One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » DONKEYTOWN Needs Biome Bands (Desert, Arctic, Jungle) » 2024-02-28 21:34:36

Unless it's been changed recently, donkey town does spawn you in the biome band. Look at the map. Reformed built two dt towns over the summer.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Server Spawns » 2024-02-09 23:42:08

Also I've tested the above by making maple trees a 0% spawn rate and they still spawn plentiful like they do in base game.

#3 Main Forum » Server Spawns » 2024-02-09 23:29:59

Replies: 2

I finally got a linux server up and running but I'm running into an issue. I can't change the spawn rate of objects on the map. I brought in the apple tree from 2hol and they spawn. But they spawn super rarely and I want to increase the spawn rate a little bit. I've went into the objects folder and changed the map chance for the apple tree but that doesn't work. Even if I delete the world and rebuild the server it doesn't change the spawn chance at all.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Arc Stages » 2024-02-08 17:37:13

F stage means "Fuck off its never gonna happen."

#5 Re: Main Forum » Arc Stages » 2024-02-08 03:36:01

I was talking on a github post about how we need The Apocalypse to kill everyone. Cus what happens is the apoc leaves us alive so we tap springs. And tapping springs is what determines where eves spawn. So if the apoc killed then when we hop back on the server as new eves maybe it'll push us back to 0,0 or jason could implement it that way. The arc never truely restarts cus apoc leaves us alive.

#6 Main Forum » Arc resets. » 2024-02-03 04:11:28

Replies: 5

This game has always been advertised as a "parenting and civilization building" game. But these days "civilization building" has turned into just looting dead towns so you can build your town as fast as possible. People aren't climbing the full tech tree when some random person comes with a truck that has kero, oil, loom, and other late game items to a town that only has a shallow well. Like whats the point. Or even worse, people just straight up run to and live in an old abandoned town so that they don't have to work at all. This kind of gameplay loop has always hit me in a sore spot. The game is about survival in the wilderness, not luxury that you yourself did not work for. You should only get luxury after you've spent countless hours with your family, bonding together by building a place you can call home. This game would heavily benefit from a monthy or bi-monthly arc reset. After everyone has climbed the tech tree and experienced the full game you get to live in luxury for a little while. Then at the start of the month or every other month, the world wipes and you do it over again starting from scratch. Then you'll get that gameplay that was so heavily advertised.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-10-31 00:28:35

MAMA. I got banned from everything related to OHOL. Because I was spamming racial slurs and sh*t posting on every last media related to this game. - Shady probably.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Town stages are skipped and game difficulty is out of balance » 2023-10-07 08:27:00

Thats the exact reason why its still in the game. Jason loves the juicy drama it provides.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Town stages are skipped and game difficulty is out of balance » 2023-09-28 02:50:05

I guess the only way to experience new Eve starts is to do apoc on server1 and then play that server when the main shuts down. But its crazy how fast server1 has advanced since the apoc I did. Barely anybody plays server1 but theres already advanced towns since the apoc. Ig ppl are just too good and eve starts just dont exist anymore.

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