One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Let's Talk About Bots » 2024-08-25 22:02:44

how would someone without yumlife mod or discord know about this?


I wouldn't have known but I was streaming and people in my chat let me know.

As per your own post, they wouldn't. Just like you didn't until someone told you in chat.

Bots zooming around the farm at super human speed

I personally haven't noticed this. To me the bots are like some loveable dumb asshat. They haven't been crazy fast as I regularly beat them to the fire and/or farming. I've only seen players zoom around the screen due to lag catching up. Not to do with bots. Any fast players tend to be min/maxing pros using WASD I think.

I feel that it's affecting the core game experience on the big server

I am sorry this is bothering your game experience. Would you feel like it was different if the bot ignored you all together or said 'No English' instead of confirming it's a bot?

Now as for my stance on bot;
I don't mind the bots as they have been a net plus positive to me. Obviously I prefer to play with a real player, but to me the preferred hierarchy is something like this:

-Active player who wants to roleplay
-Active player who wants to learn
-Active player who wants to do it's own thing
-Non-active player/someone who ignores you
-Kinda active, then afk for life
-Griefer assholes
-Racist doxxing POS

I rather Jason spend more time locking out alt accounts and known hurtful people than bots. In my opinion you can treat a bot like an English Second Language player and still get better results than with AFKs or asshole players. I've been having fun roleplaying with the bots and am very excited to see how their personalities can be extended.

All the annoying things you mentioned are minor inconveniences to me as I see players do stuff like that all the time. It truly doesn't bother me as I believe there are bigger fish to fry smile

I would prefer if bots would be allowed to be female too. I loved my robot mom as she actually fed me when asked which can't be said for the crappy players mentioned earlier.

I haven't seen a clear majority for or against bots. It truly depends on the time of day the conversation is taking place and who is online atm. Especially on the Discord the topic is beat to death over and over again.

IF this is an ongoing discussion about the validity of bots, I think Jason (maybe together with Oliver) should set parameters on what we want to discuss specifically. AND set a clear time span for collecting the opinions instead of going with who is online on Discord at that specific moment.

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