One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The life of a griefer » 2018-04-11 21:36:36

I once put random stuff on any tile in the whole village, everyone wasted time and sometimes died of hunger, because they couldnt drop stuff on the ground without lifting something up.

Now I only kill these griefers, as I found out how easy it is to waste precious years of everybody.

#2 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-03 22:52:18

On my travels through the lands I met another very frightened guy.
He told me about a village with dozens of skeletons placed in way to spell "DIE" throughout the whole village and some people worshipping the -in their words- "new god" .
Feels like the myth isn't that much of a myth anymore.
and if this cult/worshipping thing is true, we may soon see villages build for "DIE".

PS: everybody saying the story of die is a griefer is probably one of those "I want to have fun, idgaf if I leave a mess" players - those are obvis the majority of people in general.

I for myself think of worshipping DIE too.

#3 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-01 21:16:02

I was told by a mysterious shaman, that JACOB a man who started killing before DIE was born in his village, had murdered DIE - after they started to work together and started building the signs- probably by accident. The shaman said, DIE did feel anger first, but was also proud because you didn't hesitate an kill the falsely accused "messy intruder" riding a captured horse.
Aslong as you keep finishing the signs of DIE you are very welcome as the 2nd cult member.

The shaman died, shortly after a mysterious tongue took over his sanity and told me this in a very demonlike voice.
Maybe he just ate to many shrooms. I don't believe this whole thing.

@earthling, as written in the story DIE will only show when DIE is going to murder. IDK how you are able to have a good experience then.. maybe this cult the shaman was talkin about is a way

#4 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-01 20:18:59

I don't think "DIE" is an excuse for pillaging,as he simply kills those who live in mess. But we'll see if this myth starts to grow to a religion, if his followers start to gain numbers. As far as his follower said, "DIE" would be a helpful character if you start to listen to him/ are on his side anyway.

#5 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-01 17:34:50

According to the story, the village should be tidied up before he spawns there, so he can find peace in his current life.

I once met someone who was worshipping "DIE". Maybe he will find more followers and a tidy Village which truely honors "DIE".
I'll keep my eyes and ears open to give you more information and maybe find if this story is actually true or just another myth made up by humans to keep order (just like religions).

#6 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-01 16:37:44

Oh it wasn't me, i was told this story by an old man.

I guess from "DIE"'s point of view, you are the (messy) Griefer. Whatever, it's just a myth.

#7 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-04-01 15:32:36

I believe I have stumbled across his name, couldn't rly read it, since the bones were already rotting away.
Maybe there is some truth to this, keep your eyes and ears open!

#8 Re: Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-03-31 04:35:12

Make this post famous, its better for all of us I think.

#9 Main Forum » THE STORY OF "DIE" » 2018-03-31 04:34:09

Replies: 25

Hello living beeings in the world of "One Hour One Life"

I have a story for you. Listen carefully, because it might safe your life one day. And tell the story to others ingame, because only if you all learn to understand it, you are safe.


The Story of "DIE"

Once there was a honorable very helpful human in a small village.
He always teached those who where willing to learn, and he always build or helped with whats needed.
He made houses for those without a home, he build carts for those who were sick of carrying, he farmed to feed the starving.
But most important: He always TIDIED UP and never left a MESS when he was done working.
After he made the storage room to store all the precious goods there should have never been a MESS again in the whole village.

None of the other villages listened to his words "TIDY UP" though and use the storage, it wasn't long and there was a big MESS in his village again.
No one was able to drop anything on the ground to start working, without picking something else up, which then had to be carried to another place again so there would finally be place to work effecient.

So he got very mad. His mind got blinded by the anger, and he started to kill everyone in his village.
After everyone but him was slaughtered by his knife or pierced by his arrows, there still wasn't peace inside of him.
The opposite was the case.
He started to carry all the skeletons to one place, where he would write his new name with the graves of those who mae him mad.

Right after he spoke the words, a God appeared in front of him.

"You shall be cursed for what you have done. "DIE" is what you call yourself? You won't ever find peace in death or life. I will make you respawn everytime you die "DIE" ! Everytime you see a mess you will be filled with anger and murderlust again! Only if you find a village that ISN'T A MESS you shall have peace in life, but once you die, you will spawn again in another village and i tell you, there will be a MESS and your anger will start again!"

Since then "DIE" respawned a lot of times, always to find a MESSY village. And his eyes were blinded by anger and murderlust  again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and adoublegain again.
He murdered hundreds of villagers, always using their bones to write down his name so maybe sometime he will spawn at a village living in fear of "DIE" and always TIDIEING UP, so he may life atleast once - before the anger comes back, in peace.


Is it just a story in the end? Or did it really happen?
Maybe you will find the letters "DIE" written by the corpses of his victims, so you can approve what was told to me at the fire by an old man. He insisted the story is true, he had seen "DIE" and survived by fleeing into the forest he mumbled before he died with panic and sadness in his eyes.... he always tidied up.

Just a tale or not:
Remember to tidy up your village, because if the story is true "DIE" might come to you.

a player who for sure isn't "DIE".

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