One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » some things that'd be nice if added » 2018-04-06 19:14:06

Replies: 1

I'm mostly coming up with cosmetic ideas that might make some sense or not.
Such as an easter egg of being able to find the dev's room with the super fast clock n calendar (or maybe build those items idk)
and adding rivers and bridges. So you have these raging rivers and flat rivers,
some wich are dangerous and impossible to gather water from bc with that one everything gets pulled away and your character potentially falling in.
And the other flat river being traversable and safe for pouches and bowls. And bridges are just there to well, get over the water.

feel free to discuss what you might like seeing in the game. I may edit this main body of text if I get another idead.

#2 Re: Main Forum » How to install » 2018-03-31 19:56:01

Does anyone know how to get back on that special page to re-downloadl the install exe?

#3 Re: News » Fan Art » 2018-03-31 19:34:51

That is beautiful! I love how the artist included the golden record in the background and that little highlight behind her back!

#4 Re: Fixed Bugs » Install issues » 2018-03-31 19:29:57

Ok so first of all the Debug tool keeps saying it's broken when I extract it with 7zip,
and the game installer itself is telling me that "An error prevents this programm from continuing. could not get file info. the archive is likely corrupted" every time it hits
"OneLife_v65/groundTileCache_99999_x2_y0.tga" wich is at about a 6th of the installation in.
I can't even attempt to start the game rn because the exe is missing.

I'm using windows 10

#5 Main Forum » Alternative payment method: Paysafe card » 2018-03-08 13:51:35

Replies: 0

This might sound silly to someone who uses paypal or amazon payments all the time but wouldn't it make more sense to use something such as paysafe cards as payment since these things are like all over europe and are used for many transactions in the gaming market (hell even cube world and steam use/used them) since these are just one time payments. you go to the store, buy a card, use the code, to buy your digital product. done.  even nintendo and playstation have a for of these cards, just more controlled.
Now I'm not an expert at what exactly happens after the transaction on your side, espacially not how they handle cross country currencies but I'm pretty sure you can convert that money you recive back into something usefull. it's also much easier for us teens who are interested in trying your game but have no income and therefore connot use a paypal accont

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