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#1 Main Forum » PDF Crafting Cheatsheet » 2018-03-16 18:07:09

Replies: 6

I've been making a pdf cheatsheet showing how to craft a bunch of common items. It shows the step by step instructions with pictures from the wiki (a lot of which I entered).

Here's the PDF for anyone that wants something to print off, that's fairly easy to use: … sp=sharing

Note that many things are missing. Specifically clothing, as I haven't setup nice step by step instructions in the wiki for those yet. But it does show how to make a water pouch, and many clothes are very similar.

Edit: Here's a Google Doc version that allows anyone to edit. … FcTJs/edit
And here's one that's read-only, just in case: … sp=sharing

If you want to screen cap from the wiki to add to the Google Doc, pasting this into your browsers Javascript Console will fix up the text/background colours for you: = "white";
var dv = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i=0; i<dv.length; i++) dv[i].style.color = 'black';
var dv = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i=0; i<dv.length; i++) dv[i].style.color = 'black';

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