One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » The Nudity Question » 2018-04-24 15:15:13

As a female player of this game, I find that you've included nudity in a really tasteful way. It's almost humorous, but it's very natural and not in your face - I enjoy the reality of it and think it's nice to see nudity presented in a non-sexual way for once!

#2 Re: Main Forum » Logged in and logging off til next update » 2018-04-22 00:33:40

Yeah, I've just been trying to play and it really has significantly changed it. I love the idea of getting more challenges, but there's something about this update that is super cluttered and makes everything seem so useless.
- Slower decaying, things should last at-least a lifetime or two? otherwise what are we truly leaving for our family?
- Bigger green biomes - Not only are bases now less aesthetically pleasing, for base building (which is besides the point, i'm just being funny - lol), but the danger lands have become so big and they really don't have much of a purpose, which just seems like wasted spaced to me.

* I'm not mad about the update tho, cause I know Jason is trialing stuff and he'll deffo refine it, but it is a tad annoying cause I've been on such a buzz with it and it's irritating me atm hahah

#3 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Work Schedule » 2018-04-16 02:05:28

Love this game, you're doing an absolute fab job!

#4 Bug Discussion » MAC - CAN'T FULLSCREEN GAME » 2018-04-02 17:45:41

Replies: 0

Just bought the game, but it will not let me open it in full-screen mode and the option is greyed out in the top bar. I've tried adding a '0' in the settings, but I just do not know what to do and it's just so uncomfortable to play in windowed mode.
Thanks in advance, sorry if this has already been asked/discussed - just so eager to properly be able to play the game.

- SOLVED! Love this game, thanks Jason for solving it!

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