One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The Notion of a "Larger Story" Has Barely Anything to It » 2020-03-24 21:18:37

I think this belongs in 'Off topic'  unless arguing about semantics is a crucial part of one hour one life.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Sins » 2020-03-24 21:14:26

I brought three wild boar piglets to town, fed them, almost right in front of people, then acted shocked when they were adults and started, killing. Some poor bloke got quite a few curses, since I pegged him as the culprit.  Griefing

#3 Re: Main Forum » are curses bugged? » 2020-03-24 21:11:56

The cursing system is for the triggered snowflakes that get all in their feelings.  Cursing should be for griefing game mechanics, not because you're butthurt someone called your tattoo ugly.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Question time » 2020-03-23 13:51:27

testo wrote:
GivePEASachance wrote:

Everyone who says zero berry bushes are needed, are the ones who grow the 3x3 plots.  I have never seen a place not have any berry bushes.  LIES!

I believe I have not planted a berry tree on Bs2 for two months. Maybe 6 to 8 if you discount those in the corners of pens. The last time I made a 3x3 was like 10 months ago in some early camp, I soon learned carrots are way way better at the start. You haven´t seen a place without domestic berry bushes because the game teaches you about them as basic survival in the tutorial.

I actually daf about your berry planting ways.  You still grow my reasoning still stands.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Question time » 2020-03-23 13:30:59

Everyone who says zero berry bushes are needed, are the ones who grow the 3x3 plots.  I have never seen a place not have any berry bushes.  LIES!

#6 Re: Main Forum » Is everyone doing okay? » 2020-03-23 13:23:06

I get the pleasure of being on the frontlines of everything.  My clinic stays open even if we have a case of the virus.  Dialysis is still more important than staying home to die without it.  We are all taking proper precautions and wearing our PPE, our patients all wear masks and get screened immediately upon entering the lobby.  I have to be mindful that I am going in and out everyday, to be sure to continue to wash my hands and take those same precautions.  I hope all of you know that washing your hands for a few seconds isn't going to cut it.  I'm talking 20 to 30 seconds (we do it for 40 to 60 seconds at the clinic) with a LOT of friction with soap, then rinse, then dry, then use a clean paper towel to turn off that faucet.  Hand sanitizer.  use enough to rub your hands vigorously for 30 seconds until sanitizer is dry.  Friction is key!  Anyway I hope that helps. 
So the thought of getting sick doesn't terrify me, it's the thought we could all be carriers and not know it due to being asymptomatic.  Hopefully everyone stays safe, clean, healthy,  use common sense!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Yet Again... Not What Was Advertised » 2020-03-13 14:20:05

pein wrote:

he also promised us farts! it's unfair

I have been wanting farts in this game, then the people around you /ill.  Eat a spicy pepper, sweat/hot emote, then fart a spicy fart.  I've thought way to much about this.

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