One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Stop overdeveloping the land! » 2018-03-16 03:22:58

Pies aren't worth it because of use of water--you can make them in moderation, at best, though you should be ensuring that nobody's screwing over the farms before you try to pursue baking. Carrots, meanwhile, are more efficient with water, and so are DEFINITELY more useful.

Also, of course they're going to take your stuff. You're just leaving it out in the open, and not to mention with nakeds; a new player is going to think "more storage=easier access to stored resources," or something along those lines, and so they're going to spam baskets because it's easy. And, even if you had been doing something else (like getting rabbits to make waterskins, etc.) people are still going to take whatever furs you bring in, assuming the rare situation where there's more milkweed than fur, and use them for whatever they want--it's in the collective colony stockpile, and nobody seems like they're doing anything with that resource, so why not? With a situation like trying to make compost, though, there's an easy solution: just make the recipe-specific item first. When a berry/carrot bowl has been mashed, there's nothing to do with it but make compost, unless whoever happens to find it goes off and puts it somewhere random outside of the colony. Then you can go and gather a reed, and not have to worry if it's going to be used by someone else, because you're already using it.

Though, if you had told them that you were going to make compost and they still made baskets, all I can say is that village deserved to die out from that lack of soil. Still, the solution above still applies.

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