One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Join our knew trolling discord server » 2019-09-15 06:35:16

Griefing is fun, i get a sense of adrenaline when i grief, just working in a boring town is boring, griefing is exciting

#2 Main Forum » hey » 2019-05-25 03:06:34

spoonwood, i wish i could shove tennis balls into you mouth and cut open your gut and watch them fall out, you are a absolute piece of shit, go kill yourself

#4 Re: Main Forum » I want to gloat a little » 2019-05-21 09:33:41

yond wast valorous, very much valorous.  i did cry at which hour i readeth it

#5 Re: Main Forum » Paper has a purpose at last! Time to revive an old suggestion.... » 2019-05-16 08:43:49

how is it working?
ive been in three towns that died from lack of water
yeah, its working all right

#7 Main Forum » NOO WATTERRRRR » 2019-05-06 08:36:45

Replies: 11

so i was in a town with absolutely no water and an absurd amount of soil, it was impossible, no water for ages and most wells were empty and dry and we didnt have the stuff for newcomen pumps, literally no water

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