One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [Suggestion] Birth Defects/Disability » 2018-03-09 22:16:54

No offense, I think it's a terrible idea. I feel like this is the type of suggestion that ruins a game. People get too caught up in games that are survival and represent "realistic" scenarios, and completely forget that this is also a GAME. Adding disabilities in the game would only be a short-lived interesting/meme aspect. People would get sick of it very quick. It's also such a pointless game mechanic that it will lead to more people requesting endless silly and irrelevant features, as we have already seen with wanting intersex babies.

The game is only a 1 hour life, characters should stay relatively simple. It's the environment that should grow complex. Personally I'd delete the game if it had such a feature, because I've watched games implement irrelevant fan-base ideas before and it always leads to a snowballing effect that ruins the game.

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