One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Easy to play with friends? » 2018-03-08 15:59:30

I think there can be an easy solution => optional flags/settings for servers. So each Host can alter the playstyle of his server to their liking and make it more community/friend based / or have the full hardcore experience. The reason for this is, not everyone has the same amount of spare time. So some can afford to play several hours a day and thus care less about slow/lost progression, while others can only afford a few hours per week or even less and need some assistance to have a good experience. Same goes for communities: some have 200++ Members, others have only 5.
That said, if you feel like there is a possible feature, but you're not sure if it fits to the game, just implement it and lock it behind a setting, so ppl can try it out and help adjust/improve it.

BTT: My ideas for settings that will allow to play with friends/communities:

1)"show_coordinates" which will show peeps their coordinates and allows for easy cartographing, which makes finding friends/settlements/points of interest a lot easier. This could be very handy for dedicated community servers where ppl might prefer a less random and more casual experience. An equivalent would be a livemap for a server, which would not alter the playstyle in general, but adds a huge chunk of community.

2)"use_codewords" which is listed a few posts up and allows to be matched to and near ppl with the same codeword. This will allow for Tribes to develop and rejoining your tribe as long as they pass their codeword to the next generation and thus keep it alive. If the tribe dies, so does the codeword. But this requires players to be able to set/change the codeword while ingame.
This made me think of a different approach to a similar mechanic:
2.1)"use_codewords_regional" alternatively you could use codewords for regions. Like if you setup a homestick, this spot will carry your codeword for the next X hours and ppl with that codeword will spawn in a reasonable radius around it. If there is no eve around you will become one and if there are eves around, but on cooldown you get a message to try again in a few minutes or join without a codeword. Once a baby gets born due to the codeword mechanic this will reset the timer of the codeword so it stays active. This will also allow ppl to develop tribes and carry on a codeword like a family story. And since the word stays active for a defined time you can revisit a place and start it up again, even if the tribe died. The decay timer for the codewords could be setting too, ranging from a single hour to weeks, same goes for the radius to spawn near the initial homestick, depending on the intended playstyle.

What do u think about it?

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