One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » So let's talk about the official trailer of 1H1L » 2018-03-20 18:07:27

This is one of the reasons I am waiting for a refund. The game is not in such a state as presented and without an apropriate "Beta" or "Early Access" tag to warn off buyers it's not acceptable. It's quite a move to advertise something so far from reality, use minecraft as an inspiration as to release off steam etc and then ask for 25$(incl tax) without an easy way of refund when people discover that it's not remotely close to what was presented.

Go indie, go off steam all you want but atleast present it honestly for what it is and price it accordingly.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Refund? » 2018-03-16 12:52:53

There are consumer laws and any customer not happy with the product has a right to apply for a refund, be it open source or not. The creator of this game chose to release off steam which makes refunds a bit harder and eventual PayPal claims may hurt his credability a bit but don't come here and blame anyone who wants their 20~$ back after realising this isn't their type of game.

To OP, file a PayPal claim to get your money back if you paid via that service.

#3 Re: Main Forum » 120 Age Cap Server - » 2018-03-14 00:37:43

Was going great until a bear wiped out the whole village xD

#4 Re: Main Forum » Unplayable. » 2018-03-13 07:24:42

Might be too rought right off the bat being released recently and all but it's as WawaHoagie says, as a customer I expect a certain degree of quality. I might be wrong but I haven't seen a "Beta" or "Early Access" tag anywhere, even Minecraft that this developer uses as an example of making money outside of steam had such tags for years. I know the game is continuosly developed but if it's not under Beta then I consider those regular updates past release.

Im also in game dev, albeit only a artist at a large company so I can't say much about the programming aspect but I know our most recent release came under a lot of pressure on release and has been steadily fixed over the year its been out but the difference is that people could try it for 2 hours on Steam and get a no questions asked refund if they found it subpar. Instead I have to choose if I'm going to keep it(to support the dev sure but why would I support something I don't like?) or go trough a potentionaly lenghty process with PayPal or my bank.

And yeah, I have my own job, I'm not looking to debug others for free.

#5 Main Forum » Unplayable. » 2018-03-12 20:34:08

Replies: 11

I've got a 100/100 line but I'm experiencing hard network lag and desync to server. There are invisible people everywhere and it's like there are 2 or more civilisations on the same spot. Tools and food keep disapearing infront of me and farms are going empty even though I'm constantly managaing it.

People are literally typing out "is there someone there?" when we are 2 tiles appart.

And those are the few instances when I actually surive past age 1 because nobody wants to take care of a baby it seems.

Good choice releasing off steam though, I can't refund my game easily. I wish I would have known the private servers don't require you to waste 25$.

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