do hope you will take your time and rethink your approach and way of creating your baby, nobody is able to push you into any direction whatsoever, most will understand that your creativity and vision of the game should and will come first. My humble advice, even though im younger, try to listen to your lambs when they offer some serious input just like YAHG did and give it some thought.

Again, YAHG I thank you for these great ideas and I hope people will support your ideas and offer constructive additions.

- Anthraxes

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